Chapter 51- A Blast From The Past

Start from the beginning

"Can you guys please take all your love and affection some place else"Zackery pipes up to them feeling jealous

"Oh come on Zackery you would do the same" Kathryn replies to his knowing what like he is by now

"Yeah yeah whatever" Zackery responds and takes a drink from his glance

"Why don't you go find Saddie, I'm sure she will be wanting some love and affection" Ella suggest to him as she looks around the hall to find her

"Me and her just didn't work together, I don't know what it was but it just wasn't happening" Zackery tells the group shaking his head having practically forgotten all about her

"That's a shame i really liked her" Alice tells him thinking that she would have been a good fit to the group even though she is a bit quiet and reserved.

Danny spots Kathryn looking down at the Teachers table looking confused.

"What you looking at?"Danny asks her

" My dad he's talking to some guys" Kathryn answers feeling confused as she doesn't know who they are.

"You could just go over and ask him" Dallas points out to her not seeing any harm in it

"Yeah i think i will" Kathryn nods her head, she picks up her folders which has her keys and phone safely stored inside and stands up. "I'll see you later" She tells Dallas and gives him a kiss on the lips.

"That you will"Dallas responds with a smirk and watches her walk over to her father.

Kathryn walks over to her father to which he looks at her with a smile and stands up too greet her.

"Hi darling"Justin says with a smile on his face

"Good morning dad" Kathryn replies to him

"Everything alright?" Justin asks her afraid that something might be wrong

"Yeah, i was just coming over to make sure you are still alright with me, Ella and Alice going away to Miami for spring break" Kathryn answers half lying to him, part of her did want to know if he was still okay with it before she started packing and the other part of her wanted to know who the three guys were.

"As long as you take the boys and bodyguards with you then yes i am still okay with it" Justin shares with her

"Thank you, thank you, thank you" Kathryn replies feeling grateful that he said yes and that she is actually getting to go.

"I want you to meet my childhood friends"Justin pipes up and looks over to the boys.

"Really?" Kathryn grins at him to which he shakes his head at her having known her intentions.

"Bobby, Rufus, Lewis, this is my daughter Kathryn" Justin introduces them

"Good morning boys, pleasure to meet you" Kathryn says holding out her hand for them to shake

"You are far more kinder than i expected" Rufus pipes up as he shakes her hand

"More beautiful than i remembered" Bobby tells her with a smile and shakes her hand

"You don't seem any bit like your father" Lewis says to her and shakes her hand with a smile

"Oh I'm just doing my duty as a VanderVall woman, being pleasant and welcoming" Kathryn smiles to them and puts her hand back down to her side "What exactly has my father told you about me?"

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