I looked at Andy who was still staring at the T.V, his facial expression looked surprised and sad.

"Andy, whats wrong?" I asked 

"Nothing... we should go."  Andy replied 

         I looked at him and nodded while watching him stand up. I don't know why he was being like this but it was scaring me. I followed him out the door and immediately felt the cold wind make it's way onto my face, causing me to shiver. I looked at Andy who was laughing while reaching out for my hand. I took grasp of it and made my way into the passengers seat, his car smelled like weed.. it was disgusting so I covered my nose with the collar of my shirt.

 "Are you okay?" Andy laughed while shutting the car door 

 "Yeah...It just really stinks in here." I replied 

 "Ha, better get used to it." He said pulling out onto the main road 

 "It really stinks." I whined while rolling down my window "What if an officer comes... what do you tell them?" 

 "I just ran out." He laughed "Alex it's fine, it's a tough business."

 "Ugh" I murmured under my breath 

        I sat in the car with my head leaning against the window. The trees were swaying from the wind, the sand that was laying on the road had hit the front of the car causing it to rattle inside, the sky was forming into its regular blue day attire, the sun was peaking out of the mountains which made me smile a little bit.

 "Andy how far is this place?" I questioned 

"An hour or two." He replied 

        I closed my eyes and drifted off into a dream that was unusual.

 "Are you happy?" A voice said from the distance 

"What? where am I?" I replied 

"Are you happy Alex? Do you feel better?" The voice yelled 

        I fixed my vision and stared straight ahead. 

 "Austin?" I asked 

"I loved you." He cried "And then you killed me!?" 

"I miss you...so much." I replied 

"Don't." He snapped 

"Austin, it's my job I had to." I stated 

"Bullshit! Alex." Austin yelled "Tell me why you chose me... tell me why you took my life. Tell me why you thought I had nothing else to live for." Austin cried 

        I looked at him and I could see the slash on his neck, it was scared up and scabby.

"Austin stop crying." I cried "I love you." 

"If you loved me, you would've left me alone and let me live." Austin said 

"Austin." I replied holding out my hand 

        And then he was gone. 

Andy's POV: 

        I made my way into the gates of the house, I heard Alex mumble some stuff here and there but I couldn't make out what she was saying. The gates were black with the words 'OP' in big gold letters. I made my way onto the open road and looked at the trees that lined up perfectly. I finally showed up to the House which was a baby blue color along with the borders of each window painted a white color. I took the keys out of the car and opened my door making my way to Alex's side. 

 "Alex? Alex. Alex" I said 

"hmm?" She questioned 

"Were here." I said 

"Okay, tell me when were here." She mumbled 

"No, Alex we are here." I laughed 

"Okay, I'm coming... stop yelling at me." 

        I watched her get up and unbuckle her seat belt. She looked very cute right now even if she did look like shit does that make sense? I took her hand and walked up to the stairs that led to the entrance of the house.

 "You ready?" I asked 

        She nodded her head as I knocked on the door. I looked at her while my ears were listening to the muffled sounds of barks and voices. 

 "Why are you looking at me?" Alex questioned 

 "You're cute." I stated 

"I know." she smiled 

        After a couple of minutes the door opened and there stood the boss of basically everything. 

"Hello, you must be Alex. I'm Jackie welcome to Overplay."  She said holding out her hand. 



I'm not going to update anymore if you guys keep bugging me, it's very stressful and writing is one of the things I enjoy and I don't want it to feel like a job. You have to understand that I go to school for 8 hours a day and then I have to do my homework. I also go and visit my dad a lot, I also have friends I hang out with. So please do not make me feel like this is a job or else I'm going to stop for while. 


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