Chapter 56: Control

Start from the beginning

???: Nowhere. I made that up as an attempt to cheer you up. I clearly failed. 

I closed my eye and resumed my probable sleep.





???: What happened to your face?

Y/N: Some shit stain cut me. 

He gasped. 

???: Oh... Sorry. It must've hurt. 

I nodded... I opened my eye once again. He was drinking what remained inside the mug.


Y/N: Are you blind?

His eyebrows rose. He set the mug down and turned his head away from me.

???: No, actually. I'm just worried you might get scared when you see them. 

I smirked.

Y/N: I've seen a lot of shit in my life, your eyes are the last thing that can scare me. 

I could tell that reassured him from how his head turned to me. His smile returned. 

???: Alright, here I go!

He slowly opened his eyes... My jaw dropped at the surprise. He had... dark red eyes. Their color resembled blood. It felt so... mesmerizing to look at them... 

'Why do they seem familiar?'


He screamed in happiness. He jumped to his feet so hard that his chair fell. He slammed his hands on the table with a giant smile on his face... It showed his sharp yellow teeth. My fists clenched as the realisation started kicking in.

'I'm not... affected by them..?'

???: We really CAN be best friends!

He was clapping out of excitement with his eyes closed. I closely looked at his right hand... It had small scars all around it. That convinced me enough to confirm who this guy really is. In a second, I vaulted over the table and pulled my fist back. When he looked at my movement, his happy face immediatly changed into one of surprise. My fist collided with his cheek, launching him to the ground a few feet away from me. 

The see-through aura engulfed me as I yelled:

Y/N: Figment of my imagination, my ass. Who are you really?!

He was lying on his stomach. He laughed as he slowly got up to his feet... I sensed this aura around him... It made me not want to let my guard down, not even a second. He turned his head around to look at me... His eyes glew in the dark. They weren't mesmerizing to look at like before, instead they made me tense. 

Red Eyes: I think you already know the answer to that.

The smile on his face widened. Almost as if he was mocking me just with his lips. The fingers on my hands twitched as I figured it out... That vision... That dream... That was all him. He is the one who'll erase everything. I looked at my hands in disbelief... 

'I'm the one who ends the timeline? But... That can't be.'

Red Eyes: Oh but it can!

He said in between giggles. I looked up at him... The person in the suit and black tie was someone else... It was me. The only difference about him was his eyes. He had his hands on his hips as he stared at me. I clenched my fists.

Earthling And A Saiyan (Male Reader x Goki)Where stories live. Discover now