Chapter Nine

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3rd POV
Y/n is covered by bandages, he is walking out of the medic room, he carries a bag of his clothes that was covered in blood. He eventually got back to Winter's home, he knock on the door and came in. He then put the clothes in the washer, he stretched but his wounds hurt. Y/n sit on a chair and letting a relief sigh. But he heard footsteps, but he stay there, he heard the following conversation.

Weiss: I do know, very much-

Whitley: You don't know!?!

Weiss was taken back.

Whitley: Ever since y-you left!

He said in a very anger tone, but he is holding it.

Whitley: I have been the main target for the abuse! I-I have been living with two terrible parents! What makes you feel any good?! Leaving a small sibling behind to be looked after by an alcoholic and neglectful mother, and that old man! Abusive, manipulative, old man! I feel betrayed.... when you left. I feel alone. You left, having friends and have a good time. While I was there, stuck with them! You didn't even talk to me, I bet you were talking to Winter! The only person that cared about me was Klein!

That was when Y/n got up, he walk up the stairs, he followed the source of the conversation, identify the voices being Weiss and Whitley. He opened the guest bedroom door, they look at them, seeing his bandages. He turn his attention to Weiss.

Y/n: Aren't you supposed to be at Beacon.

Weiss: When I heard you got hurt, I decide to-

Whitley: Have an audacity to come here. I was also hurt too, even now, by you.

Weiss glares at him, she look like she was about to talk to Whitley, but-

Y/n: He's right.

Weiss look at him, as he walk over to Whitley and check his head.

Y/n: How's your head?

Whitley: I'll push through.

Y/n smiled, before turning to Weiss.

Y/n: If you want to ask if I am alright, I am. You mustn't be neglectful to your brother.

Weiss: Neglectful!? How am I neglectful!?

Y/n: Did you ask if he was alright?

Weiss didn't answer, instead she hang her head down. Y/n shake his head.

Y/n: He is your family, family is a big part of your life. Now, Weiss. Beacon, do you have to be there?

Weiss: It's the weekend, so no.

Y/n: I see.

He turn his body to the door and walk out, before saying.

Y/n: If you need to be taken somewhere, you know who to call.

He left the room, Weiss and Whitley look each other, before Weiss sigh and rub her arm.

Weiss: Sorry for not checking up on you.

Whitley: Don't let it happen the next time, Sister. Otherwise I wouldn't accept your apology. And an apology for my unnecessary outburst.

Whitley goes over to open the curtains, letting light into the guest bedroom. He turn his attention back to Weiss again.

Whitley: How is Beacon?

He asked, Weiss then cross her arms.

Weiss: Good, I-I mean if that is alright.

Whitley: It is, anyway. I have some plans, I hope you have a nice day.

He also left the bedroom, however when he turned, he saw Y/n leaning against the wall.

Whitley: Were you eavesdropping?

Y/n: Perhaps, I have nothing to do.

Whitley: Are you alright? Those bandages look that isn't going to work, but your aura should do it. Right?

Y/n: Didn't train it well, so they don't do a thing.

Whitley was shock. Weiss runs out to see them.

Whitley: W-What!?! We should do something to your wounds!

Weiss: What do you mean: "Didn't train it well"!?!

Y/n: I have to intentions of training it, nor ever will.

Weiss: Why!?

Y/n: I didn't go to medic school just for a cut.

He said in a sarcastic tone, somehow surprising them.

Weiss: W-Was that sarcasm?

Y/n look at them.

Y/n: I appreciate the concerns, but trust me, these wounds will be taken care of.

Whitley: W-Wait, how come you didn't train your aura, but unlock your semblance!?

Y/n: I was having thought of becoming a hunter, but life changes. Also I don't really see myself being barbaric enough to fight. So I decide to spend my time as a youth of having other interest, like cooking. Speaking of which, it is almost evening. I'll prepare dinner.

He walk downstairs to cook dinner, Whitley and Weiss look at each other.

Weiss: W-What was his semblance?

Whitley: E-Err... Controlling dirt? I seen him using dirt as armor and weapons. B-But, I am not sure.

Weiss: Anyway, Brother. I'll better be going, Ruby probably be looking all over Vale, looking for me.

She walk down the stairs, opening the front door, but when she is about to leave. Whitley grab her sleeve, she look back at him.

Whitley: Thank you, for coming over. Even though, you came for Y/n.

He said it while looking a random direction so he didn't have to look at her. Weiss smiles.

Weiss: I'll try to visit more.

This cause Whitley to look back and also smile. Weiss then walks off, as Whitley close the door. In the kitchen, Y/n, hearing the conversation, he was
proud of Whitley and Weiss.

Y/n:(My, I have been such an eavesdropper lately, I do hope this would go away.)

He thought himself, before preparing dinner.

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