Discussing Boys

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"Draco it's a couple of days before Christmas, are you even close with having the Vanishing Cabinet done?" I looked away from Blaise, not wanting to talk about it.

"Mate come on, how have you not gotten it at least halfway done?" I shrugged and I heard him sigh,

"Look I'll help you out this time, but only this time. If the Dark Lord catches me helping you out than we're both dead" I looked at him and nodded as we both walked out into the hallway; trying to find the ROR that was discovered last year. I thought it was the best place because unless you asked for the Vanishing Cabinet you weren't able to see it.

"Why do we have to do this" I mumbled; frowning at the floor.

"Because if you don't you'll die" I gulped; that's the thing isn't it? If I try to get out of this I will die. Why does my life have to be like this? Why did I have to be born in a pureblood family?

Then I thought about Lovegood, the Weasley's, Longbottom; they don't have to do anything that I have to do and yet they're purebloods too.

"What are you thinking about?" I looked at Blaise,

"Nothing, nothing important" he gave me a look but didn't say anything else; I didn't know if he would understand or not. All of my friends are in the same boat as me but they don't seem to be stressed like I am. Even Blaise doesn't seem as bothered by what's going to happen; am I the only one who sees the wrong in this?

We arrived to the ROR and I thought of the vanishing cabinet. A black door appeared in front of us and we walked inside. The room that I picked was where all of the old stuff went; the trash room. I put the cabinet in the corner of the room; that way if people did stumble in here they wouldn't be able to find it. We weaved our way around desks, chairs, old textbooks, beakers, anything that you would see in a classroom. It was cool seeing all the old stuff students used to have to use.

I took out a green apple that I stuffed in my pocket earlier; what's supposed to happen is I have to put it inside and teleport it to the spot where the death eaters are going to come through. Then, once it comes back it should look the same; but whenever it comes back it's either rotten or it doesn't come back. I was told to try it out on birds since they're a lot more similar than an apple but I'm too nervous that I'm going to kill it.

I opened the cabinet and placed the apple inside; closing it up once I was finished. Blaise and I watched as some light shined threw the cracks of the cabinet. We waited a moment before the light dimmed; we shared a look before I opened the cabinet; I groaned when I saw the apple black; no longer the light green that it was before.

"I don't understand what I'm doing wrong; I'm following the steps that I was told to make and I'm still not doing it right" Blaise places his hand on my shoulder and squeezes it,

"You'll get this; you have too, now try again" I nodded, but I didn't have any more apples.

"What am I supposed to use?" Blaise gave me a look and pointed behind him; I guess I could use anything in this room. I nodded and picked up an old potion textbook; throwing it in the cabinet and trying again; one of my many tries today.


"Luna are you alright? You haven't eaten much" I nodded at Cho; not looking up from my book. I was very stressed out and the only thing that calmed me were books. The ministry isn't very happy with my father; they don't like that he's siding with Harry. I'm not sure what they're going to do but they've made a lot of threats to not only him but to the owners of Quibbler as well; I hope they don't fire him.

Someone As Sane As Me- Draco Malfoy Love Story *COMPLETED*Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu