Chapter 12 - Rough Reunion

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The sweat dribbled out foem underneath his hair.  The prison walls making him feel clostraphobic as the guards lead him to Gabriel Ageeste's cell. Adrien briskly wiped the sweat from his brow as he crossed through the secured gate. Upon seeing Adrien, Gabriel jumped up in surprise and turned around to cling to the bars. 

"Adrien! You have no idea how good it is to see you."  The words rushing from his lips. Adrien crossed one of his arms across his body and looked to the floor. This was awkward.

"Adrien, I know you must be mad at me, but please try to understand that I was only trying to do the right thing." Gabriel explained sensing what his son was feeling.

"I understand father. I know the feeling of trying to do the right thing for your family. Though you went about doing it in all the wrong ways." Adrien still couldn't bring his eyes to his father as he began to rub his hand up and down his arm. Gabriel listened intently to the younger man carefully.

"I just find it difficult to forgive you, especially since I know you just gave the miraculous to someone else. There was an akuma attack yesterday, putting my kids, your grandkids, in danger!" Adrien was increasingly upsetting himself at his own words. Suddenly, Gabriel was feeling very surprised and conscious of his actions. Was he really threatening family he had never known existed!? Family he had never met!?

"Do you have someone out there trying to accomplish your goal of bringing mother back, since you're behind bars!? Yes, we lost her and it sucked, but look how its changed us. I was beginning to build a relationship with you, at least until you became overprotective and were hiding away to become Hawkmoth. Except you know what,  it helped me become a better father to my kids." Adrien continued. The longer he went on, the more Gabriel felt guilty for his actions.

"Adrien you don't need to remind me what I'm here for. I am well aware of the mistakes I've made. I was only trying to do the right thing." Gabriel breathed with sophistication trying to conceal his sorrow. A stillness came between them. The awkwardness returning to its place. Finally, Gabriel broke the silence.

"I heard you got married." Gabriel's voice was low and and curious. Adrien looked away and crossed one of his arms embarrassed that his father was only finding out now.

"I am. It wasn't long after you were sent away that I asked her to marry me. I needed a support system and I knew that she would be what I needed." Adrien explained firmly.

"I assume the little Dupen Chang girl." Gabriel added. 

"Marinette." Adrien corrected a little anger hidden in his tone.  Gabriel only nodded. 

"Father who did you give the butterfly miraculous to?" Adrien grit through his teeth aware of the guards outside the door. 

"I'm sorry Adrien, but I must keep that information classified." Gabriel shied away from his son. Adrien was beginning to lose his temper.

"Why!?" He would soon be on the end of his rope. He absolutely dispised secrets. They bothered him to no end, this would be no exception. 

"It's for your safety. This person is younger than I and far more dangerous. I'm only trying to protect you from them." The elder Agreste reasoned. This was it, Adrien was done.

"Seriously!?  You think keeping secrets will protect me!? You haven't changed a bit. I have a family to protect, so if you won't tell me, I'm going to figure it out on my own." With that Adrien turned for the door.

"Adrien wait!" Adrien stopped in his tracks and stood still. His anger flared not sure if he even wanted to hear what his father had to say.

"Adrien please let me see the family. I wasn't trying to put them in danger. I just wanted to be able to share this with your mother. Please son. I know I've done wrong and though I'm here, I still want to be incorporated in the family." Gabriel was begging to beg for his second chance now. He was now truly sorry. He now realized that he had again made a big mistake.

"It's too late now father." Adrien scoffed as he left the scene. Gabriel's heart sank. He had managed to rip his family apart again. Adrien stormed from the prison to his car. Glancing at his watched he concluded that he still had an hour before he would have to pick up the kids from school. Slapping his left hand down on his thigh in frustration, Adrien broke down. His right hand came up to his face as the angry tears began to swell in his eyes. Why him? He had lost his mother and his father was no better than a mischievous tramp. The tears were spilling now, the streaks leaving clear marks. Adrien sat there alone for the whole hour, his mind racing with questions and fear for his family. Noticing the time, he pulled himself together. Using his arms he smeared thd wet stains on his cheeks and sniffles his nose. Quietly, he shifted his silver Renault-Sedan into gear and drove out of the parking lot. Emma and Hugo were waiting outside waiting for their father. He was a bit later than usual. When Adrien finally pulled up, the two eagerly jumped in, but soon as they sat down they knew something was off. Their was a soft tense mood in the air. Emma studied her father carefully, noticing his blood shot eyes and his weak, unsure movements. She had never seen him like this and honestly she was worried about him. Once they arrived home, Adrien locked himself in his room. Based on their conversation the night before, Marinette assumed that her husband had gone to see his father. Due to his reaction it had not gone very well. The kids were worried beyond belief and Mari had to use everything in her power to calm them. Eventually she got them to focus on their homework instead of the sour mood in the home. Adrien did not eat dinner with his family that night which made dinner a silent one. Afterwards, Louis helped his mother with the dishes while Emma and Hugo snuck off to their rooms.

"I'm worried about my dad Tiki. Do you think he's okay?" Hugo confided in his little friend.

"Adrien doesn't often act like this, so when he does it means something is really bothering him." The kwami sputtered sweetly trying to lift the worry from Hugo's shoulders.

"Thanks Captain Obvious." Hugo remarked a bit harshly. The boy sighed. 

"I'm sorry Tiki. I'm not trying to be mean, I'm just worried. Maybe going out patrol will ease me." Tiki smiled as she placed her little hand on Hugo's shoulder comfortingly.

"Tiki spots on." Hugo whispered. A calm transformation was completed before Little Bug opened his window and jumped out. Across the hall, Emma was having a similar conversation with Plagg.

"Actually many don't ever see him in this kind of funk, but I've been through it all." Plagg huffed as he picked up a large triangle of cheese. 

"Usually, it was when he'd have an issue with his dad." The kwami raised the cheese above his head and plopped it in his mouth. Emma was hardly paying any attention to the cat, ror her mind was still racing through the events of the evening since they had been home.

"This would be about the time he would transform and roam around Paris to clear his head." Plaggg mentioned searching around for another slice of cheese.

"You know that's not a bad idea. Afterall that's happened today I need to regather my tjoufhts." Emma decided as she held up her hand.

"Plagg, claws out." The girl stared calmly.

"Wait, wait,! My cheese!" Plagg squealed as he was sucked into the ring. After completing her transformation, Lady Chat escaped out her window. Little did they know what would happen next 

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