Episode 19 - Play fights [15+]

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Author's PoV

Jk: "Dad, Stop hurting her. She's been through enough already."
He uttered lowering his voice and turned to leave.
Mr Jeon: "Jungkook, We are going to the party tomorrow. You are coming with me."
He ordered sternly, implying he hadn't changed his decision, in fact he sounded even more insistent.
Jungkook snickered shaking his head in disbelief and walked out, as Mr Jeon continued to eat his breakfast.

Yoo remained still crippled by guilt, while staring at the half finished sentence he typed on the screen. He sighed and steadied his shaken heart.

Mr Gong: "We have to leave in 15 minutes sir."
He reminded being a reliable PA, after finding his voice.
Mr Jeon: "No problem."
He nodded patting his lips against the white napkin.

Y/n's PoV

I dabbed the tissue against my wet cheeks while walking out of the house with my bag.
I wasn't sure how long it would take me to walk to college. Maybe an hour. It's fine I just wanted to be on my own. I was angry with everyone, including myself and disheartened by everything.
I know Jungkook will look for me, but it's ok. I could text him. I took a left turn and started to walk along the pavement scattered with confetti of brown maple leaves.
Jk: "Y/n!!!"
I heard him call few meters behind. I wasn't far from the front of the house, I had only walked for maybe few minutes minute.
Y/n: "I want to walk...."
I shouted without turning and continued. A second after my reply I hear his footsteps as he charged towards me. Soon, I was dragged backwards by his strong arms.
Jk: "Where are you going?"
He questioned out of breath.
Y/n: "Let go, I wanna walk..."
I said without making eye contact. I removed his hand off my arm and turned to walk again.
He tied his arms around my waist and pulled me backwards against him.
Jk: "You are not going anywhere without your Pegasus..."
Y/n: "Jungkook just let me walk. I'll be fine."
I mumbled dispiritedly keeping my head down.
Jk: "I'm not listening to you."
He flipped me around and lifted me off the ground and walked back towards the gate.
Y/n: "Jungkook, please put me down, your dad's gonna see us."
I whined.
Jk: "I want him to."
He replied daringly walking towards the car.

Author's PoV

After unlocking the door, he dropped her onto the passenger's seat and clicked the seat belt into the lock.
Yoo emerged out of the main door with his brief case.
Jk: "See you later Mr Gong!"
He waved to him as he walked around to the driver's side.
Mr Gong: "Take care Jungkook."
He advised while looking at his daughter through the window.
Y/n kept her gaze at the dashboard.
Jk: "That's new Mr Gong. You always tell me to have fun, not take care."
He smirked while opening the car door.
Mr Gong: "The roads are a bit slippery this morning, I heard on the weather news. Don't speed. Be careful."
He instructed with an unusual firm tone he never used before with his Boss's son.
Jk: "No worries."
He winked at him.
It was difficult for Yoo to control his protective paternal instincts. He knew Jungkook very well, he grew up in front of him. He was aggressive and uncontrollable, especially when he's on the road, with a car that packs 1500 horsepower. He was like the time lord in his Tardis. After all, Yoo is the one who taught him to drive when he was a teenager, so he knew the Stallion's rebellious nature very well.

Yoo smiled and stood waiting for Mr Jeon who appeared through the main door.
Jungkook withdrew his playful smirk and shut the door forcefully showing his aversion towards his father and started the engine.

Mr Jeon watched his son drive off after giving him a hateful glare. He felt uneasy and abandoned.
Mr Jeon: "He's changed Yoo, he's never spoken to me before the way he did this morning."
He voiced the discomfort he was suffering inside.
Mr Gong: "I think he got a bit upset and defensive that's all. It's nothing to worry about I'm sure."
Yoo walked beside him as he tried to allay the affliction in his boss's mind.
Mr Jeon: "Hmm. This girl is making him blind."
He said, unable contain his feelings within himself.
Mr Gong: "...or it could be the love they have for each other. They say, Love makes you blind."
Mr Jeon scoffed...
Mr Jeon: "I'm not letting him go blind like I did. He'll get nothing from this love. It's all pointless. I have the responsibility to secure his future."
He muttered as he got into the car. Yoo took a deep breath and got in after him and shut the door.

Subdued Stallion [21+] - Jungkook FF [COMPLETED]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant