Chapter Four: Cruel Jokes

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I watched the leaves fall; red, orange and yellow specks fell to the ground; Filch raking it up as he goes. It's the middle of October; my favourite month. I loved how the leaves changed colour; it was like magic of their own. Plus, it's Halloween this month; my favourite holiday.

"Luna are you coming to lunch with me?" I looked over at Cho and shrugged,

"I'm not very hungry right now" I said in my dreamy voice; she nodded and opened the door.

"Okay, if you change your mind you know where I'll be" I nodded and watched her leave; I'm not sure why but lately I haven't had as much of an appetite. Things were changing here and they weren't for the best; even Dumbledore was acting strange.

I sighed and opened my window; letting the cool air inside. Some leaves flew inside and dusted my floor. I picked them up and looked closely; seeing that the leaves that I picked up had multiple colours on the leaves; I had no idea why I was so fascinated by them but they just made me really happy.

"Maybe I'll visit the Black Lake today" I mumbled; grabbing a bag and stuffing a couple of my favorite books inside; including the latest Quibbler.

I got dressed in this:

It wasn't cold enough outside that I had to wear pants; but I wore tights just in case it did get too cold for my feet. I threw my bag over my shoulder and walked out; leaving the Ravenclaw tower and heading towards the courtyard. I thought for a second if I should grab lunch and eat outside; but I didn't really want to go in the Great Hall; my friends would try to keep me there.

'I'll grab something later' I turned a corner and saw Goyle, Crabbe, Parkinson, Zbini and Draco; they looked to be heading to the Great Hall as well. Parkinson saw me and smirked; nudging Crabbe and Goyle who soon shared the same facial expression.

"Well look who it is; Loony Lovegood" I sighed; that one was getting old; I've been called that name since I first got here.

"Where are you heading with no shoes Lovegood?" Goyle asked; smirking at my feet that only had tights over top.

"Just outside; I don't mind the cold too much so they won't be bothered" they snickered at me but Draco He hasn't been laughing or making jokes with his friends anymore; and come to think of it I haven't seen him bully anyone this year so far.

"Why aren't you wearing any shoes?" this one came from Draco; I almost smiled because he didn't sound hateful; he was just curious.

"They went missing again; at first I thought Nargles were the answer to my stuff going missing but now I think it's a student playing tricks on me" I felt myself frown a bit; I tied not letting it get to me. But, the things that were being taken from me now were more than just my shoes; my uniforms and other clothes have begun going missing from my trunk a couple of weeks ago.

"That's not nice" I looked at Draco and raised a brow; why was he acting so...nice to me; even his friends were looking at him weird.

"Dracky why are you acting so weird?" I cringed at the sound of her voice; Parkinson always had this high pitched screech when she talked; I feel like she did it because she thought it sounded cute and baby like. But, it actually sounded like a witch; or a brat not getting what they want. I could see Draco wince at her voice too; Zabini seemed to be looking at her lovingly.

'That's unforinute; Zabini likes Parkinson but Parkinson likes Draco; it's like a love triangle'

"Parkinson I don't think that's any of your concern" he glared at Parkinson and even I shrinked back a bit; he was scary when he could be. He seemed to notice this though and softened his features; okay now this was getting really weird.

Someone As Sane As Me- Draco Malfoy Love Story *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now