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I was the fat boy in middle school that had all the fake friends that pitied him. As the years passed I was given a wake up call in high school after a bad bullying incident. I started working out and trying to lose the weight. By time it hit my second year in college I had lost a good bit but still wasn't the fit or slim guy girls go crazy over. 

My stomach still jiggles when I walked and my thighs rubbed together. I still have to buy clothing with an X at the end of the sizes. But at least I can tie my shoes. 

Recently I discovered I had a growing crush. His name was Kain and of course he was the tall, fit, and handsome white boy next door. He went to my college and was always surrounded by people that liked him. They could be fake too, just liking his face. 

Today I was watching him from across the library. He came to look for something and I was leaving, but when I saw him I decided it wouldn't be too bad to stay a bit longer. I had taken a seat at a study table with some random book in front of me I wasn't reading. It looked like he was getting frustrated with his word and it was adorable. 

I smiled at the sight. 

He looked up at me.

He caught me smiling at him. 

Quickly I ducked my head back down into the book in front of me and felt my face burn with heat. I knew he say me. We locked eyes and held it for a good two seconds. This is the seconds most embarrassing day of my life. 

"Hey...." The sound of his voice being so close caused me to jump and looked up. Kain stood at the side of my table with the book in his hand. "Can you help me? I don't get this at all and you look smart." He gave me a slightly crooked smile and my chest throbbed. 

He thinks I looks smart. Forcing my head to move I nodded at him. He smiled more and pulled out the chair next to me and sat down. Setting the book down on the table he opened it and showed me where he was stuck at. He leaned in closer to hear me and it made my skin tingle when out elbows touched lightly.  

"Thanks so much. If I don't pass this class I'm going to lose my mind starting the year over." He chuckled softly as he started to write down his work and notes. After a moment of me sitting quietly he looked over at me. "Oh man...sorry. I didn't mean to mess up your reading flow." 

I looked down at the forgotten book in front of me before quickly waving my hands. "Oh no! Dont worry about that. I read it like three times so I know what happens next." A little lying won't hurt.

Kain gave me another bright smile. "Alright then. Hey you wanna go grab some coffee?" 

I stared at him for a moment. I had to slowly take in that he wanted to spend more time with me and hang out. "Yes." 

He chuckled softly at my small answer before standing up and collecting his book. "Great. My treat, so don't even sweat it." 

I quickly stood up and closed the book to put back on the shelf. Kain waited for me patiently. We left the library together and traded names. We spoke lightly about our classes and future goals. He cracked good jokes, making me laugh. I cracked bad jokes, making him laugh. When we reached the coffee shop and got our drinks I felt like I was floating on clouds. 

We had taken a seat at a table by the window and he sighed softly with a smile hinting to break free. I squinted my eyes at him growing curious. "What?" 

Kain looked at me as he played with the top of his foam cup in front of him. "I gotta confess something....I asked you to help me study just so I could ask you out." The words sounded so unreal I felt like I was dreaming. Seeing my stunned reaction Kain quickly kept talking. "I saw you around a bit and you just interested me.'re really like...adorable ya know." He mumbled the last bit as his face started to turn a darker reddish shade. 

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