Secrets and Confessions

404 12 20

Boyf Riends
Jeremy's POV
AU (trans!michael)

My best friend Mia and I are sitting at our usual table at lunch, talking about the test we just took in math.

"I heard people debating between 17 and 24 for the last question. I'm slightly concerned because I got 148," Mia says, pulling a face. I laugh at her, smiling lightly.

"I'm pretty sure it was 24."

"How the fuck?"

"I can show you if you want?" I offer. Mia nods her head and I gesture for her to sit next to me (opposed to her current seat across from me). As she walks over, I take out a piece of blank paper and a pencil.
"So the equation was..." I explain the problem step by step until I finally get to the answer of 24. "I think people got 17 because they didn't carry the 3 from over here." I circle the area where some people probably messed up. I look at Mia to see if she understood what I said. She facepalms herself.

"Oh my god," she mumbles. "I'm so dumb." Mia leans over and places her forehead on my shoulder. I feel my face heats up as a blush forms. You see, I have a crush on Mia, and I have for a while. I really wanna tell her, but I don't wanna hurt our friendship.

"You're not dumb." I reach my hand behind her and start rubbing her back. We stay silent for a moment until I break it. "Y'know I could tutor you for the next test."

"Yeah," she pulls away from me, "I'd like that." Her smile is so beautiful, I can't help but smile back. Much to my dismay, Mia gets up and walks back to her original seat. I notice that as she's sitting down, she starts playing with the ends of her hair. This is something she does when she's nervous.

"Hey, are you okay?" I ask. She raises her eyebrow, asking me what I mean. "You're playing with your hair and you only do that what you're nervous."

"Oh," Mia immediately drops her hand from her hair, "I'm getting a haircut today and I guess I'm nervous about it."

"I'm sure it'll look great."

"Oh that reminds me, I'm leaving school early so I won't be able to drive you home."

"You're leaving school early to get a haircut?" I ask in disbelief. I know girls have weird standards when getting their haircut, but leaving school for it? That seems like a bit much.

"No, dude. I have a doctors appointment. I'm getting my hair cut after that."

"Who's gonna distract me from the torture that is known as chemistry?" I question in mock distress. I even put my hand on my forehead in a fainting manor.

"I'll text you, but you better take notes for me. You may understand all this math shit," she gestures to the scrap paper, "but science is my thing and I'd like to pass it."

~time skip to the previously mentioned science class~

~time skip to the previously mentioned science class~

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