Chapter 32

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It was explained to Michelle by her doctors that the explosion rattled her brain extremely hard then she hit her head on something tough which caused her already swollen brain to swell even more and she cracked her skull. The side of Michelle head is shaved because they Doctors needed to open her skull to reduce the swelling in her brain. This is the reason she was in a medically induced coma for a month, so her brain can heal. The doctors were surprised she didn't have any other major injuries considering she was so near the explosion. Peter told Michelle that right before the explosion happened, she was able to hide herself under a desk, as that's where he found her. Michelle was told she was lucky to be alive.

Betty and Ned came to see Michelle the next day after school. Michelle was excited to see them but not as excited as they were to see her.

Betty walked into the hospital room on crutches with a dark pink cast covering her left leg and knee. "Oh my gosh MJ you're finally awake!" Betty says hobbling up to Michelle to hug her.

"Yeah, what happen to your leg?" she asked.

"I was in the accident with you. Don't you remember?" Betty asked.

"I don't remember that day at all actually." Michelle said shrugging.

"I have some it on video if you want to see?" Betty said getting out her phone and sitting next to Michelle on the bed. "This is a new phone cause my other one was destroyed in the explosion. But the video was able to upload to the cloud before then."

The video showed the view outside the windows of the art department at the Bugle. Michelle would know that view anywhere. The video shows spider-man and Green Goblin fighting outside the window bombs exploding everywhere. "Oh no my phone is dying!! Tell me if I miss anything!" Michelle can see Betty running with her phone in her hand to get to the charger deeper in the office. Betty plugs in her charger and says to Michelle, "I'm still trying to record it but I'm too far awa-OH MY GOD!" Betty screamed. The video shows part of Michelle standing on the window and the bomb coming through the window next to her. Michelle immediately jumps behind a desk near her and not a second later the bomb goes off. The phone is thrown out of Betty's hand on the floor still recording as the ceiling and walls fall on her. Michelle can hear her Betty gut-wrenching cry as her leg snaps. Then the video stops abruptly.

"How can you even watch that, without getting traumatized?" Michelle asked Betty.

"Oh, I can't, I'm not even supposed to have this on my phone. My parents put me in therapy. You're lucky you don't remember it. I remembered everything." Betty says looking extremely distant then shakes her head. "The best part is that we're saved by Spider-Man, and we were the main news story in the city for a few days. Mainly because we're young, beautiful, Bugle interns that got blown up in the office and because J. Jonah Jameson plastered us on the front page of every paper and website article. Bad part is that he blames Spider-Man for the destruction of his building and the almost deaths of his interns." Betty shrugs after she was done talking. 

Michelle site there in silence digestion what she just heard and say, but thankfully Ned was there to keep her away from her thoughts.

"So, while you were in your little coma, I got my acceptance letter from NYU. So that's where I'm gonna go to school." Ned says.

"Oh yeah! I got into every school I applied for, but I think I'm going to NYU too!" Betty says casually.

Ned smiles at her, "Cindy and Harry got into Rice, I think Cindy is starting in the summer program and Harry is starting in the fall."

"And, believe it or not but Felicia and Flash are going to Syracuse, but they refuse to believe the other will actually show up." Betty laughs.

Michelle laughs without humor, "it seems like everyone has their plans figured out, but me."

"You still have time Michelle. You just woke up from a coma, you can take it easy for a while," Ned tells her. Michelle nods knowing he's right but feels like she's behind anyway.


Some days later Michelle asked her mother to bring her laptop to the hospital so she can see what colleges she got accepted into. Sitting on her hospital bed with her mother and Maya next to her she opened the first email containing her acceptance letter to Rutgers. She got in. she got into all her safety school. And she only had three left, one of which she didn't even tell her family about.

"I'm begging you to open the NYU and Columbia letters! I NEED TO KNOW!!" Maya yells, Anna gave her a look.

Maya scoffs, "Hurry," she said impatiently.

Michelle rolls her eyes, "For NYU ...I got in." she says happily. "And for Columbia......I GOT IN!!" now it was Michelle turn to scream, ecstatic to get into her dream school. Her family cheered for her, Maya even said, "I knew you would."

Once the excitement dies down Michelle said to her Family, "So I actually applied to one more school. It's a longshot but I applied anyway."

"What school?" anna asked.


"Wow Chelley, what like the one most difficult school to get into. Not that Columbia isn't extremely hard to get into too, but MIT was never on your radar. Why did you decide to apply?" Maya asked

"Well ...Peter said he was applying--

"I know it had something to do with your little boytoy!" Maya and Anna laughed causing Michelle to turn as red as her coloring would allow.

"Shut up...okay let's look, so it says I....... I got in?" Michelle questions looking at her screen again, "Holy shit I got in! I was not expecting that!"

"WHOA, did you really get in!" Anna said talking the computer from Michell to look at it. "My daughter is so smart." Anna said hugging Michelle.

"What about me Ma?" Maya whines.

Anna rolls her eyes, pulling Maya into the hug too. "I have such intelligent daughters!" 

Michelle is so happy, but some worrisome thoughts creep into her head. If I got into MIT, there's a good chance Peter did too...What if he chooses to go? Will I go to and give up my dream school to be with him or go to my dream school without him.


Dont hate me but im still not done with the last 2 chapters. I'm really trying to make them good and i got a bit stuck wiriting this weekend. Im still trying to get it out towards the end of the week but if not beginning of next week. Either way, THE END IS NEAR!! Later Loserzzz!!!

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