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Sapphire Flame  -  Yasmeen J.

   The expression planted on his face shifted from angry and bloodthirsty to calm and innocent when he saw her. They stared at each other in silence until she spoke up again. 

   "I-Is that... Is that really you?"

   He approached her slowly until they were face to face. Him looking down at her, her looking up at him. She couldn't believe what she was seeing, after all these years, could it really be him? Either that or she had gone completely mad.

   After moments of silence, he suddenly flinched back from her, whimpering. She also jumped back, startled by his sudden movement but then became worried about his behavior. 

   "A-are you o-okay?" she stammered. Instead of giving any type of reply, the beast collapsed where it stood. A gasp left her lips, seeing him like that somehow made her find the strength to get to her knees and crawl toward him.

   Her hand fell upon the coat of fur that covered his body while scanning his figure. 

   "What's wrong?" she asked in concern, more to herself than him since she knew he couldn't respond. 

   The wound caught her eye, it looked like his flesh was burning away from the inside out, making the wound grow by the second. She glanced around her surroundings, desperately trying to seek help for him and herself.

   "Shit!" she yelled in frustration and panic.

   She looked back down at the creature who ached with pain. The worry was soon replaced with the determination to help him.

   She wrapped her arms around his body and then whispered to him, "Can you try and stand for me?" 

   He glanced up at her before he started to shuffle up to his feet with her help struggling to keep his balance. He was so tall and huge that she was able to stand to her full height beside him with her arms still around him.

   After taking several lurch steps back to the house, leaving trails of blood behind, they were finally inside. Stepping into the living room she helped him lie on the floor next to the couch where she kneeled beside him, inspecting his wound once more. It had become larger than originally and it was now bleeding profusely. Instinctively, she ripped her blouse from her body, rolled it in her hands then placed it firmly on the wound.

   He cringed, taking in a sharp breath. She snatched a pillow off the sofa, quickly placing it under his head.

   "I-I'll be right back," she assured, standing and letting her hand fall from him.

   She jogged quickly down the hall toward her bedroom bathroom. She swiftly rummaged through several cabinets and drawers until she came across her first aid kit. It had everything in it she needed to hopefully patch up the growing gash in him. She grabbed it, running back into the room where she stopped dead in her tracks. Gasping, she let everything in her hands drop to the floor.

   There, in the middle of her living room floor, was someone crouching in the place where Mutt had been laying. She was too stunned to move or speak, too scared to even breathe. The person began to stand steadily unveiling every inch of themselves. It was a tall man, at least six foot five. Uncovered abs and chest that looked made of steel, bulging arm muscles, shoulders wide and broad, and smooth tanned skin on display.

   She didn't know what to do. Everything in her mind was saying run, scream, or fight. But then again she couldn't bring herself to feel any real fear. Whoever it was, didn't make her feel like her life was in danger, like they would hurt her. Just like the feeling she had in her dreams. That's when it hit her, it was him. The man from her dreams.

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