Chapter 15

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Michelle led Peter into the guest room on the first floor. When her and Peter were inside, she locked the door. She didn't want anyone coming in while he's still angry. Michelle can hear Betty yelling outside the door and she felt proud of her friend in that moment.

Michelle looks over at Peter, who is now sitting on the bed with his head hung low. She went to sit next to him. They sat there in silence for a while, Michelle heard someone trying to open the door but soon gave up realizing its locked. Michelle guessed it was Ned trying to see how his best friend is doing.

Finally, Peter looks up at Michelle, "I know I shouldn't have done that, but it felt so good." he said.

"I bet it did." Michelle chuckles and Peter let out a little laugh.

Peter grabbed Michelle hand, "I just couldn't sit there and let him say those things about you," he continues, "It was like, all I could see was him and everything else went away."

Michelle looked at him, "Yeah, that freaked me out a little. For a moment when I was in your face, I didn't know what you were gonna do."

Peter looked sad as he brought her hand up to his mouth and kissed it softly. "I'd never hurt you MJ. Never."

She brings up her other hand to caress his face. She looks into his eyes for a few seconds before saying, "I know, Peter."

It was a sweet moment the couple shared before Michelle said, "Now I have to quit my job." She sighed, then says under her breath, "and I really like working there too."

Peter wrapped an arm around her waist, "You'll find a better one. You're smart and beautiful and the most honest person I've ever met." he kissed her cheek.

Michelle laughed, "I don't know what being Beautiful has to do with anything." she kissed him quickly and stood up. "Come on Romeo, we should get back out there. Brad and Gwen left so now we don't have to leave."

"How do you know they left?" Peter asked.

"I heard Betty yelling at them, and if you had been paying attention with that super hearing of yours, you could have heard them too." she chuckled and held out her hand to him.

Peter laughed, grabbing her hand, stood up, and they both walked out of the room.


When they got to the others, the first thing they noticed the mountain of blankets and pillows littering the floor of the living room. There were snacks thrown about and everyone was either sitting on the couch or with the blanks on the floor. They all looked up when Michelle and Peter came in.

"That took you long enough!" said Flash, sitting near Betty on the floor.

A chorus of shouting can be heard after Flash's' statement.

"Leave them alone."

"Let them be."

"It's none of your business what they were doing in there."

"They were probably having angry sex."

Everyone looked at Felicia, "What? Angry sex and breakup sex are hot, and Peter was angry enough for the both of them." she says then goes back to looking at her phone.

Everyone laughs at that except Peter and Michelle who looked embarrassed.

"So, we decided to forgo the rest of truth or dare and just watch some movies. We're trying to decide what to watch right now," Betty says.

Right then Michelle phone rings, it's her sister Maya. "I have to take this," she says and walks into the kitchen.

"What's up?" she answered.

"Are you okay Chelley?" Maya asked.

"Why wouldn't I be?" Michelle asked.

"I don't know but I kept getting this weird vibe that I should check up on you."

Michelle didn't know how her sister know could possibly know something went down, she sighed.

"I KNEW IT! Tell me what happened!" Maya yelled.

"I'll tell you when I get home. Bye."

Michelle hung up on Maya and about one second later Michelle got a text from Maya.

                Maya: Hang up on me again and watch what happens :((

Michelle rolled her eyes and went back to join the others.

"Who was that?" Betty asked as Michelle found a spot next to Peter on the floor.

"My sister Maya." she answered.

"Is the one with purple hair and all the piercings?" Cindy asked.

"Yes. how do you know her?" Michelle's eyes narrowed.

"We go to the same yoga studio. She so cool!" Cindy said.

Michelle was getting really tired everyone knowing her sister.

"So, what are we trying to watch?" Ned asked.

They all searched for a while until they all settled on Nightmare on Elm Street at Harry's suggestion.

"I hate scary movies." Cindy mumbled hiding under her blanket.

Harry chuckled and whispered, "I'll keep you company then."

Harry and Cindy snuggle up next to each other as the movie started. Ned and Betty sat close to one another; they weren't touching but they kept sending the other glances. Felicia and Flash sat on opposite ends of the couch trying to stay as far away from the other as possible. Flash kept sending Felicia dumb text to which she would roll her eyes at and send him a rude hand gesture, but upon closed inspections she smiles ever so slightly. Michelle was laying down on the blankets next to Peter. He felt her shiver and pulled another blanket around the both of them.

"If there anything inappropriate going on under those blankets, do me a favor and let me watch," Felicia said to Michelle and peter. Flash broke out laughing and some of the other chuckled. Betty threw a pillow at her laughing, "gross' she said.

They all watched movies and talked in the night, until one by one, they all fell asleep.


I love the sister Maya, because she reminds me of my own sister, so in a sense Michelle can be read as me lol. 50/50 chance ill post Friday cause I'm only a few chapters ahead now, when before I was several chapters ahead. Either way ill post on Monday, until then, later Loserzzz!

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