A Close Call

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(A/N hey beautiful people! so, I hate to tell you this, but this book is coming to an end soon :( I'm not sure how many chapters are left, just as many as I need to get it finished. but, if you guys want, maybe I could write a sequel...? if that's something you want, be sure to comment :3 okay, enjoy the chapter.)

do you guys want next chapter to have smut? :3 since the book is coming to an end soon, I think it's time. or it could wait. we'll see. just drop a comment if you want it next chapter.


"I should probably be getting back," I yawned and fell back on Harley's bed. He ruffled my hair from beside me and rubbed his eyes. "Yeah," he picked up his phone, "it's 4:00."

"Ugh," I groaned and fell off the bed to the floor. "Peter!" Harley laughed and fell on top of me. "I think we're both delirious."

"Yeah, probably," I mumbled. I stood up and made my way towards the window. "Bye, Harls, I love you."

He came up behind me and gave me a big hug, then turned me around and kissed me. "Be safe. Also be quiet, so your aunt doesn't hear you sneaking back in." He put a finger to his mouth and backed away and I smiled. "Okay, I promise."

He gave me a little wave as I opened the window and climbed out.

I put my mask on and swung my way through the early morning city, back to my tiny apartment. I silently prayed the whole way there that Aunt May was still asleep. I don't have my phone because she took it when she grounded me, so I have no way of knowing if she discovered I was gone. Normally, I would have hundreds of angry voicemails and texts demanding that I get home at once.

Steeped on the ledge outside of my room, I slowly, quietly and carefully, opened my window. I slipped inside stealthy and silent, like a ninja.

It was closing the window when a problem arose.

As I turned to shut the window, I tripped over a pile of textbooks I had left in the floor and slammed into the wall. I groaned and rubbed the left side of my body. I hurriedly shut the window. Then, my heart fell as I heard soft footsteps and a light turned on in the kitchen. Panicking, I threw my mask in my open closet and started pulling my homemade suit off. I was so used to the tight, binding spandex of my regular Spider-Man suit that getting out of the cotton, DIY one was super easy. I wrapped it into a ball and ditched it in the closet next to my mask.

I jumped into my bed and pulled the covers up to my chin as the door creaked open and a sliver of yellow light made its way inside. I had no time to change into pajamas.


Should I say something? Or just keep quiet?

I pretend yawned and rolled over, like I had been asleep for hours. "Yeah?"

"Oh, I'm sorry, did I wake you? I heard a noise."

"Oh, um, yeah. That was..."

Think, Peter, think!

"I knocked some books off of my bed," I shrugged, like it was total normal to fall asleep with books scattered on your bed. She narrowed her eyes at me. "Books?"

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