Chapter two

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"How have I never been here before?" I question as I sip my fruit cider, placing down the glass before pushing my sunglasses back up my nose. It was a very warm day in the middle of July and I was currently sat in the most beautiful pub garden I had ever seen with my best friend. "It's so nice to see you though since I barely see any of you now since the split" I shrug, picking up one of the chips left on my plate and taking a bite. The pub garden was small but still with enough space to seat a good thirty people. The tables held four chairs each, since with six but were wooden to match the tables, fairy lights hung from the decking and the canopy above one smaller section with some greenery around the top of the doors.
"I mean I only really speak to you, occasionally Louis when he wants something from me, and I only see Harry when he picks up or drops off Ari" I shrug with a sad smile. What had once been a close knitted family were now almost strangers, speaking for very different reasons now.

"I know it is nice to still spend time with you, you've always been one of my best friends" Niall shrugs, stealing a chip off of my plate with a smirk. "I still speak to Louis regularly, but that's about it" he smiles, "I'm glad I can see you today though Soph before I can't see you for a while because of this whole promotion thing" he pouts and I laugh softly. I slide off my thin jacket to let my shoulders get some sun. My white shorts with blue stripes coming high on my waist, complementing the black bandeau I had on. My hair was in a messy bun on my head, letting my neck keep cool in the summer heat.

"It's okay Niall, you can still call me" I shrug with a smile as he nods. I groan hearing the familiar ringtone of my phone I had set for Becky, lifting the phone to view to see her name on the screen. "Sorry Niall, I really have to take this" I sigh as he nods happily, grabbing his own phone from his pocket and beginning to scroll through twitter whilst sipping the Cola in his hand. I cross my left leg over my right as I press the answer button on my phone screen, pressing the phone to my ear.

"Soph I have something really exciting for you!" Becky cheers down the phone as I place my hand to my forehead at her excitement, rubbing it slowly. "We've had a call from an underwear company that need somebody new for their photos and they asked for you, it's an insane opportunity but there's one catch," she says happily, slowing down at the end of the statement. "It's today" she says slowly, hoping I had no plans and that Harry had Ariella so I could head over now.

"Hello to you also, yes I'm fine thanks for asking" I tease as I hear her groan on the end of the phone. "I mean I'm actually not home, I'm out for lunch with Niall before he goes off to do what he needs to do for the single" I say softly as she stays quiet, sounding like she was thinking.

"Bring him along if you need to, but please Soph, you cannot miss this opportunity, it's a gateway to bigger things" she says after a few moments.

I smile softly with a sigh, "okay, send me the address... yeah, okay, oh shush" I laugh as Niall raises his eyebrow, "okay see you there" I finish before hanging up the phone. "So uh, we've got two options..." I say softly to Niall as he nods slowly. "I've been called to do a shoot for some company apparently but the catch is it's today... Becky has said you're allowed to come along to it if you want to, otherwise we're gonna have to cut the lunch short and I won't be able to see you" I sigh.

Niall stands up, sliding his phone into his pocket and grabbing his keys. "Let me know the address when we get in the car" he smiles as I make a little cheer, lifting both fists into the air causing a laugh from Niall's mouth. As we walk to the car my text tone sounds, a huff leaving my lips at the thought of it being something else to mess with my day, but it wasn't. In fact it brightened my day.

There on my phone was a video from Harry of Ariella, holding a picture and stating not mummy can't see, it's a surprise". A smile fell to my lips as I replied back with a love heart, locking my phone and placing it into my bag. That little girl really was everything to me.

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