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Ever since freshman year of high school I have been very lucky. Everything usually goes my way all the time since I graduated and went to college. Graduation that lead to and started my dream job as a vet owner. I love animals.

And I owe it all to my best friend. His name is Henry.

He's been supporting me every year with my dreams. He got his dream job as a cop not too long ago. He married his high school sweetheart and they had a kid about 2 months ago.

I am uncle Will and it's awesome.

As long as I keep being a good friend too then nothing will get in our way. We'll keep reaching our goals with each others support.

That's exactly why I set up my living room for movie night. Me and him have one at least once a month. He likes action and I like mystery so we usually watch two movies.

An alarm om my phone sounded and I quickly turned it off. Double checking to make sure the area was good I walked to the kitchen and got the snacks. The soft jingle of keys to my door made me hurry to get back to the living room.

As the door opened and shut I just made it to sit down and set the snacks out. Henry made his way inside and I smiled slightly at him. He has keys to my place incase of emergencies, he says its needed. I don't get any to his because his wife needs privacy. That's fair to me.

Henry was out of his uniform and smiling. That made me relax. He waved at me before plopping his body down beside mine and looking at the screen. Seeing his favorite action movie in first he perked up more.

I quickly hit play and pulled the bowl of chips to my side. As the movie went on we laughed and enjoyed the explosions and drama.

Suddenly the movie started skipping.

I felt my heart skip with it as I quickly grabbed the remote and stopped the movie. Standing up I set the chips aside and quickly moved to the t.v and check if its the signal. My hands started to sweat as I did my best to find out what was wrong with my t.v.

Henry sighed deeply and I felt my hands start to tremble. I turned to try and explain and ended up dropping the remote. It landed on the floor loudly and made me jump. It was silent around us as my legs grew weak.

Henry was watching me. Staring. Judging. Deciding.

I lifted my eyes to glance at him. Catching sight of his deep frown and glare. Slowly I started back to the couch and sat down beside him. I clenched my hands tightly as I waited to see what this punishment would be.

Henry didn't like mistakes.

Pain stuck my head as his fist landed against my cheek. I whimpered loudly as I stood up and backed away. I didn't like this punishment. I wanted to be ignored. Humiliated. Yelled at. Even put outside of my own house for a while.

But never this one. I hated this one. His hits always hurt so badly. He never knows when to stop. He goes too far when he hits.

I tasted blood as I realised my inner cheek cut against my teeth. I held my hand out in front of me as Henry stood up and started walking my way. I know running is bad. But I couldn't take this. Not now.

I jumped in fright as he pushed the small table with the snacks out if his way. Forcing the snacks to hit the floor and the glass bowls on it to shatter. My eyes filled with tears as I backed up into a wall and held my throbbing cheek.

He was so upset. I know the rules. I know what I need to do. It was my fault for not checking the weather. That's what must have happened. Bad weather. I can tell him that. He might stop.

My words were stolen as he pushed my overstretched hand out of his way. I closed my eyes tightly as his hand rised and then came down across my good cheek.

He gave me a choice once. I take my punishments and don't fight back or his wife would take them. That's not fair. He knew I would say myself. She had nothing to do with this.

His hand found its way in my hair. A cry left me as he tugged the strands and forced me to the floor. It took me a moment to realise the hitting had stopped. My head throbbed but I knew he had paused. I forced my eyes open and dared to look up at him.

Henry was glaring over me. He was looking at something else.

I quickly looked around and felt my heart drop. His wife stood in the door way. Henry's gun was in her hand and pointed at him.

I forced myself to stand up. I ignored the small drops of blood I was getting on my floor as I faced her. I tried to speak, calm her down. I could handle Henry and she needed to go back to their child. I tried to explain to her this is how best friends behave and sort out disagreements.

Her eyes watered and I didn't understand why. She said this was wrong. I told her it wasn't. She cried more.

The moment was broken as Henry put his hand back in my hair. His grip instantly caused me to have a headache. He jerked me back and my back slammed against the floor. I gasped for air just as a loud shot went off. I watched in a light dizzy spell as Henry's body swayed and then fell over.

He hit the ground next to me with a thud. His wife rushed over to me and called 911. She waited with me as the paramedics came and the police. They took her for questions and then took Henry's body away.

I was taken to a ambulance to get looked over.

I kept looking around. What now? What was I suppose to do? Henry always knew what I was suppose to do.

A slight pain hit me as the paramedic bandaged my cheek that was swelling. I look over at him. The man caught my eyes and raised a brow. I swallowed softly and asked him what to do next. He told me go see a therapist. I asked what after? He said rest. And after? He watched me curiously for a while.

Then he said softly to come with him. I nodded quickly and smiled.


Apparently I have been missing for 4 months now.


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