Chapter 4

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"Like Hell," Xander said, shaking his head. "That's ridiculous."

"Ouch," Cason joked as he placed his hand on his heart and smiled widely.

Xander frowned back at him while Cason ran a hand through his curly hair. "We were best friends back then, Cason. You know that."

"Yeah, yeah," Cason said and leaned back in the booth. "Wish we could go back."

"I don't," Rocco cut in. "I was a goddamn loser back then."

The table laughed as they reminisced and I awkwardly laughed with them. I wished I could contribute more but I remained silent with nothing to say. Xander peered over at me a few times and I offered small smiles each time. I didn't want to ruin his reunion.

However, a warm hand slid into my own and it caused me to look down quickly before my eyes widened at Xander.

He leaned close to me and whispered, "Wanna go?"

Truthfully, I did. But I didn't want to force him to leave if he wasn't ready to.

"Not if you don't want to," I replied and slightly squeezed his hand, itching for the contact.

Without another word, Xander rose, pulling me up with him before he slung his jacket over his shoulders.

"Well, it was nice seeing you all again," Xander said to his friends. "Let's do this again soon."

They all agreed and we slipped out of the bar and into the cold night. Xander quickly rubbed his hands together to generate warmth before he began the short drive back to his house.

"Sorry I dragged you out tonight," Xander spoke up after a few moments of utter silence. "I just wanted you to have a good time."

"I did," I assured him. "Don't worry about it."

Xander mumbled to himself and I hadn't heard what he said but didn't question him about it. I was exhausted and my eyes were fighting to stay open as Xander pulled into his driveway. We slowly walked up to his front door, the brisk wind hurting my eyes and he stopped once he reached it. He hadn't bothered pulling out his house keys and I wondered what he was doing.

Instead, he turned to me and lowered his emerald eyes to my lips as I sucked in a breath. He stepped toward me until my back rested against his house and he placed his thigh in between my legs, pushing his chest into mine as one hand cupped my cheek. He continued to stare at my lips and I became frozen under his touch.

Finally, he leaned in and softly pressed his lips to mine and I immediately melted into him, bringing my hand to the back of his head as a warm feeling stemmed in the pit of my stomach. He pulled away much sooner than I preferred and I looked up at him, out of breath.

"Thanks for coming, Jasper," Xander said and smiled at me, causing my heart to race.

"Y-yeah," I forced out, still starving for his touch, but he lead me inside and I followed him upstairs.

Soon enough, a bedroom door opened and a girl around my age stepped out with her arms already folded across her chest. Her lips were pursed in anger and her eyes narrowed at her brother.

"It's about time," she spat and Xander walked into her room without a word. I remained outside and watched as Xander gently reached down and scooped up a sleeping girl in his arms.

I remembered his daughter's name was Hadlee and she slept soundly in her father's arms. It was a special moment to see. My thoughts were interrupted though, when Paisley, Xander's sister, turned her focus to me.

"What're you doing here?" she asked, looking me up and down.

I sighed, still not understanding what she had against me. We had never exchanged more than a few words but she always had a sour expression whenever I saw her.

"I'm staying the night," I told her and quickly followed Xander into his bedroom. He laid Hadlee down in her crib and collapsed on his bed. Realizing that I hadn't moved from his doorway, he patted the bed space next to him and waved me over.

Breathing out, I walked over and looked down at him with one eyebrow raised. He raised his blanket up and said, "Get in."

I hadn't resisted his invitation and I was too exhausted to stay awake for more than a few minutes. When I laid beside him, Xander scooted over a bit and wrapped his arm across my chest and tangled his leg in mine. I smiled and ran my hand through his hair before we both drifted off to sleep.


Crying sounded in the early hours of the morning and I groggily wiped my eyes and yawned while Xander groaned and pushed himself out of bed. He walked over to the crib and picked Hadlee up in his arms before exiting his bedroom to feed her and change her diaper.

He returned a little while later and I told him I had to get back to my dorm and get ready for class. He offered to drive me but I declined since the walk was relatively short.

"See you later," I told Xander as he walked over to me. He reached out both arms and I pulled him to me in a warm embrace before I unwillingly left his home and headed outside.

By the time I arrived back at my dorm, Drey was still sound asleep in his bed. I tip-toed to my bed and peered over at him as my mouth dropped open.

Because May was sound asleep in his bed too.

Hi, thank you for reading !

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