Chapter 26

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CHAPTER CONTAINS CURSE WORDS AND HAS SOME OVERTLY SEXUAL THEMES. It'll only get worse the next few chapters. You have been warned.

Michelle and Peter haven't had any time together for weeks. Their schedules have been so packed it hard getting together other than during their classes. Michelle has been putting more work into her internship at the Bugle. The holiday season has started, and Michelle's department has been swamped. She goes to the Bugle almost every day after school and the Academic Decathlon. As the decathlon captain, Michelle is trying to get as many practices as possible because she knows that once winter break comes, no one will be practicing. Michelle is also in the process of submitting her college applications. Her Columbia application is in along with her other schools, but Michelle also applied to a school that she's not telling anyone about, not even Peter. Michelle also applies to MIT. She knows that she won't get it, but she felt this urge to do it anyway. Peter must really be getting to her.

Peter is busy with fighting a green dude on a hoverboard. The media is calling him 'The Green Goblin' but Michelle thinks he looks more like a troll. Combine that with his extra patrols, class work, and his extra sessions for the decathlon, that he's not even doing with Michelle because she's at work. They haven't seen a lot of each other.

It's been a long day for Michelle. After school, there was a decathlon meeting which she cut short because the other members were really read to go home. After that Michelle had to basically run to the Bugle. They were showing the Noir-Christmas artist tonight. She ended up leaving the Bugle at around 2 in the morning. Maya came to pick her up.

"You look stressed sis." Maya said laughing.

"Yeah. No, shit." she snaps back.

Maya looks over at her sister through the corner of her eye. "Whoa, okay then," and she starts driving home. "If you don't want to talk to me that's fine, but I suggest you chill with the snarky remarks. I mean I did wake up outta the goodness of my own heart to come get you at 2 in the morning." Maya rolled her eyes not unlike Michelle does regularly.

Michelle sighs and look at her sister. Her hair had grown longer, and her face look more gaunt than usual. She doesn't have any of her usual piercing in except the ones on her nose. Maya doesn't look too good either, Michelle thought.

"I'm not the only one who looks stressed." Michelle says.

Maya snorts, "I have a lot on my plate. It's not easy being me these days."

"Yeah cause everyone thinks you're perfect," Michelle said back.

"Fuck no." Maya dismissed. "I stress myself out trying to do more than I can handle. I'm the student body president of NYU, I'm graduating Senior with a 4.5 GPA, I give tours of campus to high schoolers, I'm applying to law schools across the country, and I fellow at a Law firm. That leaves me little time to eat or hang out with my friends and girlfriend or do anything for my mental health. I wasn't even asleep when you called! I was studying for my fucking LSATs next week!" Maya huffed al that our like she's been holding it in for a while.

Michelle has been consumed with so much recently she forgot about her own sister. "I didn't know." she says apologetically.

"It's okay Chelley. You got your own things happening with senior year, and whatnot. I understand." Maya says much calmer. "Now tell me what has been happening to stress you out so much. I used to know everything that was going on with you and now I know almost nothing."

Michelle explains to Maya how she stressed she been with school, the decathlon, her internship, applying to schools, and not having time for her boyfriend. Maya listened to Michelle's whole story even driving around the apartment a few times so she can finish.

"Wow you really are like me, huh?" Maya laugh finally pulling into a spot on their apartment parking lot.

Michelle rolls her eyes.

"Do you wanna know what I think you should do?" Maya asked.

"Not reall-"

"I think you shouldn't stress about school too much since you have a week left before the break and you have like a 4.0GPa already. Take it easy on your team, captain, or they'll get burnt out. Finish and send off all the application you haven't, tomorrow. Talk to your Boss at the Bugle about cutting back you hours so everything isn't as chaotic. Now, as for Peter..." Maya says.

"What about Peter?" Michelle asked.

"Do you really like him. Like do you see yourself being with him for a while?" Maya asked ignoring Michelle's question.

"I love him, Maya." This was Michelle's first time telling someone other than Peter about her love for him. But it's with her trusted sister so she doesn't have to worry about it getting out.

Maya eyes light up. "Oh Chelley, that's adorable! Young love is adorable. I think I'm gonna cry. Have you told him? Does he feel the same?"

Michelle became a but sheepish, "Yeah, he loves me back."

Maya actually squalls, "OMG I LOVE LOVE!" She bear hugs Michelle, and Michelle tries to wiggle out of it.

"Okay here's what you should do. He's 18, right?" Maya asked.

"Yeah, he turned 18 a few months ago."

"Good cause in not trying to assist in some illegal shit. You two need some alone time together. And since your birthday is during break that's when you should do it. Plan a whole day to be with him. Go somewhere nice like a hotel or something. It'll give you two sometime to reconnect if you know what I mean" Maya winked at Michelle. "I'll even be your alibi for mom."

"There can't be a reconnect if there's never been a connect." Michelle states.

Maya look at Michelle, a bit stunned. "You two haven't has sex yet? Not that I'm judging, everyone does it at their own pace. But, do you want to?"

Embarrassed, Michelle puts her hands over her face, "I want to, but it's never been the right time I guess."

"Okay, well, I can still help you set up the day with him if you want, a I'll still be your alibi." Maya tells her sister.

"That'll be helpful. Thanks Maya."

"Anything for you baby sister!" Maya said as they finally get out the car and head to the apartment. "Awe, you're gonna get peen for the first time!" she says too loud.

"Shut up Maya!" Michelle screams whispers.

Maya continues like she didn't hear her sister. "I remember the first time I got dick downed. It was basic, but he did make me realize I like women just a bit more." She laughed.

"Please god make it stop." Michelle groaned.

Maya laughed a bit louder. "Okay Chelley," she says walking to the apartment, "Your problems are so much easier to solve then mine." She did one last chuckle. "Tomorrow, we'll begin planning your Peen party." 


I start my new work position tomorrow thankfully. I just wrote a GREAT fucking chapter in this story and I cant wait for you all to read it. Its my favorite chapter to write so far. There for, I'll be posting at least twice a week until the end of the story. Which is getting close. I plan on finishing writing the story within the next 2 to 3 weeks depending on my work schedule. Until next week, Later Loserzzz!!! 

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