The next day tharn , his generals and the army still waiting for his spies to return, had not left their present camp and with all his immediate duty attended to he was getting restless and bored .

He neededs to do something, that was when his mind went to the medical tent were his injured men were currently residing in, he had been meaning to see them and check on them,but the time had not been there for him to do so this week, but now he could.

He put on his light Almor and made his way to the medical tent.
When he arrived he was relieved by the fact that the number of men present was lesser than it was the previous week.
He made his rounds greeting and praying with each and everyone of them, leaving no one behind, he even went as far as feeding some of them their lunch and changing the wounds dressing of some others.
He even sang a few merry songs with them and told old tales to them to entertain them ,that by the time he was ready to leave the sun was about to set, and the physician was pushing him to leave so that the men could start sleeping, all in all it was a good day.

He was making his way out of the tent not really looking ahead because his head was turned back as he promised one of the youngest soldier not more than 20yrs old that he would visit again and that he would behead a man in his honor as he laughed, when suddenly he bumped into someone holding a big basket filled with with dried meat and water, it almost hit the floor when he caught it, his reflex sharper due to his constant alertness in enemy territory.
He held the basket in his hand as the rose up into a standing position when his face got closer to the person in front of him, that he had yet to look in the face. Then he smelled the scent ,he was mesmerized ,he knew that scent, he would never forget that scent even if he was dead, he immediately looked at the omega in front of him and his breath caught in his throat.

Standing infornt of him was no other than the omega that ruled over his heart and dreams Type kanawut.
He stood there for what felt like eternity, but in real time was just a few seconds, type was even more beautiful than he remembers, his black raven hair was pulled into a ponytail on top his head cascading down like a water fall, his lips still red and so kissable even in this dry weather, tharn's heart beat got even faster ,he could swear the thing was about to jump out of his chest unto type's hands, type the only man that could make him feel this way.
All this time searching, but here he was, how could he be so foolish that he didn't even know, well that was all over type was going to be his, everyone be dammed.
''type was beyond surprised how could he be so careless, he had been trying to avoid tharn since the start of the campaign and with thousands of people here , it was easy to blend into the background and go unnoticed ,but here he was all his months of hiding gone up in smoke, he was not ready to meet the Alpha again, the pain in his heart was still too sharp, he had to leave immediately, it was beginning to get hard for him to breath.


'your highness ,sorry for my mistake I will................ '' Type did not get to finish the sentence, before tharn dropped the basket he was holding as took his hand in his ,holding his wrist as dragging the omega out of the tent and all the way back to his own personal tent in other for them to get some privacy.

Type was speechless, he could not understand why this was happening, all he knew was his omega felt safe in tharn's hands and so willing submitted to the Alpha's will as he was being dragged along to God knows where.

Not long after many twist and turns around many tents they made it to tharn tent, which was in the middle of the camp.

The inside of the tent was not really as type expected, it was not as lavish as he taught, everything was just as simple as his own tent the only difference being the colour of the tap covering it, the bigger size to hold meetings and the warm looking bedding at the other half of it covered with a light curtains that was see through if you looked closely. He felt a sense of pride at his realisation, tharn was truly as down to earth like th men said.

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