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I wanted to cook a meal so good it would have reactions from everyone I would ever meet. I have been cooking since I was a young boy on a farm. Soon I became a city man working in a kitchen. I cooked for a well know restaurant and I love it.

Well I did until the higher ups sent down a new manager. Mr. Demon. His last name is literally demon and it's very fitting.

He won't eat my cooking. He hates the smell of anything I make. It's embarrassing when he crunches his face up at my work in front of customers or the other workers. I tried to give any dish he wanted to prove to him my cooking was great but he won't budge.

I tried again last night. I made him a salmon at dinner before I got off my shift. I brought it to his office and set it on his desk. He pushed it onto the floor with a cold look on his face. "This garbage isn't fit for any human to eat." Was what he said boldly.

Thoes words nearly brought me to tears as I stormed out. But today should be fine. I came to work early for the morning shift so I wouldn't have to see him. I'm convinced he's trying to get me to quit but that's not going to happen. The customers love my cooking. I'll just ignore him.

"You're late." The sight of the manager standing in the middle of the kitchen caused me to pause in my steps. Demon looked over me with a light glare. "You came for the early shift? You're late. 10 minutes."

I felt speechless for a moment before snapping out of it. "Yes....apologies the bus day sceduals are different from at night-" I stopped speaking as he suddenly turned and walked away. He paid me no more mind after and I forced myself to get to work in my angry state.

As the day turned to night I got ready to click out. The kitchen was heated and I was ready for sleep. As I reached out to click in my work code my hand was pushed away. I quickly looked at Mr. Demon as he stood next to me.

"I need you to do a few more hours."

I felt my eye twitch in annoyance. "I can't. I have to come back tomorr-"

"Do it or don't come back at all." He turned around and walked off not giving me a chance to reply.

I clenched my hands tightly down at my sides. Turning back towards the kitchen I went back to work. He was surely trying to drive me off. I'll just file a complaint on his attitude with HR and be done with him.

My arms and legs felt heavy as I finished cleaning the last table. The restaurant was empty of customers. I forced a smile and waved at a co-worker as they left. Turning to the kitchen I moved inside to clock out. It was only after that I noticed I was the last one here. I started to worry since I didn't have the keys to lock the building up.

Taking out my phone I was about to call a manager I actually could stand. The sound of keys caused me to quickly hang up and move to the front to investigate. There locking up the front was Mr.Demon.

I quickly moved forward for his attention. "W-wait sorry....I need to get out...."

As he turned around and saw it was me his face scrunched as if he smelled something awful. I was taken back and frowned at him. "Did you stay a whole 8 more hours?"

I felt instantly confused at his choice of words. "Uhh....yeah...you asked me to do a double."

Mr. Demon seemed to suddenly grow more annoyed. I clenched my jaw watching him. "I said a few more hours....not a double. What the hell....now we'll go into over time. Shit." He moved to walk away from me.

I would've been thankful if I didn't need to get out. "Mr. Demon....the door."

He stopped walking and turned to look back at me. His dark brown eyes were filled with dislike for me. "What about it? Come with me so we can fixed your new scedual." He turned around and started walking towards his office.

With a deep sigh I followed after him. The only good thing was he might give me a extra day off this week. As the door of the office closed behind me I sat down in the chair by the desk. He immediately got in his computer and started working on something.

"I don't get how you got hired." I almost didn't missed what he said when he broke the silence. "You can't cook and you're just a huge pathetic guy. We waste money hiring people like you."

I stared at him slightly shocked. "What-"

"Just quit already. You're so annoying and such a kiss ass. I bet you live in a halfway house. You always smell funny. This isn't the place for you." He was looking right at me with such a straight face. He wasn't joking and was set on saying whats on his mind.

I took in his words as silence filled the room again. We stayed staring at each other. I was angry. He didn't know me at all. He judged me before even really speaking to me. He won't eat my cooking. I was seeing red. How dare he?

My body moved on its own across the desk between us. In a flash I was grabbing his hair and dragging him over onto the floor. As items fell off his desk I started to kick at him. I didn't care how hard, I just kicked.

As he tried to shield his body I got more upset. I straddled his stomach and pinned his arms under my legs. I punched his face again and again and again. He was bleeding so much but I kept hitting. I just wanted him to shut up. He needed to shut up.

As my hands shook and I stopped hitting him I noticed he was unconscious. He was struggling with breathing. His face was swelled up already and turning colors. I pushed myself up and off him and focused on getting my breathing together. His office was ruined with blood.

This is his fault. He shouldn't have said that.

In a last fit of rage I moved back towards him. Lifted my leg and brought my foot down onto his face. A loud crunch sounded as the bone gave way to my weight.


I blinked and quickly focused as I looked at Mr. Demon sitting across from me. He looked frustrated as he held out a piece of paper to me. "Here and get out."

I felt my hands trembling as I took in the day dream I just had. Slowly standing up I slid my hands in my pockets without taking the papers. "I
.....I quit...."

Mr. Demon watched me closely before smirking. "Good." He stood up and threw the paper away.

I slowly followed him out of the office. Once we reached the doors and he opened them again I quickly left. I could hear him relock the door behind me as I hurried down the dark street.

I suppose cooking can wait....


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