Bed time

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Every night before bed I usually sing my son a song. He's all I have from my widowed wife. She passed away giving birth to him. I loved her so much. She was a beauty. We named our son Justin before she passed away. She would sing to him when he was in her belly and so I kept singing to him in her place. He's 6 now and I still sing to him. 

Lately something weird has been happening. I feel like someone is singing with me. Something with a deep voice, maybe a grown man. I can't be sure. There is no one there when I look around my sons room. 

"Dad sing the song. Please?" He was adorable, big brown eyes and shaggy blonde hair. 

I nodded at him unable to say no. "Of course. I would never forget." I tucked him into his race car bed and kissed his forehead softly before starting to sing. I always kept my tone soft so he dozes off faster. 

It is always pleasant to watch him doze off. But not tonight. I can hear it more clearly today. Someone else was singing with me. It sounded so close. But as I look around the room I couldn't see anyone. I kept singing the song as I carefully walked to his window covered in stickers to look out of. No one. Still I song and still the voice did as well. Turning to his closet I made my way over and checked it. Nothing.

I looked around his room and clenched my hands tightly as I slowly stopped singing. Yet this time the voice didn't follow. It kept going. Soft and deep. I started to shake in my spot as the voice sounded like it was right beside me. Yet as I looked over there was nothing. 

I hurried across the room and picked up my son. Holding his sleeping body close to mine I quickly made my way down the stairs and to the car. I paused at the door and looked around for my keys. I was careful with my son as I panicked silently. I always set them in the bowl by the door and now they weren't there. 


I headed to the door anyway to leave. I can go to a neighbor's until morning. I could still hear the singing. It seemed to be at a distance. Once I reached the door I pulled at it. Twisting it hard and jerking but it wouldn't open. I felt my heart pick up as I let it go and turned around to head to the back door. I don't want to scare my son. He has to stay sleeping. So I didn't rush too much as I headed throughout the house.

It was the same. The door was locked and wouldn't budge. I clenched my jaw as I decided I had to try and kick one open. Carefully I moved my son in front of my and tried to wake him. When his big eyes opened I smiled at him. Before I could tell him why he was awake and downstairs he smiled brightly at something over my shoulder. 

I froze as I watched him lift his hand and wave at something behind me. "Hi mama!"

Justin only knew what his mother looked like from photos. He has never in his life seen her in person. There was no possible way she was behind me. I buried her myself. 

I was trembling as I slowly turned around to look over my shoulder. There was a creature standing behind me. A tall dark creature that had the form of a large male. Its eyes were a deep purple and it had sharp teeth end to end for a mouth. It breathes heavily as it watched me take it in. It looked like a beast. Something unreal. It looked to have a bit of black fur over its chest and arms.

Before I could react Justin escaped my hands and shot for the creature. I felt a scream about to leave me. It would kill my son. It would kill him. It would kill him. It would kill him. 

It hugged him. 

It hugged my son with a warm embrace as it kept watching me. 

Justin giggled and looked back at me. "It's mama! She's so pretty daddy!"

I was frozen. I couldn't speak. Why would Justin think this is his mother? What is he seeing? 

I forced my voice out. I had too "P-please...let him go." I was grown man but felt so helpless right now.

I didn't think it would speak. I didn't think it could speak. But it did with a very deep voice. "I would never hurt my mates child. He is now my child. I will always be the most pleasing form for him to see."

What? Mate? Form? Is it changing its form in Justin's eyes? He is seeing his mother...and not this beast. 

I felt relieved. I wanted to cry but I didn't want Justin to worry. He is so young. I must be delusional. "Justin....mommy has to go now...let her go and come here."

Justin pouted as he looked up at him. "But...she came home."

No. She didn't. She never will again. "Justin-"

"No! Mommy is home!" He was getting upset.

The creature tilted its head as it cleaned the falling tears off my sons face. "Mommy will never leave again." Its purple eyes looked over at me. A promise to me and my son was in its words. 

It wont matter where I went or how far I run with Justin. It would come. It would find us.  

"What....What a-are you..." I stepped closer. I wanted to snatch my son from it but it only hugged him closer. 

"A demon. And you are my human mate."

"You....are a male demon... what is a mate..."

It smiled at me. I think. Its long razor sharp teeth spread and stretched upwards. A shiver went down my back. "I am....and I'll tell you."  


11 years later.

I waved at Justin as he headed out with his friends in the car. "Be careful!"

He smiled and waved back at me. Over the years he's started to look more like me. He is almost taller then me too now. He kinda grew up so fast. "I'll be back tonight! Tell mom I love her!"

As he drove off I slowly stopped waving. A heavy presence appeared behind me, making my world feel heavier. I glanced over my shoulder at Dronum, or as I call him Drake. My demon mate.

He gave me a long sharp tooth smile while watching me. We stared at each other before I smile and pushed him back inside with me. "Move creep." I closed the door and started towards the kitchen. 

He hurried to appear before me again and block my path, causing me to laugh softly. His magic was always interesting. "Now now. The child is away and you said we could play."

I shifted in my spot as I glanced down at his long sharp nails. I thought about my thighs and arms. He left wounds so deep I often couldn't stop the bleeding immediately. I hate that he won't submit to me. It was more pain than pleasure each time. I secretly....hate my soulmate. "Maybe....tomorrow."

Drake doesn't take rejection well. Over the years I've learned that. He would brake things or go into a bad mood that would last for days. He would push me aside or his nails would cut me when he threw his arms up too fast. He even broke the bedroom door off the hinges once to get to me in an argument when I locked him out. I know he holds back. He's a demon who could kill me.

Any day my son would be left alone...or worse....with Drake.

As his purple eyes grew darker I quickly forced out a laugh. My heart was racing.

"I'm kidding! So serious....come again, you know I love you." I took his large hand in mine, and started to lead the way up the stairs. He gave in and smiled, showing those sharp teeth. 

This my eternal punishment for letting another pretend to be my child's mother. He won't ever leave....and I never can.

I accept this pain.


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