A Beautiful Feeling of Sadness

Start from the beginning

All of the Avengers, gathered around Harley's room waiting to say goodbye, smiled at him sadly. "You have to come back soon," Natasha said. "We'll miss you too," Bruce added.

Peter walked out of Harley's room after checking it to make sure he didn't leave anything. He gave Harley a thumbs-up. "It's all good."

Harley nodded. "Okay, thanks."

The Avengers were watching the couple intensely. Their hearts ached for them.

"Ready to go?" F.R.I.D.A.Y. asked over the building's intercoms. "Yeah, get the car ready," Tony put on his sunglasses and everyone followed him. "You guys do realize you can't come to the airport with us?" Tony asked the Avengers, who were all trying to crowd onto one elevator. "Of course we can," Thor said, "the airport is for everyone."

Tony stared at him with a blank expression. "Whatever," he replied.

Everyone piled into separate black cars, the sun glinting off the squeaky clean windshields and exteriors. Happy loaded Harley's suitcase into the trunk of one of the cars and then opened the door for him to get in. "Just like the beginning," he said as Harley sat down inside the car. Harley smiled in return and fought back tears. He knew this was the right thing to do, no doubt about that, but that doesn't make it any less sad.

Peter sat right next to Harley, but they didn't say a word on the way to the airport. The silence just felt right. Besides, what would they have to talk about? The inevitable empty feeling of Peter going back to the tower and Harley not being there?

When they got to the airport, Happy unloaded Harley's suitcase and handed it to him. "Thanks, Hap," Harley said and Happy gave him a side smile. The rest of the cars pulled up on the curb behind them and they all ran out to give Harley hugs and say their goodbyes.

"Goodbye, Harley," Wanda said, "it's been a pleasure."

"Bye, Harley," Sam said, "don't get in too much trouble down there."

Thor gave him a gigantic hug and almost squeezed his guts out. "Goodbye son of Tony," he boomed and Tony facepalmed. "Have lots of fun down in the Ten of the Sea."

"I will," Harley assured him.

After everyone was done wishing him well, Peter, Tony, and Steve walked with him through security and to his gate. It was 30 minutes before the plane took off and they were already boarding.

Steve didn't say anything, just wrapped him in a hug. He held him tight, Harley's head against his muscular chest. "Good luck, Harley," Steve said as they pulled apart. "Thanks for being a part of the team."

"Of course," he smiled, tears in his eyes. He tried to hold them back, but couldn't fight it. Steve stepped away for Tony.

Tony took off his sunglasses and stared Harley in the eyes for a few seconds. "Man, I'm going to miss you, ya little shit," he said and threw his arms around him. Harley laughed and wiped his eyes. "I'll miss you too, Tony. Thank you for this opportunity, it was absolutely incredi-"

"Oh, don't get all sentimental on me now," Tony waved it off. You could tell he was fighting back tears too. "Save that for Peter."

Harley turned around to a shy Peter, fiddling with his sweatshirt pocket.

"Pete." Harley hugged him. Peter cried into Harley's shoulder and Harley rubbed his back. "Shh, it's okay. I'll see you again soon. I love you so much. So, so much. You'll be okay."

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