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    I woke up at 7AM since I'd set an alarm so I wouldn't oversleep. My mother was here, after all.

    I'd put some clothes on before sleeping last night just in case Mom knocked and needed me for something. Stef, however, fell asleep before she could get a chance to do the same.

    I wrapped my arm around her waist and kissed her exposed neck, causing her to wake up.

    "Mhmm. 'Tis early."

    I smirked. It was kinda early. "Mom's here. I need to make breakfast and keep her company."

    Stef sighed, knowing I was right. "I'm honestly embarrassed to go out this door. What if your Mom heard something from last night?"

    I laughed. "You could've kept it down a little."

    My girlfriend got up from the bed, putting a large t-shirt on before looking at me. "No, I really couldn't have! Not the way you had your tongue on my-"

    I approached her and kissed her softly. "Okay. Let's talk about this some other time."

    "Why? Can't resist?" She rose her eyebrow at me.

    "You know I can't. Now please put some pants on," I threw a pair of sweatpants at her. She grabbed them and obeyed my wish.

    We went into the kitchen, surprised to find Mom on her phone in front of the TV. So yes, she'd already gotten up.

    We said good morning and I made ourselves some pancakes, which we ate and talked about our day.

    "We could go take a walk on the park nearby, have a nice picnic. It's small and very nature-y." Stef suggested.

    I nodded. "Or, we could watch a movie. I don't know. What do you feel like doing, Mom?"

    "Well, I thought we could go out for lunch." Mom suggested.

    "I agree, give my baby some time off from cooking," she wrapped  her arms around my waist and kissed my temple softly.

    I smiled in return. "I don't mind it, but I'd love to eat out too."

    After we agreed on our plans, Stef decided to go to the gym, since she had plenty of time between breakfast and getting ready for lunch.

    She kissed my cheek and said goodbye to me and Mom, leaving us both alone.

    "So, Stef... She seems nice." Mom started.

    I nodded. "She is."

    "I really like this one, Lena. This relationship... it could really go somewhere. I hope you two don't mess this up." Mom affirmed, looking at me seriously.

    I almost couldn't believe my ears. Sure, I thought Mom'd liked Stef, but I didn't know it was to this extent. I was completely and utterly shocked. I guess the good thing about never expecting anything from Mom was it had its positive side - whenever she did something like this, it felt amazing. To have her approval, even though I didn't need it.

    "Have you talked about children? How many and when? I mean it, sweetheart, I want grandchildren and I'm not getting any younger here."

    Just like that, I went back to being hurt. I don't appreciate how much pressure she puts on me.

    "No, we haven't. Stef's trying to get promoted and I'm not sure I'm ready to have kids right now, frankly. I am not even 30 yet." I argued.

    "But your 30th birthday will be here before you know it. And then, you're 40, 50..."

    I sighed. "I get it, Mom. We haven't discussed it yet but I will let you know when we're actually having a child."

    "Well, do you know if Stef even wants a child? At least that  you must know..."

    I didn't know. And I hated the fact that the answer might be no.

    "Listen, I've got a couple of emails to reply. Are you okay here for a little while? "

    She nodded and I went into my bedroom, grabbing my laptop and getting some work done. Finally, about two hours later, Stef walked into our bedroom, all sweaty and smiling at me, with a questioning look on her face.

    "Hey, love, I hope you didn't leave Dana alone this entire time."

    I huffed impatiently. So Stef and Mom were getting along quite well, and while I was happy about it, I also didn't need my girlfriend controlling my behavior towards my mother, whom she barely knows.

    "Wha- did you?" She asked, putting her earphones and phone on our bed while taking her shirt off.

    "Yes, yes, I did." I affirmed as I refused to look at Stef's hot and sweaty body right in front of me, her toned stomach facing me. I ignored how hot she looked and simply avoided eye contact.

    "Okay... Hey, listen, when I was working out, I got a call from Melissa and she wanted us to double date."

    "Mhmm. You, me, Melissa and your ex? Exciting." I replied, already upset with Mom being here and taking it out on Stef.

    "Hey, hey, what's going onwith you?" She asked, also impatient due to my moody attitude.

    I sighed. "You never told me what happened between you two."

    She shook her head.  "No, that's not what this is about. You've been bitchy ever since I got back from the gym, and probably due to whatever fight you and Dana got into while I was gone, but honestly-"

    "I don't want to talk about it."

    "Love, I'm here-"

    "Stef, do not push me on this. I don't want to talk about it. Please let it go." I affirmed rather rudely.

    Oh God, Stef was finally getting to know me. All my sides. After almost 6 months together, just now was she getting to know my Lena When Her Mom's In Town mood.

    "Well, are we still going out for lunch? Should I go get ready or...?" She asked.

    I nodded. "Yes."

    Stef stripped out of her gym clothes in front of me - what a tease! - and went into the bathroom to take a shower. God, was she hot.

    A while after, the three of us went to an italian restaurant and ordered.

    "So, Stef. I take it by now you've already heard I approve of your relationship with my daughter," Mom said.

    Stef smiled and nodded, while grabbing my hand under the table. She was too sweet. Even after my mood today, she still managed to be this loving.

    "Well, I guess what I'm wondering is... What we're all wondering is... When do you plan to have children?"

    My girlfriend choked on the water she was drinking, nearly spitting it out. She took her hand away from mine, as if I'd hurt her, and I, myself, was shocked.

    Of course I wasn't wondering when, I never wanted to put that amount of pressure on my 5-month girlfriend. Sure, we love each other, but isn't that exactly why we should wait to have children? I sure thought so, and reckoned we were on the same page. Now, though, I questioned it: did Stef not want children at all? Had this been a mistake?

AN: What do you think? Please don't forget to vote, comment and thanks so much for your ongoing support reading this story!!


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