"Tia Rose is coming!!" Ricky said and ran downstairs. "Hey you guys." She smiled. She came down in leggings, and a hoodie pulled forward. Holy fucking shit, I forgot about her neck. I started sweating nervously. "Let's see, strut girl show us that ring!" Sophia said. Rose giggled and lifted her hand to receive whistles and hollers. She laughed. "Work it girl!" Sabrina said. "So what's up with the hoodie?" Carlos asked. "I-It's cold." Rose said while trying to not blush. "Uh huh, did you two get down and--" Carlos was interrupted with Sabrina jabbing his side. "What did I say?" He asked while rubbing his side. "There's kids present, you idiot." Sophia sighed. "Ohh yeah." Carlos chuckled. "Well then what are you waiting for Rose?" Sophia asked. "Huh?" Rose asked while tilting her head. "Come on take your hoodie down, lets see the damage." Wayne said. Rose blushed, and I started sweating. "U-Umm, o-ok." She said while slowly taking her hoodie down, to reveal... nothing? Wait. Did I dream of almost doing it with Rose? Where are the hickeys I made?? "You see Carlos, Rose isn't that kind of girl." Sabrina said. "Ok, ok, I was just thinking she wanted to hide something because of the hoodie." Carlos shrugged. Thank god nothing is there, because it looks like her parents want to put holes into me. "Well alright mija, we just came by to say hi, and ask about if you had a wedding date? But Luke told us already, and it sounds like a great idea!" Rose's mom said and hugged her. "Really? You think it's a good idea? I was a little hesitant at first, but now that you said it's a good idea, I'm really excited for Christmas Eve!" Rose grinned. "Yeah and we'll be here if you need any help." Sophia said. "Oh thank goodness, because it's gonna be a busy month!" Rose smiled. Everyone stayed silent. "Month?" Carlos asked. "Well yeah Luke said he wanted to get married on the 24th of this month!" Rose hugged my arm and smiled. "WAIT WHAT?!!" Everyone yelled in shock. "M-Mi vida one month for a wedding? Don't you think it's a little too soon?" Rose's mom asked. "Oh yeah, but you said it was a good idea. So now I have no worries!" She grinned.

"Rose I think you should rethink this, remember our planning took 2 years." Sabrina said. "Y-Yeah I thought about that, but that doesn't mean I can't do it. Trust me guys, this'll be an awesome wedding. If you don't mind lending a hand." Rose said with confidence, I smiled and held her hand. "Well if you really want to then we'll help you in however way we can." Rose's mom smiled. I grinned. "Alright then we'll be on our way mi vida." Her mom hugged her and they all started leaving. "Hey where are the kids?" Sophia asked. And then pops out each kid, with bacon in their hands. "Bye Tia Rose and Uncle Luke." Eddie said and waved. We waved back. Everyone chucked and began heading out. We said our goodbyes and closed the door.

"I would want to continue our session, but now I realized all the planning we have to do." I smirked. Rose blushed. "Or unless you want to continue?" I smirked while pinning Rose to the door. "U-Um I-I..." Rose stuttered, turning even redder. "Come on baby, I know you were feeling it. And I definitely was too." I whispered into her ear, causing her to shiver. Haha, I haven't done this in a while. "L-Luke..." Rose whined. "What's up wrong sexy?" I asked while keeping my eye contact with her. "Why d-do you l-like teasing m-me so much?" She asked. I chuckled, and gave her a quick kiss, and slowly backed away. "Cause you're so fun to tease, you get all red, and cute, and you start shaking in my hands." I smiled. "What a big bully." Rose mumbled while sticking her tongue out. I laughed. "Come here my beautiful lady." I said while opening my arms. Rose immediately came in for a hug. I kissed the top of her forehead, "Alright so how do we start planning?" I asked. "Umm I guess we gotta look for the place to actually have the wedding at." Rose said. I nodded, "Yeah that makes sense." Rose smiled. "We're gonna get married married, like really married!" She smiled. I chuckled and kissed her. "Yeah I can't wait, oh and what happened to the hickeys?" I asked while inspecting her neck. "Makeup, thanks to Stacey I'm a pro when it comes to covering hickeys. It was actually pretty hard cause you left me pretty bad." She blushed. "Oh yeah? Can I see the damage?" I asked. She nodded and went upstairs to clean up. I slowly went upstairs too, to grab my laptop and check out some places.

"Rose!" I yelled out. "Yeah?" She replied back from the bathroom. "Do you want the wedding instate or out of state?" I asked. "Umm I'm not sure Luke, let's check a couple of places, but for now write down some states that you think are nice for a wedding!" She yelled back. "Sounds good." I replied. States? Well I always see people going to Hawaii for weddings, Washington is a good state as well, New York could be cool... Vegas? No, no, no Elvis wedding... unless? No. Well those are pretty much the states I can think of... I was interrupted from my thoughts when I heard Rose walking in. "Hey... oh shit." I said. "Haha, yeah... you really messed my neck up..." Rose trailed off. "Hey I'm sorry Rose, I didn't realize how rough I went." I said apologetically. Rose sighed. "I-It's fine I don't m-mind it..." she blushed. Ohh she doesn't mind it, does she? I smirked. "Well come on over Rose let me see the damage up close." Rose nodded and climbed onto the bed next to me. "Come on, I don't bite, sit on my lap." I smirked. "Y-You do bite though." She stuttered and began climbing on top of me. "Damn, look at your neck, it's actually pretty sexy." I whispered into her ear. "Sexy for you... I look like I got mauled by a monster." Rose giggled. "Yeah by a scary monster. CHOMP." I said and nipped her neck. Rose squeaked. "N-No Lu...Mmm—" she interrupted herself by covering her mouth. I backed away, "Awwe Rose. You know I love your moans." I whined. "H-Hey Luke can I ask you something?" Rose said slightly changing her tone to a little more serious one. "Yeah what's up?" I asked while keeping my hands placed on her thighs. "W-Were you annoyed by not having s-sex with me?" She asked quietly so I could almost hear her. "No!! What the fuck? Why would you ask that?" I asked and accidentally raised my voice, which caused her to flinch. "I-I don't know, cause y-you said you normally have sex with girls, and you—" I interrupted her. "Rose... I may haven't had sex in more than a month, but that doesn't mean that I get mad when you still tell me you're not ready. It's only been a month, and I still won't care if we're married and you're still not ready. Cause that's how much I fucking love you." I said while hugging her. "I love you..." Rose muttered. "I hope you're not crying, cause I hate seeing you cry." I said. She shook her head, but I suddenly heard sniffles. I chuckled. I leaned back onto the bed and began rubbing her back. "I'm sorry I made you cry." I said. "Wanna look at some wedding places?" I asked, and she shook her head. "Ok we'll stay like this for a while." I smiled. I think I dozed off because of Rose being so soft and cozy. Oh well we'll start later.

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