Cuts and Bruises

353 6 12

TW: mentions of bullying, hitting, kicking, name calling. And, obviously, blood.
Boyf Riends
Michael's POV
AU (kinda?)

Where the fuck is he, I think to myself. I've been in the school parking lot for 15 minutes waiting for Jeremy. He never takes this long. Unless...

Uh oh.

I immediately hop out of my car and nearly sprint into the school. I get a few odd looks from random students waiting for rides, but I don't really care; I need to find Jeremy. I'm about halfway down a hallway when I see Dustin Kropp and his two person army of followers leave the bathroom at the end of the hallway. They're laughing and nudging each other. That can't mean anything good.

I run the rest of the way to the bathroom and push the door open. Nothing could have prepared me for what I was about to see: Jeremy laying there in a fetal position, struggling to breathe. I noticed something covering his hands. It that-

Blood? Is he bleeding?

"Oh my god!" I exclaim, running up to him. I drop onto my knees so that I'm closer to his level. "Jeremy-"


"It's me, Jer. Can you sit up?" Jeremy nods as he attempts to sit up, key word being attempts. About half way his starts wincing in pain. I guide him the rest of the way until he's sitting up right. This is when I notice the large, bleeding wound on his head. "Holy shit. Let me get some paper towels." I make sure that he is stabilized before I stand up and rush over to the paper towel dispenser and back to Jeremy. I hand him a couple sheets and tell him to apply pressure to his wound.

"How bad is it?" He asks.

"You'll be fine, that's all that matters. What happened?" I sit down next to him. His eyes dart around the room, refusing to look at me. "Jeremy, please tell me."

"D-Dustin followed me in here with his friends and they st-start, um, shoving me around. At some point I think someone pushed me i-into the wall and I fell down." He pauses for a moment to wipe away a tear that started to fall down his cheek. "Then, uh, they kicked me. Like a lot. Mostly in my side. Th-they called me names, told me I shouldn't be walking around here alone. They left like not even a minute before you came in." Another pause as he catches his breath. "They c-called me a fa- I don't want to say it."

"It's okay, Jer. You don't have to talk about it." I push some hair out of his face. I wait for his breathing to even, letting me know that he's calmed down. "Do you wanna try to stand up so we can get out of here?" Jeremy nods at me. I move so that I'm in a squatting position next to him. Through only minoring difficulty, Jeremy is able to stand up. Now to get him moving. "Lean on me if you need to, okay?"

"Okay." Slowly getting surely, we make our way down the schools hallway. Luckily there are less people here than when I came in. After minutes of slow steps and shallow breathing, we finally make it to my car. I open the passenger side door and held Jeremy into it. I close the door and walk over to the drivers side and get in. I look over and see that Jeremy got himself buckled, so I don't have to worry about that. I buckle myself and grab my keys.

"My house or yours?" I ask, turning the car on.

"Are your moms home?"

"Yeah I think so."

"Then my house. My dad's at work." I glance at him with a raised eyebrow.

"You know one of my moms is a nurse, right?"

"Yeah, but I really don't want anyone seeing me right now."

"That's fair." I quickly change my mental route to make sure I drive to Jeremy's house and not my own. The car ride gets quiet aside from the music streaming softly from the car radio. When we reach a red light, I look over at him. His eyes are closed and his is tilted to the side. To make sure he didn't pass out or anything, I lightly place my hand on his shoulder.

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