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"Hey, baby, I just got here. I miss you already!" Lena texted me as soon as her plane landed on her final destination.

"I love you, love. How was your flight?" I texted back.

"It was fine. I met a nice woman who lives right near where I'll live and maybe she'll show me around, get me familiar with the place."

"That's great! Is she pretty? 🧐" I texted, teasing her.

"Ha. You're a lost cause, aren't you. 🙄"
I laughed, knowing she was probably having fun with my sily comments.

"Baby I gotta go. I'm going to get settled in at the place and find my spot and I'll text you later. Lysm"

"FaceTime me if you can. I miss your pretty face."

"Ok! ❤️" she sent me.

A few hours later, I got a call from Lena on FaceTime.

"Hey, baby! How are you?"

"I'm awesome! This place is great. I love everything about it, seriously, Stef, it's so big!" Lena said.

"Yeah? I'm glad you're settling in just fine." I smiled at her enthusiasm.

"Let me show you how great it is," she said, giving me a tour around her apartment for the next 3 months.

"It has three bookshelves, three! Our place has none and this place has three big bookshelves, I bet they could fit I don't even know how many books-"

I laughed. "Yeah, baby, but our place isn't finished yet; give us some credit."

She smiled. "I know, but still! Three bookshelves this size..." she pointed to the bookshelves one more time.

"Alright, if that's what it takes for you to come home, I'll buy a thousand bookshelves online and you buy your plane tickets, kay?" I joked.

"You know it doesn't work like that, honey." She smiled sadly at me.

"I know. You're being an awesome professional and all, but look, I could still buy the bookshelves even when you're still there."

"That'd be great," she smiled.

"Something to look forward to."

Lena sighed. "You're something to look forward to."

I smiled shyly. "I know. I can't wait for you to come back."

Lena laughed. "Honey, I just got here. You gotta be a little more patient."

"You and I know I'm not a patient person. You just left and I'm already having separation anxiety," I said.

Lena laughed at my exaggerated expressions. "I love you."

"Right back at you."

"So, when are you coming to visit? I really wanna give you a tour around my bedroom that may or may not have to do with the fact that it has a big bed that desperately needs to be used." Lena winked at me and I couldn't help but laugh.

"Well, damn, I guess I'll have to get right on it then."

"You'd better." She winked at me again.

"Will you stop winking at me? It really bugs me when you wink at me when I can't kiss you."

Lena laughed her sweet laugh. "It does?"

"Fucking frustrating." I shared my opinion.

"Fine, I'll stop," she said, winking again.

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