Chapter thirty-nine

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"You really were in a bad way Beck, have you seen about what it could have been?" I question as I hold the phone on loud speaker in the taxi so Niall could speak too. We were on the phone to Becky, talking about how sick she was a few weeks ago at mine. She had been ill since New Years when we had been out, so something wasn't right. I smile softly as Niall's hand squeezes my thigh lightly, smiling softly at me. His thumb rubbed over my black leggings as I smile, having them teamed with a black pullover hoodie and a very oversized camouflage jacket.

Becky sighed, groaning as another wave of pain ran over her stomach. "I swear I was spiked" she mumbles, audibly shifting from her position as she sat further up on the sofa. "I just haven't stopped feeling ill, I mean I thought it was my period but then I had that and it's still there" she sighs as I look out of the window.

"Please go and speak to somebody... I'll be home in a couple of days, thank you or dealing with Harry while I'm away and looking after that little madam I have the pleasure of calling the daughter of Harry" I tease, smiling softly as she laughs. "Seriously, thank you for looking after her, I'll be home soon okay? Right now I need to, we're pulling into the airport and all I can see are thousands of people and I'm a tiny bit petrified" I laugh, pulling my cap onto my head with a smile, sliding on my sunglasses. We said our goodbyes as I look at Niall. "How are we going to do this so I'm not seen?" I say softly as Niall raises his eyebrows at me.

"You don't need to hide" He laughs softly as I look at him confused, starting to speak as he cuts me off. "People are going to find out anyway darlin', just walking beside me" he breaths out, pecking my lips lightly since the windows were tinted. A mere few seconds later and Niall was stepping out of the taxi with me trailing behind him, both of us dodging the cameras and the screams of fans. How he did this for years I would never know.


"Why does this have to be so short" I whine, leaning my head against the headrest of the large seat in the first class section, sipping the glass of champagne we had been given on our entrance onto the plane. Niall laughed quietly, my head turning to look out of the window as I hear a click, turning my head to find Niall fiddling with his phone. "What did you just do?" I tease as he smirks.

"When we land you'll find out" he smirks as I roll my eyes playful at him, putting my seat back upright as the plane begins to descend, standing up once we had landed. I reach above, grabbing my handbag before exiting the plane in front of Niall. We walked past more cameras, grabbing our suitcases and quickly heading for the taxi waiting outside. I breath out a sigh of relief as I flop back onto the seat of the taxi, thankful to be out of the view of cameras.

"So, what's the plan?" I say softly as he smiles, reaching his hand over to take mine into his. His skin was soft against mine, making me feel calm and content in his touch.

"There's somebody I want to take you to meet" he says softly as I nod, furrowing my eyebrows as I look out of the window, trying my hardest to think of who it could be. His hand stayed locked with mine as we drove down the roads, seeing the sign for Mullingar as my heart begins to pound. The car stops outside a small house, and suddenly the door swings open with a small lady running from the door towards the taxi. "Mum!" he calls, jumping out of the taxi and hugging her tightly before turning to the man who had appeared beside the woman. "Dad" he smiles, hugging him before stepping back to me as I stood quietly, rubbing my arm. "So, this is the girl I've been telling you about" he smiles, sliding an arm around my shoulders before i'm pulled into a tight hug by his mum.

"You must be shattered love, come on in" his mum says softly, pulling me into the house as I look back at Niall, smiling when I see him laughing with his dad happily.


I held my mug of tea in my hands, blowing it lightly as I take in everything about the room I was sat in. Bobby sat on the sofa, talking with Niall about golf as the television played quietly in the background as I notice the shelf of books to the side of me. "Where's the bathroom?" I whisper to Niall as he chuckles, directing me as he squeezes my hand lightly. I nod, following his directions and finding the small bathroom at the top of the stairs. I stood looking in the mirror, fixing myself after seeing how much of a mess I actually looked, realising how unsuitable it was to meet your boyfriend's parents. I had met them before briefly, back in the days of the band, but they had no idea who I was now.

I take a deep breath, stepping out of the bathroom before finding Niall's baby photos on the wall, smiling softly at how sweet he was as a baby. I stand admiring his photos, giggling at one of him in a suit for a school dance as far as I could see. "I want to show you something" I hear whispered in my ear as a pair of arms fall over my shoulders as warm breath against my cheek. I nod, giggling as his hand takes me into a doorway, to what I would assume was his childhood bedroom. I smile softly, looking around before heading to the window to look at the view.

"Mullingar, my home" he whispers, standing beside me as I smile softly, turning my head to look at him as he stares at the view before him.

"You like coming home don't you?" I whisper as he nods, my hand sliding across the windowsill to rest on top of his. We stayed quiet, enjoying the view and each others company before I took a deep breath. "Ni, how do I tell them about Ariella? I don't want them to think any less of me" I say quietly, looking out of the window vacantly. So many people had made comments about me having a child and I worried that this would end the same way.

"Don't worry about that right now darlin', we will find a way to tell her" he says softly, pressing a kiss to my temple as I smile softly, enjoying his touch.


"And that's where I damaged my knee the first time" NialL laughs, driving past a field as I giggle quietly, looking around the area we were driving through. "That area is where I first kissed a girl" he mumbles as I raise my eyebrow.

"You could have left that one out" I tease as he laughs softly, shaking his head.

"But, I wouldn't have you now would I petal if that had of worked" he smiles as I shake my head, kissing his hand lightly. "That is where I went to school" he says softly, driving past a small school before arriving back at the house with a sad sigh.

"What's wrong?" I whisper as he smiles sadly at me.

"I want you to come with me on tour, I'm going to miss you" he whispers quietly, almost inaudible.

"I'll be at home whenever you decide to reappear, you know that... I just have Ariella to look after and I have big jobs coming" I say softly as he nods, my hand squeezing his. "You can call me at any point okay? Come on, let's go and see just how good your mum's cooking is since you've bragged about it" I tease as he grins, climbing out of the car and running to the front door.

The table had been set, signalling that dinner was almost ready. We took our seats, with Niall rubbing his hands together when a warm dish was placed on the table in front of us. I thank Maura, putting some on my plate and taking a mouthful. "This is amazing!" I hum, smiling widely as Maura grins happily. I felt Niall nudge me, a smirk on his lips as he smugly nods.

"I told you so" he smirks as I laugh, nudging him back playfully. Once we had all finished, I took the plates into the kitchen to say thank you for dinner, stopping in my tracks as I walk back towards the doorway. My heart and stomach both doing somersaults at what I heard before me. Maura's sweet voice speaking to Niall as she expresses her thoughts to him.

"I really like her Niall, she's perfect for you..." she says softly as I smile widely.

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