Chapter Twenty-Three

Start from the beginning

"You picked up a double? We've had plans for weeks." He said over the phone, after a long uncomfortable silence.

"I know, I'm sorry, Harry, but I really need the money." I tell him, hoping he would just let it go like he had all week.

"So am I ever going to see you, or are you going to keep avoiding me?" He asked bitterly.

I closed my eyes, knowing he was finally getting fed up with my shit. "No, I'll see you tomorrow, I promise."



I swallowed down my nerves, waiting for his response. I was so scared that this would be it for Harry. That he would realize how toxic and unhealthy I was for him.

"I just want to see you, Dani."

My face scrunches up in pain, shutting my eyes closed to keep my tears in, "Uh, I miss you too. I've got to go now, Harry. The girls are calling me down."

"Yeah, okay," He said dejectedly, "I'll talk to you sometime."

He hung up, probably in frustration. I don't blame him. I feel myself ruining the best thing that's ever happened to me, but I can't stop it. I am so utterly terrified of speaking the words aloud, and if these nightmares don't subdue soon, then I know Harry won't be able to take it either. He shouldn't have to. He should be able to sleep peacefully throughout the night without me freaking out and thinking he was Clint in the darkness of his own room.

I shook the memory out of my head, leaving the restroom, and heading out front to clock in. I was happy I was working the bar all day today, not sure if I could handle a suit and tie and stuffy middle-aged white men ordering me to bring them water with no ice. At least in the bar at night the lights dimmed substantially, making it harder to see my face.

The shift was easy, my mind being preoccupied with taking orders and putting on a fake smile. Mickie arrived for the late shift to join me in the bar. I could tell she knew something was off, but I was able to convince her that I was just tired from exams. It wasn't until about twenty minutes until my shift was over, closing down the bar that I actually spoke to her.

"How did finals go for you?" She asked me as we sat down to do our paperwork.

I sigh, "I think pretty well. Haven't been sleeping too much due to stress, so I've been a little tired."

"Yeah, no offense, but you look dead on arrival." She tells me.

"Gee, thanks." I deadpan, "How about you?"

She's nodding her head, counting her ones before answering, "Not sure about my Shakespeare Lit class. I have a really hard time understanding it. Don't even know why I took it." I hum. "Oh, I forgot to tell you... I met someone at that party last weekend."

"Party?" My blood runs cold just thinking about it.

"Yeah, you know, the one you got sick at and had to leave early?" She questions, "By the way, how are you feeling? Did you ever figure out what was wrong?"

"Think I just ate something weird." I answer quickly, "You met a boy?"

"Yes!" Her eyes light up, and I send her a small smile. "We bumped into each other and started talking. We just got along so well, like better than anyone I've ever met. He's so sweet and funny and he's got this cute scraggy beard." She gushes.

I breathe out a laugh, "Thought you weren't into dating someone right now?"

"Yeah, but neither were you when you met Harry."

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