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"See? That wasn't hard," I said to Lena after all our guests had left. It was a little late, indeed.

She smiled, grabbing her cell phone from the kitchen counter and putting it in her pocket. "I think we should do this more often."

I frowned. "Now I think you're exaggerating."

Lena laughed softly, putting some things in the appropriate place while talking to me. She truly is the most charming woman I've ever met, and she has no clue of it. "I meant traveling more. We should do it at least once a year."

I nodded. "I agree. A honeymoon once a year sounds amazing. Now, love, can we please clean this up tomorrow? I'm exhausted."

Lena nodded, leaving the plates and cups where they were and walking towards me. "Sure. I just hope you're not too exhausted..."

I smirked. "Really? Why is that?"

My wife kissed me softly and made sure to bite my lower lip as she pulled away. "No reason."

"Oh yeah?" I teased her back, pulling her into me as she tried to get away and kissing her neck, her weak spot.

Lena moaned — and that was *my* weak spot. I kept kissing her neck and my hands traveled around her body, from her waist up. "Stop."

I immediately pulled away. "What's wrong? I thought you were enjoying it."

She shook her head. "It's my turn to please you."

"Love, it doesn't have to-"

She kissed me, shutting me up entirely. "I want it to be this way. Is that clear?"

I laughed a little. "Sure, ma'am. In that case, show me what you got."

Lena stripped out of her clothes, revealing a gorgeous lingerie underneath. "Do you like it?"

I was speechless. "I- When did you buy it?"

"I have to surprise you. We can't let the flame go out or whatever."

I laughed and kissed her hard. "I don't see that ever happening between us."

"So, love, I was thinking..." I started, right after we'd had sex and were cuddling in bed.


"What's our next destination?"

Lena laughed. "Travel destination? Honey, we just got back."

I nodded, kissing her bare shoulder. "My point exactly. I wanna see the world and do things with you. I'd love it if we could be one of those couples that travels for a living, you know? They work on the way or they work just enough to keep on traveling."

Lena turned around to face me. "You are absolutely insane, because you would not handle this life. It's not you, Stef." She grinned at me as I watched her.

"Well, I guess. Maybe you're right."

Lena laughed. "Maybe? You're the most workaholic person I know. You wouldn't last a week without freaking out about something."

I sighed. "OK, fine, you are right then."

"I'm always right." She said, smuggedly.

I shook my head. "You are so not."

"Tell me at least one time I was wrong about something."

I raised an eyebrow. "Easy. You thought you wouldn't fall in love with me."

"I don't wanna be right about that. I'm so glad I was wrong."

I smiled softly at her and we kissed deeply. "I love you, Lena Adams Foster."

"I love you too, Stefanie Adams Foster. Our wedding was... amazing. I'm so glad we did it our way."

"Of course, love. Now, moving forward: what's our next destination? What continent do you prefer?"

Lena laughed into my neck and her hot breathing was all I needed at that moment. She was remarkable in such simple ways. "Well, we were in Asia just now, so maybe we can cross that out for a while. You did visit me in London, so I'd say Europe is out of the picture too..."

"How about South America? We could hit a few countries at once. Brazil, Argentina, Chile..?" I suggested.

Lena shook her head. "We can either do Brazil or Argentina and Chile. Brazil is very big, lots to see. I'm sure Argentina and Chile too, but I know about Brazil for a fact because my parents went there once and they spent 2 full weeks just going from once city to another."

"Mhm. Ok, we can look into that a bit more. The plus thing about Argentina or Chile is that you speak Spanish brilliantly." I complimented her, pulling her closer to me.

Lena smiled. "I can get around, yes. But you can speak Spanish too, I know you can."

"Not nearly as much as you. However, I've been to Spain a few years ago and every Spanish girl could get what I was saying." I bragged, just to make her a tad bit jealous.

"I'm sure they could. A woman like you, if you spoke Japanese to me, I'd say I understand."

I laughed. "But you've been to Chile once, right?"

Lena nodded. "Yeah. After a bad break up. I just needed to go out there and experience some things on my own, you know? Chile was great for that."

"I bet the girls there loved you too." I said.

"Well, let's just say I had my share of rebound girls."

I laughed at her teasing me. "Oh really? Interesting. Am I your rebound girl?"

Lena grins at me. "There is no such thing as a rebound wife. And you're my wife. You're it for me. And you know it." She starts laughing but turns serious at the end.

I nod and cup her face with my hands. "I know."

"What about you? If I go to Argentina or Chile with you, and the girls start hitting on you-"

I interrupted her with a firm kiss on the lips. "I'll make sure they now I'm a married woman. A very. very. very. very. happy. woman." I punctuated the words with kisses on Lena's stomach, moving my way down to her pussy.

"Mhm," she moaned as I started working on her. "Who's the very happy woman now, huh?"

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