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Sapphire Flame  -  Yasmeen J.


   "KAENA! KAENA!" Griffin screamed, trying to get to his feet. He tumbled over himself as the pain in his upper body enveloped him like a blanket of fire. Continuing to call her name, he started to use his forearms to crawl toward where the portal had once been.

   "Griffin?!" he heard Cya's voice call out. He suddenly felt a bunch of hands grab him and pull him up.

   "Let me go!" he yelled, fighting against them, still with hope that he could go back. "I said LET GO!" 

    He felt the monster of the Lycan start to rise up within him, the color of his eyes began to shift and his teeth morph into knife-like canines. 

   But it quickly subsided when the pain shot back into him. He groaned and nearly fell again as they fought to pull him along.

   "Griffin calm down we have to get you back to Aedon," Adonis said beside his ear, his grip on him never loosened.

   "I have... I have to get Kaena... I have to find Kaena!"

   He continued to struggle against them but he was too weak to do more than wraith around in their hold. Eventually, they got back to Aedon, where they brought him up to his chambers.


   Akantha's heels clicked against the ground rhythmically as she made her way to Griffin's room. Two hours later Cya walks on one side of her explaining the earlier events with Brandon on the other.

   "We sent officers to Kaena's house and they found a struggle but no Kaena." 

   "Did you find evidence of what attacked them?" 

   "Not in the house but Griffin's broken ribs say a lot. It had to be something exceptionally strong. Or of magic."

   "What exactly are you implying?"

   "Kaena's the only one strong enough to-"

   "I'll stop you right there because I'm sure Griffin can smell your suspicion unconscious or not. He wouldn't be very happy if he heard it too."

   "I could smell her magic on him."

   "Kaena isn't the only magical or supernatural being in this world or the next."

   "She is the only one that we know of strong enough to take down an alpha that is part lycan. Besides yourself of course..."

   "I can't believe I'm entertaining this but I'd have no reason to try to kill my friend, plus he would be dead if I did try and so would the rest of you. Kaena, my poor little dove, she wouldn't hurt a fly unless she had to and I'm sure she would never have to hurt Griffin."

   "Wouldn't hurt a fly? She killed over a hundred of the defiant all at one time."

   "By no will or fault of her own."

   "Exactly. Maybe she lost control."

   Akantha leaned forward.

   "If she did... he wouldn't have survived."

   Cya shook her head slightly.

   "Are you done now? Can we move on from this now before Griffin somehow finds the strength to come to and impale you onto one of these statues?"

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