I stop before I get too close, doing a little spin for him to get an ass shot. He's biting his lip, eyes cast downward when I turn around again. When they flash up to me, I give him the most devilish grin I could muster, my finger rotating, letting him know I want him to do a little spin for me too.

A huff of a laugh escapes him, obeying me and showing his perky ass. I think I could actually take a bite out of it, it looked that good. We take each other in for a few seconds just enjoying the view.

His hand reaches out for me, my own hand finding his like a magnet. Softly tugging me forward, our eyes never stray from the other's. The gentle green of his irises are mesmerizing as always, and I can see that spark of excitement in them. He and I both knew how special this first Christmas was for us.

Soon we would be distracted with lawyers and cops and testimonies. Everyone would know what had happened to Mickie and myself. This blissful happiness we had surrounded ourselves in would leave us, replaced by anxiety and grief. We would, of course, have each other, but the impending investigation and hopeful trial would take a toll on us, especially me.

"I love you." I tell him, tangling my fingers into the baby hairs on the back of his neck.

His eyes soften a bit, "I love you, Daniella."

We both lean in, lips delicately meeting. Our kiss is slow and we savor every last moment of it. A sigh of relief leaves Harry when we separate, as if my kiss was the one thing he needed in his life. Blinking open my eyes, I found his already staring at me. I felt his hands squeeze my hips, the velvet soft against his rough fingertips.

"Let's open your present before I rip this cute little outfit off you."

I laugh, "Just cute, huh?"

"I think we both know exactly what I think of you dressed like this." He replied cheekily, eyes dancing in amusement.

I grinned, moving around him quickly to sit on the edge of the bed. I straightened my back and held my hands out in front of me, palms up, awaiting his intimate gift. With a smirk, he digs into a desk drawer and brings out a long rectangular box decorated with gingerbread cookie wrapping paper. I glance up at him as he places it in my hands, but he just gives me a heated look as if to say, "Go on, get a move on."

I unwrap it quickly, tearing off the paper to reveal a nice dark red box. Opening it, my breath caught when I saw the large toy that I have read articles about in Cosmo. My heart raced and I felt myself getting wetter at the sight. These things were so expensive, and this one was a cute shade of rose gold.

I felt my hair get brushed over my shoulder, Harry's large hand radiating warmth. I picked up the wand vibrator, seeing that it had already been unpackaged and cleaned. Just the image of Harry washing something like this for me, or looking up vibrators online for me, was enough to get me close to relief.

Fuck, I was so far gone for this boy.

"Harry..." I start, staring at the toy with awe.

His fingers lightly grazed down my arm, gliding over my fingers and then the magic wand itself, I was suddenly aware how close he was standing, my face level with his velvet covered crotch. He was starting to grow inside them, a prominent bulge making my mouth water. I was tempted to throw the toy aside and take him in my mouth right now, but he took it out of my hand and turned it on. The low buzzing mixed with the sounds of Eartha Kitt's voice singing the beginning of Santa Baby was making my body hum in anticipation.

"I already played with it a little, so I knew all the speeds and vibrations it offers. It's quite powerful I must say." He says lowly.

"It's said to be one of the best in the world." I answer back, my own voice sounding a little huskily.

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