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Sapphire Flame  -  Yasmeen J.

   Meanwhile, something ticked within Akantha. Her stomach began to turn and she knew something was wrong. That was proven when her enhanced ears heard the shoes click all the way from outside the castle on the stone path. Her fierce eyes shot to the doors and she waited.

   Order to defense positions. Stand down until my signal.

   She radiated the command to everyone. But she knew it couldn't get to Griffin where he was. 

   The clicks grew closer.

   Carefully, she moved away from the grasp of Brandon and maneuvered behind the line they had formed across the throne's platform. 

   She willed her magic to fall over herself, melting down and transforming first her hair from the styled updo, to a long tight braid that swirled into a low bun that rested on her neck-- then to her dress, the burgundy faded into a midnight black then tightened as it formed in a leather bodysuit, the jewelry she wore melted and slid down to her arms and morphing to steel arm braces-- finally, the lace veil-like cloth that hung from her back twirled up into two metal scabbards fastened on her back that held newly forged katanas.

   Akantha, what happened? What'd you see? Brandon's voice echoed in her head. She sensed him starting to step down from the platform to follow her.

   Stay put. That's an order.

  He froze immediately.

   She had to get them out, but for some reason, her magic wouldn't lift at the command of her mind. So she let the bright violet energy ooze from her hands and slither to the spot where they began their dance. But when touched the place it shot back to her full force, causing her to flinch as the burning pain seared up her arm.

   What in Hades' name? she swore in shock.

   She had lost track of the clicks just in time for the doors to swing open. They clicked and clicked. Until Akantha saw the man the shoes belonged to. He wore a black modern suit, he was tall and broad, and he walked leaning on a cane that looked more for the style than anything else.

   He walked with his chin high and his stride smooth and rhythmic, a grin of disgusting teeth across his face. Akantha saw that he was heading in her direction but it didn't seem as though his focus was really on her. Panic swirled inside her.


   "You don't have to say anything, but you already know that I do and you know that we're bonded by more than just a Matebond. That is not the only reason I want to protect you, be with you. It's also because I need you, more than anything. I-"

   "May I cut in?"

   That was the last thing they heard before they both felt a stabbing pain go down the middle of their joined hands and their world shattered around them. Griffin grunted in pain and Kaena yelled out as they pulled away from each other holding their wounds.

   It was a split second that Akantha had seen the man's cane become a blade glowing with light blue energy she'd never seen before. He lifted it above his head and then brought it down at the spot they were standing. Kaena and Griffin appeared back into everyone's sight in a flash, both hurt and confused.

   On instinct, Akantha charged at the man, zooming between them as she went on one knee, unsheathing a single blade. Cutting one of his legs, he fell and Akantha jumped back up to her feet, quickly sheathed the blade again, then wrapped her arm around his neck putting him in a chokehold.

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