Chapter eleven

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"I still can't believe he did that to you Soph," Becky sighs, watching me as I shrug softly and stir my drink with my straw. "I mean, he really had no reason to bring you up to such a high and then drop you" she continues as I nod again, taking a deep breath and finally looking up from my glass to look at Becky with a small smile. I nod at her statement, staying quiet as I look at my phone screen when it lights up. "Soph, are you listening to me?" she says softly as I nod with a smile.

"Yes, sorry I am" I say softly before looking back at my phone. "It's Niall, he's back in London and wondered what we were doing" I smile, locking my phone and looking back at Becky as she sips her drink. "It was horrible Beck, it's been long enough that I should be over it but its really hard this time, harder than before" I say softly, shaking my head and sipping my drink to avoid the tears that had built up falling.

"Get him out" she shrugs as I furrow my eyebrows at her, wondering why she wanted more than just the two of us on what should have been a girly night. "More the merrier, plus we know he's a good laugh, something you need" she nods, seeming proud of herself as she points at me, throwing emphasis on the 'you' of her statement. I nod slowly, sending Niall a message with our location, instantly receiving another message to state that he'd be there in the next half an hour.

"There" I laugh softly, smiling as Becky orders herself a new drink with a smirk. I shake my head, smiling at my best friend in front of me, the biggest rock I had. "Thank you for everything you've done for me lately" I say softly, reaching over and touching her hand. "You've been my world, and the biggest support ever" I say softly as she nods with a smile, squeezing my hand back. "Plus, you look amazing" I grin as she smiles, looking at her outfit. Her tanned body and brunette hair complemented her high waisted white trousers and white bra perfectly, looking like something from a runway show.

"It's more than find Soph, you've needed me more than ever" she says softly, rubbing her thumb along my knuckles. I would be lost without her.


"Are you serious?" Niall coughs, having spat his drink back into his glass when I told him what had happened and the reason we were out on a boozy night, something I never did now I was a mum. I nod as he shakes his head, sliding an arm around my shoulder and pulling me into his side as he sighs. "What a bastard" he says more so to himself, sipping his drink. I raise my eyebrows hearing a familiar shout in the bar we were sat in.

"Was that-" I start before seeing the familiar man, his brown hair flat against his head under his flat cap and his red, white and blue tracksuit jacket half zipped as he cheers towards us.

"Oi oi!" I hear yelled across the room over the loud music, a fist pump visible as he squeezed past the dancing bodies towards the three of us.

"And this is where our quiet girly night really takes a turn for the worst" I tease, smiling to Becky as the man walks over. "Hey Louis" I smile, becoming embraced into his arms, followed by Becky.

"What are you guys doing out? Not like you Soph and I swear old Terrance doesn't like you going out" He nods to Becky, sipping his pint in his hand.

"It's Taylor" Becky mumbles, sipping her drink with a small smile on her features.

"Louis mate, you need to hear this" Niall states, cocking his head towards me as I sigh softly.

"Hear what?" Louis laughs as I place my drink on the bar. I waited for Louis to swallow his mouthful of beer before beginning to speak.

"Harry took me out for dinner a few weeks ago, had taken me on dates and told me he couldn't wait to see me in a wedding dress" I say softly as Louis nods, expressing confusion that surely that was normal. I shake my head, piping up again, "and then during dinner he told me that he took me out to tell me he had a girlfriend, he's been with Alice during that whole time" I state with no emotion. Louis' eyes widened, running a hand through his hair.

"Shit, what a dickhead" he says softly as I shrug with a smile.

"Hence why I'm here" I smile, gesturing to the bar in front of me. "Just trying to have a bit of fun" I smile softly as Louis nods slowly.

"Understandable, but hey, the party has arrived now" he smirks as I hear Becky groan beside me, knowing what Louis was like on a night out. "Mate, another round and this time, throw us a few shots each" he smirks, throwing a thumb up to the barman who just nods, as if he knew Louis and had done for a long time.

I shake my head, looking at the three people stood before me. The three greatest people in my life.


"Louis I really can't have any more" I groan, trying to push away the small shot glass of clear liquid as Louis shakes his head, having none of it.

"Come on, nobody else will, be a lad" he huffs as I groan, throwing the liquid down my throat and placing the back of my hand over my lips. "See, wasn't that bad" he laughs as I shake my head.

"This place it boring, anyone fancy coming back to mine for a few more drinks and maybe a few games? I couldn't think of better company for my night" I shrug with a smile, knowing Becky would be coming anyway. Niall nodded, downing the rest of his pint as Louis looks around.

"My party have disappeared, so why not" Louis shrugs, finishing his drink before shaking hands with the barman, saying goodbye. "I come here now and then" he laughs as Becky nods slowly, stumbling slightly before grabbing hold of Louis' arm. I slide my clutch bag under my arm, walking in front of everybody as I pull the hem of my baby pink dress down, smiling at the feeling of the silk fabric against my skin. We all head for the taxi, clambering inside as I lay my head on Becky's shoulder, sighing softly when I see Harry hadn't messaged to tell me how sorry he was, and how much he missed me.

"Forget him" I hear in my ear, smiling softly at Becky's comment, wishing it was simply that easy. I pay the taxi driver since it wasn't too far to drive to my flat, especially at midnight when most normal people were asleep. I hush Louis who was happily singing away as we climb the stairs, knowing my neighbors wouldn't appreciate the loudness they were now enduring. I open the door, feeling the warmth of my heating hit my skin as I place my bag down on the kitchen island. I hum softly, opening the fridge and grabbing a few bottles of beer for the men and a bottle of vodka for myself and Becky with a few cans of coke. I place everything on the table in the living room, taking my seat on the floor as Louis smirks.

"Louis I don't like that look you have on your face" I mumble, pouring myself a drink as he places his elbows on his knees.

"Truth or dare lads" he nods as I shake my head, dismissing the idea instantly. "Come on Soph, lets have some fun, forget about that dickhead" he mumbles as my eyes widen. I know he had called him this already, but hearing Louis talk about his old friend that way really threw me. I groan, rubbing my thighs as I nod, giving into his idea.

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