Chapter 5

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It's now Monday and Michelle was on her way to McAvery's Book Emporium for whatever training she needed to work there. She is strolling along lazily when she gets a call from her boyfriend Peter Parker.

"Hey Loser," Michelle answers.

"I've been your boyfriend for like three days and you still can't reframe from calling me a loser," Peter chuckled

"You'll always be a loser to me." Michelle laughs.

"OK, Michelle." She can tell Peter just rolled his eyes at her. "So, what are you doing today?"

"I already told you yesterday that I have to go to this training today for my new job at McAverys. Do you even listen or is your brain just full of spiderwebs," Michelle teased.

"Oh, my bad." Peter says apologetically. "Do you know how long it gonna be?"

"Miss me that much Parker." Michelle chuckles. "I'm not really sure but I am getting an hour lunch at noon."

"Okay good, then I'll pick you up and we can get lunch together," Peter states confidently. Michelle finds this side of Peter very attractive, but she'll never say it aloud.

"How do you know I don't already have plans with some other spider themed hero." She asked jokingly. Michelle look at the time, it's 7:50. I gotta move faster to get there on time. "And why are you even doing up this early."

"A spider themed hero's work is never done." MJ can feel his smile through the phone. "I'll be there around noon, Later MJ."

"Later dork."


Michelle makes it to the book shop with two minutes to spare. She is greeted by the Taylor she talked on the phone with earlier that week.

"Nice of you to show up," Taylor laughed

Michelle just looked at her.

"I'm just joking Michelle. Okay, so I know you've been here before but let me give you the official tour."

Taylor showed Michelle around the whole building which was decently sized for a bookstore. She saw the break room, back office, behind the front desk, there was even a mini kitchen for the employees.

"We do have a little kitchen where you can warm up your lunch if you bring it but you're more than welcome to go out for lunch." Taylor said, "so do you have lunch plans already?"

"Oh yeah, my, uh, boyfriend is taking me somewhere for lunch today." Michelle is still not used to calling Peter her boyfriend.

"That's so sweet, do you two go to the same school?"

"Yeah we both go to Midtown"

"The bosses grandson goes to Midtown, you might know him. His name is Brad Davis."

Michelle scowled slightly, Taylor didn't notice, "I do know him, I was with him and my other classmates this summer for a European school trip."

"That's good. Brad comes here to help our around the place from time to time."

Seeing Brad around was going to be interesting since the last time she saw him, she basically humiliated him in front of eh while class. Michelle was hoping he forgot about then and wanted to start fresh let the past be the past.

Taylor shows Michelle the proper way to place the book in she shelves. Which takes them a while because there is a large numbering system Michelle must know. its nearing 11 o'clock when the front door of the store opens, and someone walks in.

"Hey Taylor, where are you? My grandma told me there was a new hire from my school I should meet." this person says aloud.

"Back office!" Taylor shouts.

The stranger walks into the back office and it is none other than Brad Davis himself.

Brad looks at Michelle a bit taken aback, "Michelle, you're the new hire? You know now that I'm thinking about it, it makes complete sense." Brad laughed slightly.

Taylor chooses this time to take a lunch break and leaves Michelle in the hands of Brad.

"Sooo, how's your summer been going since Europe?" Michelle asked awkwardly.

"It's been pretty boring compared to Europe," he answered.

The awkwardness comes back and Michelle decided to just apologize.

"Look, I'm sorry for what I did, it was mean of me." This was literally the best she could do.

Brad looks at her, "It's okay, I guess. Since we're going to be seeing a lot of each other this summer we should get along" Brad holds out his hand to Michelle, "Truce?"

Michelle smiles a bit and shakes it, "Truce."

Michelle just wondered how long that truce would last when he found out she's dating Peter.


Michelle and Brad are talking about the easiest way to stack the books when the front door open again.

"I'll go see who it is." Brad says getting up.

Michelle, remembering that Peter was coming to get her, ran after him but was too late to stop the confrontation.

"What are you doing here Parker?" Brad asked, his voice laced with venom.

"I'm here to take my girlfriend to lunch if you don't mind? Peters voice filled equally with disdain.

"Well whoever the poor soul is, she's not here, so maybe you should leave."

Now Peter smirked, "Actually Brad, she's standing right behind you."

Michelle snapped out of whatever trance she was in and decided she had to put a stop to this before she loses her job, or someone starts throwing punches.

"Okay enough," Michelle steps in between them.

Brad look between her and Peter and asked, "Michelle, you're dating this freak?"

Michelle sighs, "Yes Brad, this freak here is my boyfriend." Michelle can see Peter up puff his chest at the comment. "And I'll ask you to refrain from calling him names, and that goes for you too Peter." Michelle heard Peter grunted.

"Okay look, I know you two don't get along, but since I'm working here can you two at least not argue in the store." Michelle looks between the two guys and they nod.

"Great" Michelle says emotionless. "Brad. Peter's taking me to lunch, I'll be back in an hour." Michelle grabs Peter hand and heads for the door, but not before she sees Peter giving Brad a smug smirk before she pulled him away.


not really much to say besides thanks to all the readers for reading and ill try and post at least twice a week. Later Losers lmao!

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