Episode 21 - We are just Friends [15+]

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Jungkook's PoV

I leaned back on the chair and gazed at her. Sat motionless on the bed, she sniffled quietly and shivered in cold.
Her selfless nature makes her awfully naive sometimes. She doesn't seem to care or know about the discomfort and the pain she'd have to go through. Mostly, she's too oblivious to the harsh, cunning world around her.
I silently laughed while adoring her innocence. It only increased my urge to protect her.

I walked closer and stood couple of steps away from her.
Jk: "Will you just stop crying all the time for everything?"
My voice was still stern and unforgiving, just to tease her.
She sniffled once more.
Y/n: "I'm not crying."
She mumbled moving her head to the side, without looking up.
Jk: "Then go and get changed, I want to have breakfast."
I ordered to check her response.
Y/n: "I can't...I don't know where my clothes are. You go and have breakfast. I'm not hungry."
She mumbled again holding the two ends of the towel together to cover her thighs.
I smiled, yet huffed like I was frustrated and walked towards the wardrobe.

I took one of my white t-shirts from the cupboard and walked back towards her. She sat still without moving.
I slid my fingers between the towel and her chest to undo it.
Y/n: "Ahh..! No. I can do it."
She budged back, extending her hand for the t-shirt.
Jk: "Aishh...come here."
I got on the bed and pulled the towel off her body. She folded her legs and crossed one of her arms across her chest. Her neck and rest of her body was covered with stamps of my teeth. Some faded and some more prominent than the others.
My cravings and hunger for her love carries me away wildly. I lose myself in her. But she never stops me, she never holds me and says no. She happily takes it.

I sighed as I pushed the t-shirt down her head and pulled her arms through the sleeves.
Brushing her hair away from her face, I cupped her cheeks.
She fluttered her swollen eyelids a few times and looked at me. Speechlessly, I stared at her and it made drop her head head down slowly. I tilted her face up and forced her to look up again.
Jk: "Why are you like this?"
I questioned unable to control myself.
Y/n: "Like what?"
She asked hesitantly.
Jk: "Why don't you say it hurts when it hurts?"
Y/n: "You don't hurt me, I'm just upset. That's all."
She answered so simply.
I laughed helplessly.
She's the same, with anyone. She stands exposed and takes it all and bleeds. She doesn't snap or fight back. She'd just curl and hide if it's possible. Her fragility frustrates me, defeats me, makes me extremely possessive. Forces me to protectively enfold her into my palms and treasure her. She made me weak in every way.
Jk: "Listen, if someone or something upsets you, then you have to speak up. It doesn't matter who it is, you have to stand up and say you don't like it and it's making you upset.
Just say you don't like it. That's what people normally do. Why aren't you like this y/n?"
I demanded an answer from her.
She stared at me cluelessly and removed my hands from her cheeks.
Y/n: "I don't know. I never learned it."
She replied looking down and moved back slightly.
I forcefully pulled her against my chest and kissed.
Jk: "I hate you for being so like this. Because, it makes me love you like mad."
I admitted stroking her cheeks and kissed her again. She smiled when I pulled away and crashed into my chest as I hugged her tightly and smiled.
Y/n: "Please speak to your appa. He's gonna think you are being like this because of me."
She implored snuggling under my neck.
"Ahhhh! Y/n!"
I took a deep breath.

Author's PoV

He kissed on her forehead and guided her to straddle him. She coiled her arms around his shoulders and held tightly.
He placed her on the sofa and sat beside her.

He dialed a number on his phone. It's not his father, but his PA...Gong Yoo.

Yoo: "Hello..."
He answered sat on his desk at the office.
Jk: "Mr Gong, can you tell dad we are coming to the dinner party this evening."
He informed.
Y/n sat up in surprise.
Y/n: "... "We"? No! Oh no!"
She shook his shoulders silently without trying to make any noise.
He held her hand trying to control her.

Subdued Stallion [21+] - Jungkook FF [COMPLETED]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن