Chapter 27

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Waking up in the morning was rough. I glanced into the small mirror by Drey's desk and had to do a double-take. I wasn't sure if the reflection was truly me.

My eyes were puffy from all of the crying I did last night, my hair was strewn in every direction, and I looked like a disheveled bum.

How could I show up to class in such a state?

I attempted to clean myself up in the bathroom and headed back to my room with my head hanging down. I still was in disbelief about what had happened the night before and reality was really starting to set in.

You see, I wouldn't be going to Xander's house tonight and he wouldn't be coming here. I wouldn't change my path to try to bump into him rather, I'd change it to avoid him.

I thought he wouldn't want to see me. Especially after I expressed my doubts.

And so, when it came time to finally head to class, I took the long route and left a little earlier than I otherwise would've. I knew Xander had class at the same time as I did and we would always cross paths. Today, though, I willingly tried to change this.

I shoved a pair of headphones into my ears and turned up the volume so loud that it enveloped my entire being. I trudged my feet thinking I had nothing to look forward to anymore. At least not while me and Xander were on a "break".

I lifted my head for a brief moment upon coming to the end of a curve and my eyes became frozen into a pair of beautiful emerald ones. It was as if time stopped and my heart thumped hard in my chest. I thought it was going to explode. Apparently, we had both thought to change our routes.

The moment lasted only a second despite it feeling like an eternity but Xander became just another passerby.

I didn't know how much that would hurt until it happened.

That is, until I felt a warm hand snake into my own. The hand quickly squeezed mine before it released me and left. I whirled around but Xander was a distance away now and I felt a tear sting the back of my eye that I refused to let out.

What was that about?

Despite the cold, my body was warm as Hell. And by the time I arrived at my class, I hadn't even realized I'd made it. My mind wasn't focusing on school, rather I couldn't stop thinking about Xander.

I didn't want him to become just another stranger.

Anyway, when I got to class, I slumped in my chair and attempted to listen to the professor as his voice continued to drone on. Of course, I hadn't listened to a word he said and was the first person to slip out of the room.

When I got back to my room, Drey was on his bed, typing on his laptop. I didn't want to disturb him and silently nodded my head upon entering. He offered a small smile and it was obvious he didn't know what to say to me.

Soon enough, I felt my phone vibrating in my pocket and I pulled it out, my eyes widening after reading the name of the caller.

"Dad," I answered as Drey looked up from his laptop again.

I hopped onto my bed as my dad replied.

"Jasper," he said, his voice raspy and tired. "How've you been? I haven't spoken to you in a while."

Not good.

"I'm fine," I lied, releasing a sigh. "How are you?"

"Great," he said. "The counseling is really helping."

"That's good," I told him.

"Yeah," my dad said. "But, um. When are you gonna visit again? And Xander too."

I took a moment to respond.

"I'll come soon," I said, neglecting to mention Xander.

"With Xander?" my father asked.

"I'll see," I said.

And suddenly, a wave of sadness washed over me again. I needed to hang up before my father realized.

"I-I'll talk to you later," I said, my voice cracking. I cursed.

"Jasper," he said. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah," I said, fighting the urge to cry. I had been doing too much of that lately.

"Come over soon," he said. "I'm here for you."

"Thanks," I said and with that, the call ended.

"Shit," I said, laying my arm across my eyes.

"You good?" Drey asked.

"Yeah," I lied.

"Have you thought about what you're going to do?" Drey questioned.

"I don't know," I said. "I saw him today."

"Damn," Drey said. "Must've been hard."

"It was," I admitted, thinking back to how he grabbed my hand for a brief second. The action still baffled me.

"He grabbed my hand."

Drey instantly closed his laptop.

"He did what?" he asked loudly, his eyes wide and searching mine.

It made me laugh for the first time in a while.

"I don't know why," I said. "He didn't say anything either. Just walked away."

Drey pushed his glasses further up his nose in thought.

"Interesting development," he said.

I sat up in my bed and looked over at him.

"What's Cupid sensing right now?" I asked, instantly regretting it.

"You're finally starting to admit my powers, Jasp," he said, a wide grin on his face.

"Shut up," I said with a smile.

Drey laughed. "I think-"

A knock sounded at the door, silencing Drey.

I raised an eyebrow at my roommate.

"You invited May?" I asked.

"No..." he said, his voice trailing off. "Jasper, answer the door."

"Why me?" I groaned, slowly sliding off of my bed.

"I'm... lazy," Drey said, his voice soft and suspicious.

I breathed out before I pulled the door open, slowly raising my eyes to greet the visitor.

He stood with his hands shoved into the pockets of his sweatpants and his eyes were quite red. I almost jumped.

"Jasper," he said.

"I miss you."

Thanks for reading ! the end is coming soon i think lol

Crossfire (Strangely Comforting #2)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang