Chapter 10

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It's been a week since Michelle and Peter had the 'talk' with Aunt May and things have been going pretty smooth. It seemed like the whole ordeal brought them closer, but they've been busy with Michelle having to work late so Taylor can go on vacation, and Peter with saving the city. Although they've texted and talked on the phone, they haven't seen each other in a couple days. This evening Michelle was working later at the store. When she got a text from Peter.

Webz: u still at work?

MJ: yea but I'm leaving in a few minutes.

Webz: ok, I'll just wait for you then.

Michelle looks out the window of the store.

MJ: I don't see u. Where r u?

Webs: just hurry and come out already ;)

MJ: dork

Michelle finished up a few minutes later. She went to grab her bag and locked up the store. Once the store was locked and closed. She scanned the streets looking for Peter, but she couldn't find him.

"Come out Parker. I don't like waiting." Michelle said to the void.

All of a sudden Michelle was pulled off the ground and the next second she was on top of the bookstore. She didn't even have time to scream because it was so fast. Michelle looked at the entity that grabbed her from the ground, and she looked into the eyes of Spider-Man.

She looked at him deadpanned and said, "If you would've dropped me, we'd have problems."

Spider-Man chuckles, "I wouldn't have."

Michelle rolled her eyes, "Why'd you come dressed like this anyway?"

Spider-Man's eyes widen with excitement, "I thought I'd take my lovely girlfriend for a swing."

Already knowing where he's going with this, Michelle says, "Oh no. no, sorry I'm good."

"Come on! It'll be fun I swear. It's almost like flying!" He says in a dreamy voice.

Michelle just looks at him.

Spider-Man goes to his knees and puts his arms around her waist begging her playfully, "Please????"

Michelle laughs at his antics. Spider-Man is always more theatrical then Peter Parker, and she sometimes enjoyed his playful side. Spider-Man looks up at her with puppy dog eyes and Michelle sighs and gives in, "Fiiiiiiine."

Spider-Man jumps up, "Really? I thought you put up a bigger fight."

"I'll fight you if that's what you want!"

"Nope I'm good," he laughs and scoops her up. "Okay, put your legs around my waist and arms around my neck."

Michelle goes to get on Spider-Man's back but her maneuvers her to his side. "Don't you need two hands to swing?!"

"I can use one. Plus, this angle gives me a better view or your face." Spider-Man pulls up his mask to uncover the mouth and gives her a sweet kiss on the lips, then pulls his mask back down. This calms Michelle down a little as she tightens her arms and legs around Spider-Man's body.


"If you drop me, I'll kill you."

He laughs, "Never." then takes off, running full speed towards the tallest building.

I constantly forget how strong he is, Michelle thought.

And then Peter jumps in the air. Michelle tries to look but ends up screaming and putting her head in Spider-Man's neck. For a millisecond nothing happens, then Michelle feels them being pulled and she realizes they're not falling, they're swinging.

Michelle can feel the summer air moving across her body and through her hair.

She opened her eyes for a second, saw how high they were and immediately closed them saying, "oh god oh god oh god."

Spider-Man just laughs like he's having the time of his life.

They swing around the city for a while and Michelle was getting used to being so high, but she still hung onto Spider-Man like her life depended on it. She was able to open her eyes a little longer but mostly kept them closed. The air was moving so fast around them Michelle thought Spider-Man was right and this is what it feels like to fly.

Soon Michelle felt the air around them slow and they stopped moving. She felt Spider-Man come to the ground.

He laughed at her, as she was still handing off his side. "Open your eyes MJ."

Michelle opened her eyes and the first thing she noticed was how high up they were. She screamed out a little and put her face back into Spider-Man's neck. He laughed again, "I didn't know the great Michelle Jones was afraid of heights."

He immediately regretted saying anything as she scoffed and started unlatching herself from Spider-Man. He missed her warm presence, "I'm not afraid, it was just that I had to get used to the view."

Spider-Man took off his mask and showed the smiling face of Peter Parker. Michelle preferred this face much more than the masked one. She loves looking at him. He was slim but fit, and she loved the way his dark messy hair curled around his head in waterfalls. His eyes were deep and dark, not unlike her own, but much softer looking. He was a few centimeters shorter than her and she thought this added to his charm. Michelle realized she was staring and looked away.

Who'd ever think I'd look at the dork this way, she thought.

Michelle noticed it was getting darker outside and was about to turn to Peter, when he grabbed her by the hand and brought, her closer to him.

"I brought you to the best view in the whole city," he said and turned her around to see all of New York City bathed in the warm light of the setting sun. The sky was shades of purple, orange and yellow, and just behind them where the sky was the darkest, the stars glowed through brightly. It really was beautiful.

From behind her, Michelle feels Peter wraps his arms around her waist and puts his head into the crook of her neck. She leaned her body back against Peters. He moves her hair to the side, kisses her neck and says slowly, "Its beautiful isn't it?" This sends chill all through Michelle's being. All she could do was nod, and Peter laughed lowly into her neck.

They stood like that for a few minutes, just looking out into the city until Michelle turned around to face Peter, still tight in his grasp. She Put her arms around his neck.

"This where you take all your other girlfriends?" she asked playfully.

"Nah, just my favorites." He quips back.

"So, I'm a favorite of yours?"

"Oh yeah, definitely, top three." he laughed.

"Shut up Parker." She leaned in and kissed him forcefully.

Peter is caught off-guard for a second but then matches her intensity. She presses her chest hard against him and puts her hands on his neck and in his hair. One of Peters hands dropped to her lower back while the other stayed near her waist. Michelle pulled at him hard trying to find any way to get closer to him. She let out a moan and Peter knew this was the time to break things up.

He pulled away from her and Michelle wined. "Nooooo..."

Peter laughed at her childish actions and kissed her quickly one more time. "It's getting late and I gotta get you back home, so hop on." Peter Put his mask back on.

Michelle hops on petersback this time and the two take off into the night.


We reached chapter 10 YAY!!! i originally wanted this story to be no more than 20 chapter but at the rate im going its more likely gonna be more that 20 lol. This chapter was just a sweet spideychelle that i wanted to put in there. Ill only post mon and wed next week for the holiday. nothing left to say but Later Loserzzz!

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