Chapter 11

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Reassurance is a powerful thing when you feel unimportant. It's also something you need when you don't want to bring up touchy subjects that may make you seem too clingy. So when reassurance comes without mentioning it, treasure that person.

You see, there's a difference between asking for reassurance and receiving it without bringing it up.

So, when Xander consistently assures me that our bond is just as strong as it's always been, I'm able to push Cason out of my mind.

Though, it's always just for the moment.

Because when Xander goes to meet up with his friends again, Cason will be there. And the uneasiness within me will rise.

Anyway, it was a Tuesday morning and I headed over to the science building with Drey by my side. As we approached our usual seats in the lecture hall, I caught a head of blonde hair and thought it was unusual that Hayden arrived before we did. Drey always had to be early to class and Hayden would saunter in within three minutes before the start.

We slid in beside Hayden, leaving him in the middle of us and he smiled upon our arrival.

"You're early," I said, rummaging through my backpack.

"Yeah," he replied. "I actually don't mind this class too much."

Drey grinned at me and I raised an eyebrow.

"You don't?" Drey asked. "Is it because you get to sit beside the most handsome guy in here?"

Suddenly, Hayden's cheeked flushed slightly and Drey doubled over, laughing.

"I'm talking about myself," Drey said, wiping his eyes under his glasses. "Is there someone else you had in mind, perhaps?"

Hayden sighed and placed his head in his hands. I looked over at him and patted his shoulder.

"Are you okay?" I asked. "Drey's words must've shocked you. Everyone knows I'm the most handsome after all."

"Jasper," Drey said. "You're an idiot."

I frowned. "I know that. I struggle with school, Drey."

"See? I'm not talking about school," Drey replied, shaking his head.

He confused me.

But Hayden soon pulled his head out of his hands and looked over at me. Changing the odd topic, he suggested plans for the night.

"Do you both want to come over tonight?" he asked us. "I've already asked Xander and a few others too."

"You did?" I asked, surprised that Xander hadn't mentioned it yet. "Is he going?" I questioned, neglecting to ask about the others.

"Yeah," Hayden replied. "And so are the others."

The professor walked in after Hayden finished speaking and Drey quickly whispered to us.

"We'll go," he decided for the both of us as he pushed his glasses further up his nose, getting a better look at the board.

Hayden smiled at us and we focused our attention on the professor.

The lecture dragged on as it typically did and I yawned throughout it. By the time it concluded and we were dismissed, I stretched my arms above my head and stood up from my chair after packing up my belongings. My notes were filled with intricate doodles instead of anything useful and Drey sagged his shoulders. He knew he'd have to reteach me everything.

As we walked out of the building, Hayden looked up into the sky and quickly turned to me.

"That's right," Hayden said. "Xander asked if he could bring someone tonight."

I stopped in my tracks and Drey did the same, though unintentionally.

"H-he did?" I asked, my stutter failing tofall under Drey's radar.

"Yeah," Hayden said. "Apparently he had plans with the kid and asked if they both could come to my house instead."

"What's his name?" I inquired slowly, dreading the response I knew I'd hear.

"I don't quite remember," Hayden said, rubbing the bottom of his chin. "Maybe Carson?"

"Shit," I whispered. Cason.

"What?" Hayden asked me as I forced myself to keep walking.

"Nothing," I muttered, wondering what plans the two had in the first place.

And was it just with the two of them?

I knew Cason was up to no good but I didn't know what to do. I couldn't get in the middle of things between Xander and Cason because it was none of my business. Xander would probably get angry anyway.

I sighed.

The rest of the day carried on and I jumped onto my bed once I unlocked the door to my dorm room. Drey was at his desk as I knew he'd be and he turned around.

"Jasp," he said and I picked up my head. "Are you okay?"

I breathed out. "Yeah, it's just, that Cason guy. I don't have a good feeling about him."

"He's been spending a lot of time with Xander, huh?" Drey asked.

I told him about the truth behind Xander's drunken state a few nights ago and how I first met the guy. Drey agreed that there was something sketchy about him.

"I know Xander would never do anything behind my back now that we're dating," I said. "But-"

"You're dating Xander?" Drey asked, his eyes wide. "Since when?"

"I haven't told you?" I said, smiling.

"No, Jasp," he said. "But of course, being the great god of love that I am, I kind of figured something was going on between you two."

"Yeah," I said. "Well, that's why I'm so uneasy about Cason."

"I see," Drey said. "I've got your back. If he tries anything, I'll kick his ass."

"I'm sure you will," I joked.

"No, I'm serious," he said. "If anyone dares to mess with my roommate, their ass will be inevitably met with my foot."

I laughed. "Thank you."

Drey nodded his head and got back to work on his assignments and studying that he had to do. A few hours passed and I hadn't been productive in the least. My thoughts were much too clouded to concentrate and focus on homework so I resorted to staring up at my ceiling.

Productive, huh?

Well, it was now around seven and I suggested we head over to Hayden's house. Drey got ready and he got to Hayden's home soon after.

I rang the doorbell and Hayden answered before leading us into the basement. It was crowded with guys I had seen around campus and I looked for Xander.

Sure enough, he was caught in a game of pool. My fists involuntarily clenched at my sides, however, when I recognized his opponent to be Cason.

When I appeared at the pool table, Cason glanced up before Xander did and flashed a sly grin before speaking to me.

"Glad you could make it."


Hi, lemme know what you think (:

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