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Sapphire Flame  -  Yasmeen J.


"Is she ready?"

"Soon enough, my lord."

"Good. I assume she'll be a suitable vessel."

"Yes. Soon...- soon the dark night will come, my lord. And The Last shall perish in the hellfire they once bathed in."

"You speak truth. May the dark rule and may true fire reign again."


The Vreko Realm of Aedezia

   "So what's this tale I'm hearing of Kaena not being human?"

   Griffin turned to the voice only to see Cya. "I thought I told you to stay positioned within Aedon," he complained.

   She gave no response. She only raised one brow and crossed her arms over her chest with anticipation. Griffin let out an exasperated sigh and ran his hands over his face. He didn't have the will to yell at her or argue, so he gave into the question. First, he thought back on what Ida had told him.

   "Either you have the strongest Matebond I've ever seen, or she's not human."

   He hadn't believed her himself, although he couldn't explain Kaena's rapid healing. He convinced himself that his love for her was so strong that it broke the laws of a Matebond. But it wasn't true, he knew.

   "Apparently, the laws were bent a little," he lied. "Kaena is... Special. So she healed faster after that incident and it wasn't because of me."

   Cya narrowed her almond eyes suspiciously. "That's impossible. The laws cannot be 'bent'."

   His jaw tightened. "Well, they were. Don't question it." He turned away and began walking away but Cya cut him off. 

   "You know, don't you? What she is," she accused. 

   "Yes. Human."

   He tried to sidestep her but she stopped him again. 

   "Griffin you can't lie to me," she said with a bored expression. She was right. She didn't just work for him, they were friends and Griffin could never lie to his friends unless he truly needed to. 

   One last time he tried to dismiss the subject, "look, worry about your wife and leave me and my mate alone."

   She knew he was trying to get to her but she laughed. "Kaena doesn't even know she's your mate yet. Last time I checked, Val and I were always aware of the fact we were mates soo..."

   "That's no one's business but our own," he snapped. 

   "No, it's your business. She knows less than I do," she retorted.

   He let out an exasperated sigh and ran fingers through his beard. He glanced around himself to check for anyone.

   "Truly, I don't know what she is but... yes, I don't think she's human."

   She gave a ponderous look as she shifted on her feet. "I see."

   "It isn't likely but Kaena does resemble the one from the stories-"

   "Maybe you shouldn't be listening to Ida. She is a little..." Cya made her eyes cross as she waved a finger at the side of her head mockingly. Griffin shook his head in disappointment. 

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