Chapter thirty-three

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I sit on the sofa in the living room, watching the news quietly with my feet on the sofa and my mug of tea in my hands. Ariella was sat playing with Teddy near the Christmas tree that was up which had been decorated by myself, Niall and Ariella a few weeks prior. I sip my tea, looking at the clock on my phone that said it was 10:32 in the morning. Niall was still in bed since he had been at an interview last night regarding the album he had out now.

I raise my eyebrow when the door knocks sending Teddy barking at it. I place my mug down, shooing Teddy away from it so he knew that I had it before opening the door. There was somebody I never expected to see standing there, with tears down their cheeks. Becky. "Not with Taylor today?" I sighs as she tears up again, her eyes watering over as I sigh softly, opening the door for her to come in. I walk to the kitchen and switch on the kettle, making her a mug of tea soon after.

"We aren't together" she whispers as I raise my eyebrows in shock. "He went off the rails the other night after the royal variety and I was scared to come see you in case you hated me" she whispers as I sigh softly, handing her the mug of tea before pulling her into a tight hug.

"I could never hate you Becky..." I whisper, walking to the sofa and sitting with her. Ariella had gone to her room to play so we could have a moment together. "Come on... tell me what happened" I say softly as she sighs, bringing her feet to her chest to tell me what had happened.

"What the fuck was that about tonight?" Taylor snaps as they walk into the front door of the house they had called home. He was furious, clear by the redness of his cheeks and the snarling sound in his voice.

"What are you talking about Tay?" Becky sighs, exhausted from the night they had just had at one of Britain's most prestigious events. She hung her coat up, slipping off her heels and turning to face him.

Taylor breathed out slowly, running a hand through his hair. "Why was that little shit up there, directing that fucking song straight to you" he snaps as Becky rolls her eyes.

"He meant nothing by it" she mumbles, still confused about the events herself if she was honest. She made her way to the bedroom, slipping on some leggings and a baggy jumper to finally be out of her dress.

"Then why did he look into your eyes, why did you not look away?" He snaps stepping closer to her. "This is why I wanted you to stop seeing him, he's a piece of shit" he shouts, "that stupid Irish bloke that can't stand up for himself and that tart who's sponging off of everybody else" he snaps as Becky shakes her head, holding her finger up to him.

"Don't you dare talk about them that way" she snaps, "they're my best friends". Her voice was loud now as she stood close to him, a smirk forming on his lips as he laughed quietly at her words.

"Friends? That's why they haven't checked you're okay, that girls probably off making another kid with that Irish bloke to make more money" he laughs as Becky's eyes widen. Realisation hitting her that Taylor really was not the man she first met.

"I can't do this" she whispers, shaking her head quickly. "That's it, I don't need you, I can't be with somebody who can't like my friends and who will disrespect them so heavily... fuck you" she spits, slamming the engagement ring on the bedside table before throwing some things into a bag and heading for the door. "We're done" she snaps, slamming the door closed behind her.

"That's how I realised you guys were right, you were all I needed" she whispers as I sigh softly, holding her hand in mine. "I'm sorry Soph" she whispers as I look over her shoulder. There behind her was a disheveled and pretty much naked Niall. His eyes went wide when he saw Becky, stumbling on his feet as I flap him away. Becky's eyebrow raises as she looked at me confused, "what are you doing?" She asks as I raise my eyebrows.

"There was a uh- a fly" I laugh, flapping my hands around a bit more. "I think it's gone now" I say softly as she nods slowly. "I need to take Ari over to Harry's, come with me" I say softly as she rolls her eyes.

"I've already had enough of one dickhead... can I stay in the car?" She whines as I laugh softly, nodding my head.

"Come on, get your shoes" I laugh softly, grabbing my car keys with no time to go and say goodbye to Niall.


I stand at the front door of Harry's house, with Ariella waving behind us to Becky who sat in the passenger seat of the car. I turn my head when I hear the doorknob turn, rolling my eyes when the blonde girl is stood there with raised eyebrows in Harry's shirt and a pair of leggings. "Yes?" She snaps as I raise my eyebrows.

"Nice to meet you too" I remark as she rolls her eyes at my response. She didn't scare me or intimidate me, in fact she was actually a little younger than me.

"What do you want? He doesn't want you back" she states as I shrug my shoulders. What she didn't know is Harry had told me whilst they were dating that he wanted me back, but when I declined and told him no he had gone the usual two weeks with no talking.

"I'm here for Harry, and babe that's wonderful news because I don't want him back either" I smile as she rolls her eyes.

"Babe!" She calls through the hallway, turning her head to look me up and down. "Some crazy woman is here for you" she sighs, rolling her eyes as she steps away from the door with a smile to Harry. He stepped in front of her, causing her to walk away with a sigh that she wasn't getting his attention.

"She's a delight" I tease as he smiles with a chuckle, running a hand through his hair as he lifts Ariella into his arms. "So I'll come and grab her Christmas Eve evening and bring her back for Christmas dinner okay?" I smile as he nods, kissing her head softly.

"That's fine, How are you doing Soph?" He says softly as I smile, looking at my daughter in his arms.

"I'm fine Harry honestly, I'm glad we're like this now" I say softly before hearing her whining voice through the hallway. "Although she's another story... how do you deal with that voice" I laugh as Harry joins me with a smile. He was comfortable with me because of our history, but something was different about him now that he was with her.

"Soph I'm sor-" he starts as I cut him off quickly.

"No we aren't doing this" I say softly with a smile before look at my phone. "I really need to go now, just remember that I really don't want Ari around her, so I really don't know why yo had her round when you knew she was coming today" I sigh as Harry stands Ariella down in the floor.

"Soph she's a good person" he sighs as I shake my head.

"I don't believe a word of that, but seriously if she's going to be around here all the time we need to have a chat about Ari" I sigh before seeing the joyful woman appear again beside Harry.

"Did he tell you our news?" She sings happily as I shake my head with a raised eyebrow. "We're engaged!" She cheers as I snap my head to look at Harry who was about to speak.

"Don't even go there" I snap, turning on my heel and walking away. I instantly climb into the car and slam the door shut, starting it and driving away quickly. I didn't even say goodbye to Ari properly, but I really could not be near the two of them anymore.

"Soph what's he done?" Becky sighs as I shake my head, slamming my hand on the steering wheel.

"He's only gone and put a ring on it..." I snap as Becky's eyes widen.

"I'm sure it's not real" she says shakily as I shake my head, feel rage build through me.

"Oh believe me, it's the truth" I snap, pulling into the driveway of my house, unlocking the door and stepping in with anger in my veins.

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