Chapter 18

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A week soon passed by but I won't bore you with the details. It was quite uneventful, though you're probably wondering how well, or terrible, I did on my Biomechanics exam. We'll go with the latter of course.

I bombed it. As usual.

But I wasn't worried. There were still a few exams left that I could raise my grade with. Not that I'd do well, haha.

I made myself laugh there. I'm actually very nervous.

And since it's making me nervous, I'm going to stop thinking about it.


Anyway, sorry for the jumbled thoughts. It was Wednesday today. I didn't know what the plans for tonight would be and found myself shifting my thoughts from class to what I'd be potentially doing. I'd hoped I could see Xander since Drey was going out to see May. He was excited about it, Drey that is. They hadn't seen each other in a while.

My classes dragged on how they usual did and I was exhausted by the time I finally made it back to my dorm room. Drey was busy getting ready for his date night and I watched how he straightened out his clothes and fixed his hair in the tiny mirror by his desk.

"Damn, Drey," I said. "You actually look really nice."

Drey turned around and frowned. "What do you mean actually? I always look nice."

"You're right," I said and grinned. "Best lookin' guy out there."

Drey nodded his head and fixed his bow tie. "That's the smartest thing you've ever said, Jasp."

I laughed and laid back on my bed. "Yeah, yeah. Now hurry up and get outta here. May is probably waiting."

Drey jumped and scurried to the door, glancing behind himself as I spoke.

"Good luck, man," I said. "Use those Cupid skills of yours."

"Yup," Drey said. "Thanks."

And with that, he slipped out of the door and headed over to his date.

I released a long sigh as I stared up at the ceiling, wondering what to do. I could stay and catch up on assignments but I knew that wasn't going to happen. And so, I called up my boyfriend.

"Hey, Jasper," Xander answered after a few rings.

"Hey," I said. "What're you doing tonight?"

"I was thinking about going to Rocco's house," Xander said. "He's having a little party."

"Oh," I said. Damn.

I just wanted to hang out with him alone.

"Wanna come?" he asked.

"Sure," I said, knowing that was going to be the only way I would be able to see him tonight.

"I'll tell Hayden," Xander said.

That was another thing. I felt weird that Xander didn't know about Hayden's confession but I felt as if he didn't have to.

"Okay," I said.

"I'll be at your dorm in an hour," Xander told me before we says goodbye and hung up the phone.

I hopped off of my bed and changed my clothes. I knew Cason would probably be there and cursed. I didn't feel like dealing with his bullshit today.

Xander arrived after an hour had passed and I slid into the passenger seat of his car.

"Hi," I said before I felt a warm hand placed onto my cheek that turned my head to Xander.

He didn't say anything and glanced down at my lips as my stomach got that warm feeling at the bottom of it before he softly pressed his lips to mine.

"Hey," he said after he pulled away and grinned. "Ready?"

I nodded my head and it felt as if I was unable to speak for a brief moment. I wanted to continue what Xander had started but he just began to drive.

Oh well. It could wait until later I guessed.

Anyway, we got to Rocco's home around ten minutes later and Hayden pulled up at the same time. The three of us walked up to Rocco's front door and he opened it, smiling warmly at us.

"Jasper and Hayden," Rocco said. "It's nice to see you guys."

I smiled back and thanked him for letting us into his home as Xander led us to the kitchen. Loud music sounded that bumped in my chest and we maneuvered through many bodies to get to there. Xander handed me and Hayden a beer and we began to find Rocco again until Xander's shoulder was pulled behind him. The three of us spun around.

Sure enough, the boy with the light-blonde hair and blue eyes stood across from us, his usual smirk spread on his lips. I rolled my eyes.

"Cason," Xander said. "What's up?"

"Nothing much," Cason replied. "I see you've brought guests."

Xander shrugged. "They're friends with Rocco too now so I figured they should come."

Me and Hayden awkwardly watched the exchange and I hadn't realized, but my fist was clenched at my side.

Rocco soon came over and informed us that they were going to start playing a game in the living room. I wondered what it was going to be and found everyone sitting in a circle. There were about fifteen people, not including me, Xander, Hayden, Rocco, and Cason, of which most were girls. The five of us took a seat in the circle and Rocco began to explain the rules.

"I'm assuming you all know what spin the bottle is," Rocco said. "But there's a twist. If the bottle lands on you, you have to complete the dare that was stated beforehand or you have to take a drink."


"Who wants to go first?" Rocco asked.

Of course, Cason raised his hand and went over to the bottle.

"Whoever this lands on has to kiss me."

"Stupid," I muttered under my breath and was glad nobody heard. That was the original rule of the game anyway.

Cason spun the bottle and I felt my heart drop when it stopped spinning.

Xander's eyes widened upon realizing the bottle was pointing to him and Cason grinned. He walked over to Xander as my eyes followed his every move. He reached his hand down and cupped Xander's cheek as the room went silent.

Cason began to lean in and I felt myself ready to shove him off of Xander.

But I didn't have to.

Because Xander reached down to his cup and took a drink instead.

I wasn't going to update for a while but I read your comments and y'all motivated me lol thank you and sorry if this chapter is bad

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