Chapter one

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"Thank you" I smile to the barista at the cafe, situated inside of the office block. "I still can't believe you run this place" I state as we head to the elevator, standing beside my best friend and one of many bosses. Becky managed the photo side of me, the side that checked my photos were up to standard.

"Sometimes neither can I" she sighs, fixing her hair in the mirrored wall. I handed her the travel mug in my hand, her lips coming to the rim to sip the warm liquid inside, leaving a red lipstick stain behind. The door opens, leaving us opposite her office, her hands reaching for the door handle as we smile at her receptionist.

"You have a receptionist, a cafe, everything you ever wanted" I groan, walking to the window and looking at the view. "And I forget how much of a killer view it is" I pout, looking at the London skyline before me. It was my hometown now, but it still never failed to amaze me every-time I set foot outside of my door.

"You're doing well too" she assures, which was definitely out of politeness.

"You have the most insane job in the world, I stand in my underwear for a company to take photos of me, it's not quite the same effect Becky" I smirk as she shakes her head laughing at me.

"I know, I know, but you're one of the reasons I have this job, I couldn't do it without you by my side" she states, rummaging in her bag for her memory stick. I choose not to comment again, walking over to her slowly.

"Come on then, lets get this over with" I sigh, sitting on the leather office chair with a groan, leaning back as Becky loads the album onto her computer. Hundreds of photos were loading onto her albums, photos of myself flashing onto the screen. "How long will this take?" I groan as Becky laughs.

"It'll take as long as it takes, it's not for a deadline that's urgent, they don't need the photos until the campaign in a few weeks" she states, clicking on various places on the screen causing it to do lots of different things. I had no idea what she was doing. "There we go" she smiles, clicking on the first photo. We sat and looked through them, finding ones we really didn't like and ones we did.

"I'm really liking that one" I state, pointing to one of the photos that instantly caught my eye. Becky clicked past as I shake my head. "No, no go back" I sigh as she clicks backwards. "There's something about the eyes in it that really make me love that photo" I smile, leaning back on the seat beside Becky with a smile as I sip my coffee. My eyes were focused on the screen before me as I squint slightly.

"I like this one too" Becky nods with a smile as she skips it to the next photo, a smile on her lips as she glances at her mobile briefly. Taylor has clearly messaged her as her cheeks reddened and her eyes glistened as she smiles happily. She was head over heels for that boy and it showed clear as Crystal.

"Yeah I see why" I smile, resting my head on my hand. "I forget every time how many photos we have to look through" I laugh, this having been the second day of us looking through every photo we had taken the week prior.

"I know, that's the only downside" Becky sighs, letting go of the mouse in her hand as her office phone on her desk begins to ring, the sound vibrating throughout the glass office. "Hello?" She answers, furrowing her eyebrows as somebody speaks to her. "Okay, yeah we can do that? That's a bummer for you guys! No of course, yeah... give us an hour and we can be there" she smiles, saying goodbye before putting her phone down.

I raise my eyebrows as Becky stands up and begins putting a camera into a bag and various other items. "What are you doing?" I laugh as she stops, grins and turns around the face me.

"Get your stuff Soph, we're having a very unplanned reunion..." she grins and claps her hands. My furrowed eyebrows tell her how confused I was, causing her to speak again. "An old friend of ours has had the photographer they had for their interview dropped, they dropped out at the last minute so their manager called us up to go and give them a last minute hand" she beams.

Softer SideTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon