Chapter Seven Feat. Dr. Johnathan

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I woken up, I rise up and immediately feel my chest is sore. I felt dirty, so I grab some clothes from my bag and head to the bathroom to take a shower. I undress while the shower runs with hot water, I fold my previous clothes and set it on the ground, then I step into the shower. Somehow and somewhat, it reminds me of the past:

I walk out of the hospital, feeling nothing but grief and sadness. I walk back to my apartment, where I begin to think I should end it all. I had nothing to live for. No friends, family dead. Lost. I grab a water bottle "Lyfe Water" from a Convenient Store, I drink some due to me haven't drink anything almost all day and while I was there, I bought Vodka; I then climb down stairs to my apartment. I unlock my apartment, walk inside and saw the whole living room dark. Currently, I feel like shit, life is going down the toilet. I had minimum furniture, meaning I had much room, so I lay there. I was in a terrible state, had issues and need help. I felt exhausted, so I close my eyes. Then I wake up, feeling the sweat all over my body. I got up, taking my shirt off, but I have an undershirt underneath which is just a white tee shirt. Thinking about the fear of me dying alone, without anyone to be looked after. I walk to the fridge, taking out the vodka, then blaming for myself for not putting it in the fridge. I take a shot glass, started to pour one, I drink it... it burns, like the inferno. I took another one, this was only temporary. I pour the vodka so poorly, that it made a mess on the counter, the movements are getting wobbly with my vision getting blurry within every shot. I had so many rounds and rounds of shot, makes me feel deadly and dangerous, like a crazed gunman. I took one more round and I was out. Waking up again, but on my kitchen floor. My stomach hurts, I had thrown up on the floor. I stand up, seeing that the bottle is one third empty. I later realized that they were probably disappointed that I am walking down the same path that my mother walked. I put the vodka in the freezer, I sit on my recliner and this headache is killing me. That's where I-


My train of thought crash, as someone was waiting for me to get out, so I turn the shower off, I dried myself off. Then I put on my clothes, I grab my previous clothing with the towel, I open the door to see Whitney. I step aside, as I return to the guest bedroom, after I put away the clothing. I went to the kitchen for breakfast, I was thinking of making an omelette. I look into the fridge, looking over my ingredients, some stuff was messing but I could replace it with something. Maybe Whitney would like this time, but in order to do that, you have to crack open a few eggs. So I did, I cut the vegetables, and I made the sauce. I cut the yolk from the egg, I put season on top of it as I stir it and let it sit there while I work on the vegetables and sauce.  Mixing them together, I got the slices of cheese from the fridge, before putting one on an omeletts, then pour some of the sauce over it and fold them, then putting it on the plate. I did this until I have three golden brown and yellow omeletts on the plate, I took out three glass cups and pour juice in for half portion. Sun's rising, I saw Winter walking in. She sit on a chair, I hand her a plate along with her juice, Whitney also come and sit, I hand him his. Then I pass them some utensils with napkins. 

Whitney: Will this be gross like last time?

Winter: Just eat it, he put work into it.

She took a bite, Whitney looks hesitate, I look down at my plate, didn't touch it. I look up to see the curtains covering the sunlight, I walk over to open it, and the sunlight blinds me, my eyes adjusted as I saw people walking on the bust streets, cars driving on the crowded road; I look up at the sky, wondering if what would be like if they still be here.  It has been a full year since my mother's passing, I made a friend and he helped me go through tough times. But good things has come to an end, where he died a month ago, I was there when it happened, an corrupt hunter killed him, when that bullet go through him, it did more than go through him, it took him and I. One of reasons why I dislike them and won't become them. Of course, there are more friends, but he was one of my closest. But I got over it, I vowed to myself to become successful, in one way or another. I stop thinking about it, as I grab a fork and knife, and cut my omelette and start eating. Whitney was taking small bites, Winter was already half finished, she taps her lips with her napkin, before wiping her mouth. 

Winter: I like it.

She said, Whitney take another bite.

Whitney: It is good, I guess. Too spicy for my taste.

Winter: I need go to work, see you two when I get off.

She says, while putting away her plate and utensils in the sink, Winter gets ready for work as Whitney stops eating as he left with his omelette not even half eaten. I look down at my plate, before putting my and Whitney's omelette in the trash. I did the dishes, I look at my reflection as I vaguely remember what my father looks like. My scroll rings, I look at the name, reading nothing but some random number, and sigh, before picking it up.

Y/n: Y/n... L/n.

Then, a robotic female voice can be heard.

Woman: 1 2 21 20 12 5 18 6 15 18 20 8 5 9 3 5 6 1 13 9 12 25 19 8 1 12 12-

I hang up, thinking it is one of those scam artist or whatever. I thought none of it and continue my morning like the usual.

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