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    Today was the day. I'd woken up next to Lena, made her some breakfast, left her alone in bed for a bit while I went to get ready to buy some groceries.

    "How can you live like this, woman? I thought teachers were supposed to be responsible," I complained and got dressed to go buy her some food. Her fridge was almost empty; all she had in there were some vegetables and lettuce, which I know she loves, but a person can't live with only those items in their fridge. Besides, Lena might love this kind of food, but I don't, and while I'm here, I have to get some things for me to eat as well.

    Lena smiled. "It's not always like this, okay? But I appreciate your act of kindness by going to the store for me."

    I smiled back. "Can't let you starve, right? Besides, being here while you study is..."

    Lena got up from bed naked and threw my shirt on from last night. "Boring, I know."

    Watching my girlfriend study? Are you kidding me? Lena is the sexiest woman I know, specially while studying. The way she puts her hair up and grabs sticky notes, sticks them to the book ever so determinedly... I shook my head. "Anything but that, actually. But I know you need to focus, so I don't wanna distract you..."

    My girlfriend kissed me in the lips as I tied my shoes sitting in bed. "And I love you for understanding this."

    "... which is why you have exactly three hours to study, and then I'm back." I added. That was about the time I needed to do some grocery shopping for the basics of the house and for the special evening I'd planned.

    Lena laughed and sat on my lap. "Honey, three hours are not gonna do it for me." I knew she needed more, but, come on. I flew all the away from America. We could compromise.

    I rolled my eyes. "Fine, you have two hours then."

    Lena laughed and kissed my neck. "I need more, Stefanie." The way she calls me by my first name...

    I kissed her cheek. "Two and a half?"

    "You are impossible. I really need to study, babe." Lena grinned at me.

    I sighed. "Three hours, final offer. Deal?"

    My girlfriend laughed and kissed me passionately. "Deal."

    I got all smug as I grabbed my wallet and keys and kissed her goodbye. "What?" She asked, laughing.

    "Nothing. I just always get what I want," I said, simply.

    Lena laughed out loud. "Oh my God, I hate it when you go all smug on me."

    I shut the door, "You love me!"

    This was the time. I needed to go grocery shopping for us, but I was also ring shopping for Lena. I needed to propose to her. I wanted to. Tonight was the perfect night for that to happen.

    As I went ring shopping first - because it simply didn't make sense to walk into a store holding several grocery bags - , I saw beautiful rings, but none of them felt right. I kept walking and decided to go to a natural store that sells natural food as well as anything "good vibes". Lena loved their essential oils, and, interestingly enough, they also had stores here. I always thought it to be a local shop. But what do I know?

    I walked in and decided to get her some lavender, her favorite essential oil. When I was about to pay for it, I saw some beautiful rings. "Do you also sell rings here?"

    The cashier reassured me that they did, and I decided to take a look. I saw this beautiful ring that matched Lena perfectly. It also would look good on me, I think. It had a crystal, which I knew would make everything much more meaningful to us, to our relationship. "What stone is this?"

    "Beautiful, isn't it? It's called ruby. It promotes high self-esteem, intuition, and spiritual wisdom. It's also a symbol of good fortune, pure love, and loyalty. As an aphrodisiac stone, it brings vigor into the life of those who wear it.  You interested?" The woman asked.

    "Now more than anything else," I said. I'd found the perfect engagement ring. I was attracted to it; it was almost as if I was meant to come in here and buy it.

    As soon as I'd bought our rings - mine slightly smaller than Lena's, although hers wasn't that big either -, I walked out of the store and my phone rang. Lena.

    "Miss me already?" I asked.

    She laughed on her end. "Well, yeah, but that's not why I called. My friend Gary wants to come over tonight to study, but I told him you were here and ended up invinting him for dinner with us. Is that ok?"

    Well, there go my plans for tonight. Fuck.

    "Yeah, I'm- I just, um, wanted to spend some alone time with you, is all," I said, hoping she would call him and cancel.

    Lena sighed. "I know, honey, I do, but I'd love it if you could meet my friends while you're here. It just seemed like a good opportunity, you know?"

    Yep. To hell with my romantic plans.

    "Right. Well, is there anything in particular you want from the store?" I asked.

    "Actually, yeah. Gary's vegan, so I'm gonna text you the ingredients to this amazing dish I'm planning to cook tonight, ok?"

    "Great. Vegan food for dinner! I'll buy it, just text me," I said, extremelly unhappy, mostly because my dreams of proposing tonight had been shattered by this unknown Gary guy.

    "Stef, what's wrong? It's not like we had plans. You told me we were only going to stay in," Lena said.

    I sighed. "No, you're right. Sorry. See you soon, Lena."

    I hung up the phone and headed to the store. As soon as I got there, I got my phone out and read texts from Lena with the ingredients and an "I love u". Now she thinks I'm mad at her for no apparent reason. Great. I hated this Gary person.

    I took a while longer just walking around the city, not wanting to go home soon and disturb my girlfriend's studying. And, also, I needed some time to come up with a different plan to propose. Since Gary was coming over tonight for dinner, I wouldn't wanna do it tonight. Not even after he's gone. I want a little speech, a romantic scene, and alone time. I'd love some alone time after she said yes...

    Focus, Stefanie. Ok, so tonight was off the table. But what about tomorrow morning? Of course, I'd have to get up earlier than Lena, which requires setting the alarm, so that I could make her breakfast in bed in put the ring in her bagel? Not inside it, of course. But in the hole in the middle.

    It could be romantic. After that we'd have some morning sex and she'd go off to work/study telling everyone just how great I am and how she's now my fiance. That works too. I could definitely make that work.

    Ok, in a better mood now. Now that I have it figured out, it sounds doable. I was anxious, of course, specially now that I had a fucking ring to hide... but postponing it to tomorrow morning wasn't so bad.

    I walked around some more and decided to finally go home.

    Tomorrow was the day.

AN: Thanks for those of you who still read this story and for your ongoing support. Your comments mean the world to me!  All mistskes are mine.

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