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It's been happening a lot lately. The dreams.

They started off light and warm. His hands holding mine during walks or his leg brushing against mine. They got more intense. He would hold me, cuddle me, or even give me cheek kisses. But now I'm worried. Something must be wrong. My dreams have gotten so scary. He kisses me with so much passion and lust it leaves me breathless. His hands travel all over and he grips on me so possessively. His eyes are so full of an emotion I can't understand when he pins me down or pushed me against a wall and moves over me. I try to speak yet he won't let me any more. Nothing stops the lust and thrills that run over us both once he has me in his grasp. 

Who is he you might ask.

"Carter get back to work! You keep dazing out, are you sick?" Ezekiel, my boss. He is owner of the book store I work at and he's been invading my dreams constantly since I started working here 3 months ago. 

As he moved over towards me and lifted his large hand to touch my forehead and check my temperature I took in his height compared to mine. He was a easy 6'3 next to my 5'5. We are both males but I can see he got the alpha genes, whereas I got bata. He was a dark man, chocolate and broad in the shoulders. His eyes were dark caramel, and his deep brown hair were in light cut down waves. 

I was a little lighter than him, hazel nuts is what I'm compared to usually. I let my dark hair grow out a bit. The texture of it was curly, and it fell near my ears. My eyes were a deep brown and I do my best to work out because I don't like my body. 

My thoughts were cut off as Ezekiel stepped back from me to look at me better. I immediately smiled and nodded while putting the books I was holding down on the cart before me. "Yeah....sorry just daydreaming. I'll focus better." 

Even as I moved to pretend to get back to work and avoid his gaze I felt it. He was watching me as he always did. I try to keep my distance. Not wanting what I think to be a crush to ruin my good work life. 

As I pushed the cart and started to head to the next aisle I could hear his footsteps following me. It made me worried I did something wrong. He used to do this when I first started working here. I used to think it was to be sure I wasn't stealing any of the expensive signed books. But now I feel like I'm being hunted down. Each movement makes me sweat and second guess myself. His gaze was so heavy it made it hard to breathe. 

"Carter-" I jumped and hit my cart, causing the books to fall over. As I scrambled down to pick them up Ezekiel watched me. I was a grown man, 24, yet I felt like I wanted to cry in embarrassment and shame. He was silent as he watched me and I felt like the world was yelling at me. 

My voice was soft and low, showing my shame as I kept my eyes down. "I'm sorry...." 

He inhaled lightly before turning around and walking away. I slowly stood back up and put the books back on the cart. Taking a deep needed in take of air I realized it after. I don't know when it started but I can't handle it anymore. The anxiety while being around a man I've never seen outside of this job is killing me. I can't work like this anymore and I feel it's only going to get worse. 

Will I have to quit?

The thought made me frown and my chest ache. Shaking it off I pushed the cart to a far wall and started to walk around the store to look it over. There were only two customers searching and I felt it was a good time to sneak off to my break.

I loved claiming the bean bag that sat in the corner of the back office. It was black and great to use for thinking and relaxing. I looked around the office and at the many books before sighing and closing my eyes. A small 20 minute nap shouldn't hurt. 

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