Chapter Twenty-Nine

Start from the beginning

I laugh, "I didn't think it would feel this way."



He breathes out, "I know. I don't think any of the books I've read or the songs I've heard accurately describe it."

I nod, "I know." There's a slight hesitation before I continue, "Maybe what we feel is even more than love."

A soft smile graces his face, "Fate?"

"You know me too well." I grin.

A few moments of silence fill the air between us, taking in the feeling surrounding us. I feel so utterly whole, body buzzing from a high I don't think I'll ever come down from.

Harry's slightly raspy voice sends a jolt through my spine, "I think it's fate. We were always meant to meet. We fit too perfectly not to have been made for each other."

My eyes gloss over and I swallow down the emotion threatening to escape me, "Remember how I told you that I might be set for a good life after all the shit I had to deal with growing up?" He nods. "I think you're my good life."

"Dani..." He whispers, "I really wish we weren't driving on the highway right now. I want to make love to you so bad."

I breathy laugh escapes me, "Might have to wait a little longer. They all agreed to sit down and talk with me when we get back. Tonight though... I'll make love to you." I add cheekily.

He grins, "Love it when you take control."

"I know you do, baby." There's a pause. "Thanks for not treating me any differently. I was a little worried you would be afraid to touch me and joke around like this after I told you."

"Nothing's changed, Dani. I still want to touch you twenty-four, seven. I dream about your body, and I love how easy it is between us. And that will never change no matter what happens."

I groan dramatically, "Why do you have to be so perfect! I bet you're going to write some amazing love song about this too."

He laughs, "I definitely have some new material you would love."

"Of course you do, Mr. Romantic. Still can't believe you built that cute little fort for us. Just warning you now, I'm going to fail miserably for Valentine's Day." I say.

"Let me plan Valentine's Day-"

"I can't let you do all the cute stuff!" I exclaim.

He's got the biggest smile on his face, dimples showing off. I think I fall even more in love with him right then and there. "You can have full control of my birthday, baby girl."

"Right that's coming up."

"You've got like two months-"

"No, I've got like six weeks!" I tell him, "Christmas is coming up next week, and I have to figure out what I'm getting you."

"Don't get me anything."

I send him a look, "Shut up, I'm getting you the best present ever."

He huffs out a laugh, "Whatever you say, darling."

"Oh, I like that one." I gush.

"What? Darling?" He asks, and I knew he hadn't really meant it to be a thing, more like a joke, but I really did love it. His eyes met mine, and I could see that he saw the gleam in my eyes. "I'll keep that one in the wings."

"I love all your nicknames for me."

"I love the way you say my name." He admits.

I smile, "Yeah?"

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