Chapter 18

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CHAPTER CONTAINS CURSE WORDS AND SEXUAL ACTS. YOU'VE BEEN WARNED. But it's honestly not even that bad, I've read worse lmao.

Michelle wakes up to so something laying on her chest. She then remembers that Peter came to her for help in the middle of the night. Peters head was laying on her chest and his hand had a tight grip on Michelle waist. Their legs were wrapped around each other, and Michelle thought she could get used to waking up like this. Then she remembered why he was here in the first place. Peter got seriously hurt last night.

Michelle remembered the way Peter looked when he came into through her window. He looked beaten and bloody and broken. She turned her head and looked at the floor of her room. The bloody towels were still there. She wanted to throw up.

This was not what she was expecting when she agreed to become his girlfriend. Michelle thought she understood what it meant to be a hero in this city, but she was wrong. She didn't think she ever have to see a broken Peter and be there to fix him up. She's not even sure she bandaged his properly.

Peter shifted a bit on top of her, and Michelle got a clearer look at his face. He looked peaceful, as if the events of yesterday were all a dream. But they weren't. Because of Peter being Spider-Man, what happened yesterday could easily happen again. Michelle hated seeing him that way, and she wasn't sure she can keep seeing Peter bloody and beaten like that again. It was too much and it reminded Michelle of her father.

Peter shifts under her again and this time he wakes up. His grip on Michelle tightens, he looks up at her with those deep brown eyes of his and gives he a small smile.

"Morning beautiful," he says and kissed some of the exposed skin around her collarbone.

The way he looks at Michelle made her feel as if every nerve ending in her body was firing at once. Right then Michelle knew that she wanted this, that she wanted him, but she didn't know if she could handle seeing him in this state again.

"Morning dork," Michelle says back.

Peter chuckles and leans forward to capture his lips with hers. This kiss was slow and full of unspoken words. Peter's hand holding tighter and tighter to her waist, while his other arm is trying to keep most of his weight off her. Michelle's hands were combing up and down his sides under his shirt until she feels the large bandage, she placed on him yesterday. She stops kissing him.

"What's wrong?" Peter asked.

"Let me look at your stomach," Michelle tells him.

"Can we do that later. I mean we were in the middle of something." Peter says trying to persuade her from stopping.

Michelle glares at him, "Now Parker."

Petr sighs and lays on his back. Michelle sits up and lifts the shirt he's wearing. She goes to lift the bandage off of him, expecting to find a nasty looking slash. Instead she finds a long red scar where they slash should have been. This was a stark contrast from the slash that wouldn't stop bleeding last night. Michelle was amazed, this scar looked like it was at least 2 weeks old.

Peter was watching her the whole time she examined him. "I told you I have some form of advance healing." her smirks and Michelle stared at him, "and also you took really good care of me." He finished.

Michelle and Peter hear someone trying to open Michelle's door. "Chelley? Are you awake? Why'd you lock your door?" They hear Maya ask outside the door.

Michelle thanks the lord that she remembered to lock her door last night. "Uh, I have a headache from reading too much last night. So, I'm just going to keep laying down for a while." Michelle hoped her sister bought the lie.

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