Chapter Seventeen: Harry's Alive

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"You don't think he's going to do it do you?" I gripped Cho's hand as we made our way down the deserted hall. As soon as Voldemort finished his threat in our heads Cho immediately got up and ran out the door; we all chased after her and I only just caught up with her now. Our friends were still catching up to us so it left us time to talk.

"I don't know Cho, what I do know is Harry wouldn't just leave you like that; I'm sure he's got a plan figured out already" she bit her lip and nodded; we walked closer to the doors that led you out to the front.

"I love him Luna" I stopped mid step and looked at her; shocked. Love was a huge word; Draco and I haven't even said it to each other; I was too afraid that he wouldn't feel the same way. But, if Harry made her this happy than I wasn't about to argue with her.

My shock turned to a smile,

"I'm happy for you Cho, have you told him yet?" she shook her head; a frown on her face again.

"No that's why I need to find him; if he dies I'll never forgive myself for keeping it from him for so long" a frown tugged on my face; leaving me feeling uncomfortable.

"We'll find him Cho" her face was now set in determination; she nodded at me and we continued towards the door.

We stopped in front of the large Cherry wood doors; I put my palm flat against the middle and pushed; hard. The door creaked as it got caught on some rubble; only opening halfway. I put my shoulder up against the frame and squeezed my way inside; Cho following close behind. By now Draco and the others had caught up; luckily none of us had trouble getting through.

"Look at this place" this wasn't even a place anymore; memories of the front hallway flashed in front of my eyes; now it's nothing more than rubble and dust.

Everything was trashed, you couldn't even tell what part of the castle this was anymore. My heart sank when I saw a Death Eater on the ground; pointing his wand at Cho while she wasn't looking.

I whipped out my wand and pointed it at the man; stunning him unconscious. Cho jumped out of my way and looked where the man had stood; eyes wide and in a panic.

"T-Thanks Luna" I nodded and kept my wand to my side; you never know if there's anyone else hiding from us; trying to sneak up on you when you least expect it.

"Is everyone in the Great Hall? There weren't that many people" I looked up towards the Astronomy Tower; seeing different colours flashing in the sky.

"There, the Astronomy Tower" we ran towards the stairs that were now exposed to the outside; the wall being blown off at some point.

We climbed the stairs that led you up to a balcony; there I saw Fred dueling with two other Death Eaters; his brothers George and Percy were too caught up with their own Death Eaters to notice that Fred was losing.

"Ginny and Neville go help Percy, Seamus and Dean help out George" they all nodded and snuck up behind the Death Eaters; the brothers quickly catching on pretend that they don't notice.

"Come on guys we have to help Fred" Blaise, Draco and Cho nodded and followed me behind a wall so that they couldn't see us. My eyes widened when I saw Fred's wand fly into the Death Eaters hand. I pointed my wand at the man but I didn't know which one was going to curse him. Once I saw one of the men begin to lift his wand I decide to curse him,

Someone As Sane As Me- Draco Malfoy Love Story *COMPLETED*Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora