Chapter Four

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3rd POV
Y/n sits outside for awhile, he got up and head back inside, he saw Winter is leaving. She saw him and went to him.

Y/n: Any request before your departure?

Winter: I want you to work for me.

Y/n: Sorry?

Winter: When you are done filling in for Klein, I want you to be my Butler.

Y/n: I'm sorry, but no.

Winter: Why?

Y/n: I just don't want to.

Winter looks disappointed as she turns around.

Winter: I'm sorry for offering.

She walks away to leave, Y/n dismissed it as he turns to leave the room. Winter is walking outside, where and limousine is waiting, the driver is outside and he take Winter's suitcase. She gets in as she look at her former home as they drive off. Y/n is cleaning the hallways, Whitley would purposefully make a mess, but he didn't acknowledge it as Y/n have to clean that mess. As he just finished cleaning, he saw Willow walking out and he walks to her.

Y/n: Willow, are you alright?

Willow: Yeah, just going get some wine, care to join me?

Y/n would usually protest about drinking, but he feels like he need it.

Y/n: Yes, and thank you.

They walk to the kitchen, where Y/n grab two wine glasses as Willow takes a wine from the wine cabinet, she fills two up. They take a glass as she take a swig, Willow ask a question that would make Y/n wouldn't answer.

Willow: What was your childhood like?

He take a sip as he set it down. This is where he would talk about a different topic, or find ways to avoid talking about his childhood. But, talking to Willow, the person that he has a relationship with, made him pick a different answer.

Y/n: First, beautiful.... then horrible.

Willow looks worried and goes next to Y/n as she rub her shoulders.

Willow: C-Could you tell me?

Silence has filled the room, Y/n take a large sip from his wine and settling it down.

Y/n:... Yes.

3rd Limited POV
A family of three was living in a home, it was in the morning. The young Y/n was with his mother, they were in the kitchen. They were making breakfast, Y/n's Mother put the pancakes on the plate, the pancakes was golden, fluffy and looks delicious. Y/n put his pancakes on the plate, it was burnt and crispy. Y/n's Mother giggles as she give him head pats. Y/n cries about on how turn out his pancakes.

His father came in, he sits down, Y/n's Mother give him the plate of pancakes, he smiles and pour the syrup on the pancakes. Y/n push the plate of the burnt pancakes to his father, he cut himself a piece and take a bite. Y/n grew a bright smile, his father messes up his hair by playfully ruffling his hair with his hands. The mother sits down as Y/n sitted as well, they enjoy the breakfast. They all grew brighted smiles and laugh, but the mother has the look of something she wants to talk about, but couldn't.

They went through the day, the father spends his day watching TV as the mother did chores, Y/n was playing with his toys. Later that day, he saw his father looking at some papers, looking stressed. He walks over to him and set his toy truck on the table, the father looks at him before he smiles. The father took him to his bedroom, where he slowly fell asleep...... Then, Y/n is woken up to some yelling, he walk outside of his bedroom, the hallway light blinds him a little, making him rub his left eye, his right hand is carrying his stuffed teddy bear. He walks to his parents bedroom

Mother: You can't leave us!

Father: No, I have to do this!

Mother: What about Y/n!? He needs a father figure!

Father: I'm sorry....

The father leaves the bedroom, he saw Y/n holding his bear as he crouch down and his mother steps out.

Father: You should be in bed.

Y/n yawns as he fell asleep in his father's arms, he take him to his bed and tuck him in. In the morning, Y/n walk to the living room to find his mother crying. He walks up to her and give her his teddy bear, she grabs and hugs it. As Y/n hugs her as she hugs him back, from that day on, his mother has been drinking alcohol, his father didn't come back after that. The alcohol would made his mother be cold to his child, leading to early depression. By the age of late teens, his mother was diagnosed by kidney failure due to the alcohol abuse. He waited for days for the treatment, he payed for her treatment which was his tuition for academy. However, it wasn't even enough due to their financial state, the last time he saw his mother was they were having a conversation. When he was outside of his mother's room, he sat one of the chairs and cried. From there on, he moved to Atlas to work as a waiter for four years.

Winter: What was the conversation?

Y/n:.... I don't like to talk about it.

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