Chapter thirty-one

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"How does this look?" I mumble, looking in the mirror in my bedroom as I fix the black bandeau sat across my chest. My outfit for tonight was a red, white and black striped trousers and blazer co-ord with with black pointed heels on my feet. I fix my hair, tugging on a piece of hair to make my messy ponytail a little more messy.

"You look insane" Niall mutters, holding my hips behind me as I grab my handbag, turning around with a smile. He takes my photo, careful not to be in the mirror behind me as I look down at the floor with a smile. "I'm not excited about not being able to have a dinner date with you while we're out" he mumbles, pouting as I giggle softly.

"I need to go... but I'll see you in a little bit when you get there okay?" I smile as he nods still pouting. I press my lips to his as he smiles, touching my cheek gently. "I love you" I whisper as he smiles softly.

"I love you too darlin'" he says lowly as I touch his chest before turning and leaving the front door to head to Becky's car that was in my drive.

"Hey birthday girl!" I cheer as she grins, hugging me tightly. Taylor was coming from work so it was just myself and Becky at the moment. Her body was clad in a leather skirt with a belt tied in a bow with a dusky pink shirt which was cut with a very revealing 'v' shape at the front of it.

"Soph, why is Nialls car here?" She chuckles as I shrug with a smile, putting on my seat belt.

"He's staying in the spare room before he goes on tour soon" I say softly with a smile as she nods with a shrug.

"Makes sense... so, how is it going?" She smiles, turning out of my gate and onto the road. I nod, telling her that it was all going well and how I needed to look at schools soon for Ariella. "I cant wait for tonight" Becky smiles as I nod happily, looking out of the window with a smile, "it should be a good night" she says softly.


"What is he doing here?" Taylor snaps under his breath to Becky. His eyes were averted from the table so nobody knew what he was saying. Becky shrugged, looking at Louis who was laughing with me and Niall.

"He's my best friend and I wanted him here to celebrate my birthday" she smiles, Taylor rolling his eyes as he sat back round, sipping his beer. I reach into my handbag, handing Becky a card with a wide smile.

"I hope that's okay... I didn't know what to get you" I say softly as Becky opens the card, inside was a spa weekend for two as she grins happily.

"Soph you didn't have to!" She grins happily, closing the card with a smile as she puts it in front of her. She places a kiss to Taylor's cheek before standing up. "Coming to the bathroom then to get a drink?" She asks as I nod with a smile, standing up with my handbag in my hand. We slowly walk away, linking arms happily as we walked away and into the bathroom.

Taylor eyes narrowed at Louis, looking at his own hand before beginning to speak. Everybody in that moment wished he hadn't though. "Why do you guys actually hang around with her? She's your friends ex... but weird isn't it?" He laughs as Niall raises his eyebrow to him.

"She's a really good friend to us... she might have his baby but that doesn't stop us being friends" Niall shrugs, sipping his beer as Taylor raises his eyebrow.

"Aren't you worried though? Like, are you not a bit nervous about her sponging off of you guys now Harry isn't around?" Taylor continues, leaning back in his chair with a small smirk on his lips. Niall and Louis looked at each other with raised eyebrows, wondering what the hell his problem was.

I laugh softly as I begin to walk away the bar, carrying the glass of white wine in my hand, heading back to the table. I was going to go back for the two beers for Niall and Louis. Becky headed for Taylor, kissing his cheek softly as she stopped beside him, coming back to grab Taylors drink with me. I grab the two beers, beginning to head back to the table when I feel my stomach flip at the conversation ahead of me.

"What did you mean before?" Niall asks curious. I wished he hadn't asked that, because now I felt like I was going to vomit, tears filling my eyes.

"Well she's moved onto you hasn't she? Should I not be worried it'll be me next?" He laughs as Louis' eyebrows furrow on his forehead. Nialls did the same, mouthing the words 'what the fuck' under his breath. "You know, how else is she going to afford the obnoxious life she's given that brat she had?" He continues as a gear slides down my cheek.

Nobody speaks about my daughter that way, even if I didn't get on with her father that well.

"Mate that's too far" Louis snaps, standing up from his seat. Nialls jaw was open, his eyes wide at the comment he had just heard. I stepped closer, slamming the beers down on the table as Louis pulls me into a sideways hug, allowing a sigh to leave his mouth.

"What's going on?" Becky asks confused as Louis shakes his head.

"I think he was just leaving" he mumbles. Becky looked confused, letting her eyes drift between Louis and Taylor.

"Does anyone want to enlighten me?" She snaps as Louis sighs.

"Your some what boyfriend has just called Ariella a brat..." Louis says quietly as I feel tears slip from my cheeks.

Becky raises her eyebrows, looking at Taylor. "Why would he say that? He loves that little girl!" She questions, looking at Louis once again.

"They're twisting my words babe" Taylor sighs as my head snaps up to look at him, almost wondering why he was still stood there. "That isn't what I said at all... let's go, we can have a night in at ours" he says softly as she looks into my eyes.

"He really isn't what you need in your life Becky" I whispers as she furrows her eyebrows at me. Her rage building which was clear from her shifting posture.

"I've been so unhappy Soph while you've had so many relationships, and now I am finally happy you want to take that away?" She questions as I look down shaking my head. "Maybe I should go" she whispers as tears fill her eyes.

"I can't believe you've taken his side!" I snap, feeling the anger build in me at what was happening before me.

"Louis is forever getting in between me and Taylor, how do I know that he isn't bullshitting to do it again?" She snaps back as I wipe the tears from my cheeks quickly.

"Why would be use my daughter to do that? He isn't sick!" I state, moving out of Louis' grasp as he pulls me back slightly.

"Nobody ever wants to see me happy!" Becky abouts, the restaurant now looking our way as they eat their dinner but I didn't care right now.

"I always want to see you happy" I state as Becky shakes her head. She looked dead into my eyes before holding her fingers up and moving it between me and Louis.

"Then why would you date Louis when you knew I liked him..." she whispers, clearly the most upset and angry she had felt. I could feel it in her voice.

"I'm not dating Louis?" I say in shock, looking up at the Yorkshire man holding me back.

"Whatever you say" she says quietly, "I'm happy for once so you all just need to back off of Taylor, he's don't nothing wrong" she states as she grabs her jacket from the back of her chair. "What a fantastic birthday this turned out to be" she mumbles, looking at us all, her eyes landing on Louis. "Oh and Louis, he's my fiancée actually" she states before walking away with tears in her eyes.

"She needs to be out of that relationship" I whisper as Niall's eyebrows raise, "she needs help".

"After what's just happened you still want to help her?" Niall questions as I nod slowly, still staring at the door she had just left through with tears down my cheeks and Louis' arm around my shoulder.

"She's in trouble with him"

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